Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Chp 897. The Enigma of Iskut Zung

Now that you know what Iskut is, say hello to Iskut zung, which is the root of Iskut.

Iskut zung is like the secret treasure of the Mizo vegetable world—so rare and elusive that even many Mizos don’t know much about it!

It’s not that we’re hiding it on purpose; it’s just that it’s rarely available. Let me explain. 

As I mentioned in my previous blog post on cultivating Iskut, once we harvest Iskut, we don’t need to plant new seeds for the next crop. The previous harvest has already established roots, and in the next season, they sprout again, leading to a second harvest, and then a third. It’s only after the third or fourth harvest that we usually dig up the Iskut zung and eventually plant new seeds for the next cycle.

So, as you can see, it takes three to four harvests of Iskut—nearly two years—to get just ONE harvest of Iskut zung, which is why it’s so rare.

Of course, you could dig out the root after the first harvest, but it would still be quite small. Plus, why go through the effort of planting new seeds when you can just let the root do the work for you?

This is why some of my Mizo friends have never tasted or even heard of Iskut zung.

Well, let me tell you—it is soooo good! The best way to cook Iskut zung is to fry it on a low flame, allowing it to develop a golden, crispy exterior while retaining its tender interior. It has a unique flavour profile that’s a delightful blend of potato and tapioca, with a subtle stickiness and a perfect balance of mild sweetness and savoury notes. It’s seriously good—an indulgence that’s well worth the wait!

I consider myself a master chef in the fine art of cooking Iskut zung. And let’s be honest, there must be plenty of single ladies out there dreaming of a guy who knows his way around this rare delicacy. If that sounds like you, well... you know where to find me, wink wink! :D

Just recently, I flew down to Pune to flaunt my culinary skills in a series of cooking sessions. Let’s just say, it was a smash hit! The dish was such a crowd-pleaser that everyone was left wondering how on earth I’m still single. :P

So here's the funniest part about my trip to Pune. I spoke to the other farmers around my farm and booked their Iskut zung in advance to be harvested on an exact date. Just one day before my flight, my dear neighbours did as told, and altogether, I managed to obtain 10 kgs of Iskut zung. I then left my farm for the city.

The next day I left for the airport. Since the air authorities have many restrictions on what can and cannot be carried in a checked-in suitcase (I once had my entire 3 kgs of precious smoked pork confiscated), I didn't want to take any chances, so I carried the 10 kgs of Iskut zung in my hand baggage. Yeah, it was freaking heavy.

Once I cleared the security check, I didn’t want the weight of the Iskut zung to crush my laptop, so I had an empty plastic bag ready. I transferred the Iskut zung into it and carried the bag separately. All was going smoothly until it was time to board the flight. As we were walking across the tarmac toward the plane, disaster struck—my plastic bag suddenly TORE under the weight!

Lolzzz, Iskut zungs went rolling everywhere on the runway around the plane. A few kind passengers and the ground crew rushed to help me gather them, while others couldn’t stop laughing. It was hilarious and utterly embarrassing all at once!

Ahhh the things we do for love, lolz.

And then I had an 8-hour layover at Kolkata airport before my Pune flight, so I spent that time lugging around the heavy 10 kgs of Iskut zung all over the terminal, from the cafe to the loo to the smoking section to the bar to the bookstore to the convenient store to the everywhere. :D

Yup, my poor shoulder and back indeed.

But all that was worth it as I reached Pune safely with my Iskut zungI headed straight to my dear friends Teresa and Nitin’s house, where they graciously hosted me, as always. My old friend Siami also stopped by to welcome me, and here she is posing with one of the prized Iskut zungs.

The next day, Teresa invited some of my old friends in Pune to their place for dinner, and I whipped up the most amazing Iskut zung dish ever to grace the planet. Seriously, it was so good that a few people fainted when they found out I’m still single despite my culinary genius.

Here's the perfect song to play while eating my Iskut zung, by this artist called... Kimhana, have you heard of it?

My Iskut zung brings all the chicks to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I can teach you, but I have to charge

Then another night, I cooked for Sumeet and his family, including a few colleagues from work. Once again, the Iskut zung was a massive hit. The best part? Everyone agreed it wasn’t just delicious, but had a completely new flavour they’d never experienced before. That meant a lot to me, especially since many of them were vegetarians—proof that Iskut zung can win over any palate!

I also discovered that night that Iskut zung pairs perfectly well with dal-roti too, turning a simple meal into a culinary masterpiece!

Aaaand with that, my work was done. I had spread the message of the Iskut Lord far and wide. My mission to enlighten the masses was complete—one bite of Iskut zung at a time. 

I had converted the unbelievers, turning ordinary folks into Iskut zung devotees. They now understood the gospel of Iskut, and I could almost hear the whispers of “Yum-lelujah!” as they savoured every piece.

And so, with my culinary crusade behind me, I flew back to Mizoram, back to my farm, content in the knowledge that I had educated and edified their taste buds in the ways of the mighty Iskut zung.


