Friday, May 25, 2012

Chp 403. Delhi Journal - 3

Urrrmm… yeah sometimes people hear different things, especially when they’re at a new city. The new culture, new environment, new surroundings, new people, new language, all these add to misinterpretation sometimes…

Kinda lame, I know… I just needed something to update today :)


  1. was thinking, what is kima gonna show in this titty* games. his moobs....haha, then i keep reading on the rest of the blog...

  2. Just don't pop it around GB road ok hairehai :P

  3. pu sandmand he blog ah hian han contri ve teh... nang bloggers chhuan vawrah..

  4. @ HV: Haha I know that place! :P

    @ Lal: Interesting... mahse contribute tu te saw an bawn e... ka hre nual mai, ka ngaihsan an awm nual bawk... keini te chuan kan lo va submit ve ngam dawn a mi...

  5. Delhi I lo chho leh ni maw.. my disciple.. my follower haha..