Friday, August 23, 2024

Chp 896. How to grow Iskut

Let me introduce you to the humble yet mighty Iskut, the unsung hero of Mizo cuisine. 

Iskut, or as others might call it - chayote, squash, mirliton, chow chow, christophene, or vegetable pear, is that versatile vegetable that has a permanent VIP pass to every Mizo kitchen.

Iskut is like the potato of Mizoram - except greener, smoother, and with a lot more personality. Whether it is boiled, or bai (Mizo style of broth), or bawl (Mizo style of congee), or stir-fried, or curried, or tossed in a salad, or added as a Momo filling, Iskut makes its way into almost every meal. 

Heck, if you're a Mizo and you haven’t eaten Iskut in at least one form today, are you even a Mizo?

This unassuming green gourd has a mild, slightly sweet flavour that plays well with pretty much any ingredient you throw at it. Honestly, if Iskut were a person, it would be that super-friendly neighbour who’s always there when you need them, and somehow, they always have just the right thing you’re looking for.

But Iskut isn’t just a vegetable—it’s practically a way of life here in Mizoram. From the farm to the table, this little green gem is a staple that’s as reliable as the sunrise and just as essential.

And the place where Iskut is known for the most in Mizoram is Sihphir, where my farm is situated. Sihphir mass produces Iskut so much that it even earned the nickname "Isiphir". :D

I am even a member of the Sihphir Iskut Association by the way, and so here is my short blog post on how to grow Iskut for anyone interested. I hope you enjoy reading it.

I'm going to start from scratch here, assuming you want to know how to cultivate this vegetable for the first time.

First of all, you will need land. The ideal conditions for Iskut cultivation include well-drained, fertile soil, plenty of sunlight, and a good water source. 

It thrives in areas with a warm temperature (between 15°C to 25°C), humid climate (around 70% to 80% humidity), and high altitude (from 1500 to 2000 meters above sea level) with subtropical dry winter climate, making places like Sihphir perfect for cultivation. 

Once you have the land, you will need to clear it for cultivation, and we usually do this by cutting the weeds with our machetes and brushcutters.

We then burn the pile of weed along with the larger and tougher plants that our tools can’t easily handle (including this thorny, irritating vine called Siali nu chh* which I will write about one day, lolz). Burning the area is quick and cost-effective, and the ashes add nutrients to the soil.

Now, you might think this sounds like "jhum cultivation", but it’s not. Jhum involves burning large forested areas and clearing them for new crops, followed by "shifting cultivation" where people move to a different area for the next crop, whereas here on my farm, I’m just managing the same land that’s already in use.

We control the fire carefully, by burning in batches or creating "mei kawng sial"—small, barren patches that act as firebreaks to prevent the flames from spreading. The fire stays exactly where it’s supposed to, safely prepping the soil without any risk to neighbouring farms or forests (I definitely wouldn't want to piss off my farm neighbour by burning up his land because he's the former Chief Minister of Mizoram, lolz). 

So, while the whole process might resemble Jhum from a distance, it’s a much more controlled and targeted farming method.

We also take extra care to protect valuable trees within the flame area, like this Cherry Blossom sapling below. We wrapped it with another plant's stem to shield it from the heat, ensuring it survived unharmed.

Once the land is burnt and cleared, it’s time to plant the seeds.

In this case, the "seeds" are actually sacks full of Iskut from the previous harvest, now hardened and showing the first signs of sprouting. In Sihphir, whenever we harvest our Iskut, we keep around 90% for consumption or marketing and leave the remaining 10% for the next harvest.

And oh, by the way, there are two types of Iskut grown here—one with thorns and one without. Farmers tend to prefer the thornless variety since it’s easier to handle, though both types offer the same great taste.

So this is what the Iskut to be planted looks like.

If you don't have Iskut saved from your previous harvest, you can buy them from other farmers.

Note how the seed is just about to sprout.

Once you have those Iskut, it's time to plant them into the soil.

Dig shallow holes in the ground, around 3 meters apart from each other, and place three Iskuts in each hole, making sure they’re not completely buried in the soil. As you can see from the images below, they should be just lightly nestled into the earth.

Once they are planted, we usually add cow dung and ashes from the nearby burnt plants to the soil. And once the vines start flowering, we add DAP and Urea. These additions can help ensure a healthier, more bountiful crop.

And of course, be sure to plant them just before the monsoon begins, as they require a lot of water. Unless you’re up for the challenge of installing a watering system or committing to daily manual watering, lolz. It’s best to let nature take care of the hydration.

As you wait for the seeds to sprout, there’s an important task to tackle—constructing a support net above the Iskut farm. This can be done in a couple of ways. You can either plant concrete pillars or angle rods around the outer rim of your farm area, or you can use the existing trees as natural pillars.

Next, buy a good length of iron wire and connect all the pillars to form a sturdy mesh overhead. Be sure to include plenty of support pillars in the middle, too, as the Iskut vines will eventually climb up and become extremely heavy as they mature.

This is the most significant investment you’ll need to make, but it’s a one-time cost. Once built, the structure can be used for all future harvests, making it well worth the effort and money spent.

Once the seeds begin to sprout above the ground, take some bamboo sticks and split them into smaller pieces. Use them to create a small ladder-like structure, as shown in the image below.

The vines will use this framework to climb up towards the mesh above.

From that point on, all you need to do is wait and focus on other types of farming that require more daily attention. The Iskut vines will automatically climb up the sticks. Just keep an eye on the Iskut plants to ensure none of the seeds have died or been eaten by rats, and if they have, quickly replace them with new seeds. Also, occasionally clear away weeds from the soil near the seeds as they also tend to consume some of the nutrients meant for the Iskut.

In 2-3 months, your overhead mesh will be covered with lush, green vines, and you’ll have plenty of Iskut ready for harvesting. Simple. :)

Yummy, lots of Iskut to eat everywhere! We're in Iskut Heaven.

Here is a very cute Iskut from my farm. I call it... Iscute. :D

Not only do we get to eat lots of yummy free vegetables, but we can also sell them to the nearby Neihbawih market as well.

And here’s the best part—for the next harvest, you won’t need to lift a finger! The seeds (and vines) will naturally dry up during the dry summer or the cold winter spell, lying dormant for a short while. But as soon as the next monsoon arrives, they’ll sprout once more, providing you with yet another effortless and bountiful harvest.

So I hope you find this blog post useful. Feel free to ask me anything about Iskut as I know a lot about it now. In fact, you can call me Iskim. :P

But hold on—this story isn’t over just yet. There’s a hidden gem in the world of Iskut that many people, including quite a few Mizos, aren’t aware of—Iskut zung, the root of Iskut. It’s super duper yummy and a special delicacy that deserves its own spotlight. So in my next post, I’ll dive into this lesser-known, mouthwatering treat. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it. So stay tuned for more Iskut goodness!

Until then, cheers!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Chp 895. Neihbawih to Goa - Office Trip

Since I had taken a break from blogging, there were so many stories I wanted to share, and this is one of them. It was the day I stepped down from the serene hills of Neihbawih to the lively shores of Goa.

Imagine this: In the morning, I was on my farm at Neihbawih, welcoming the first rays of the golden sun while watering my crops and feeding my chickens. By afternoon, I was flying across the blue skies, hopping from one crowded airport to another. And finally, by nightfall, I was sipping a refreshing glass of Margarita on the tranquil beach of Goa.

For those who may not know, I work as a farmer here at Neihbawih, planting different vegetables and crops and tilling the soil and watering them and chopping trees and fetching water from the river and stuff, you know, the usual farmer chores. 

But when I am not busy farming, I also... work as the Creative Director and Copy Head at Ronin Labs, based in Pune and Mumbai, where we craft immersive experiences for clients by merging gaming, advertising, tech, and design, as well as metaverse multiplayer, extended realities, hype videos, AI customisation, and bespoke branding solutions.

So... yeah, I may not be your typical farmer.

While I get to do the best of both worlds by working in the Corporate World out of my secluded farm and getting on daily video calls with my team members to brainstorm new ideas or pitch to clients, it was also necessary for me to meet the team in person at least once a year. And that would be when our annual office vacation takes place.

Ronin Labs has this tradition of going on a team vacation once a year, usually to Goa or other exotic places. These trips aren’t just about relaxing with a drink in hand and having a fun time though - We immerse ourselves in a variety of team-building activities, strengthening our bonds and returning with a renewed sense of camaraderie.

Last year, I was thrilled to receive an invitation to join this annual getaway. It was going to be my first opportunity to meet in person the colleagues I had been connecting with daily through video conference calls for over a year, making the experience all the more exciting. And so, off I went to the airport.

But, of course, there was a challenge. Since there are no direct flights from Mizoram to Goa, I had to first fly from Aizawl to Kolkata in the morning. While there were two daily flights from Kolkata to Goa, the morning flight wasn’t an option due to my Aizawl-Kolkata schedule, and the night flight would have gotten me to Goa at 2 AM and the resort by 3 AM, by which time everyone would have passed out, lolz.

And so on the same day, I took a second flight from Kolkata to Bengaluru in the afternoon, followed by a third flight from Bengaluru to Goa in the evening, which landed at 9 PM.

Finally, after three long flights in one day, I made it to our resort by 10 PM, just as the party was reaching its peak - perfect timing, lolz!

It was so great to finally meet all the guys in person for the first time, though to be frank, I didn't feel like a stranger at all because we had interacted every day for the past year. In fact, I could correctly name all 18 of them right then.

It was also awesome to meet my dear friends Sumeet and Amit as well.

Sumeet is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ronin Labs, and a long time ago in 2013, he and I had started our own mobile games development company in Mumbai, under the patronage of the late Sidharth Rao

That venture was highly successful, and we were quickly acquired, setting the stage for my career as a game designer. His brother, Amit, also a Co-Founder of Ronin Labs, served as our Art Director during my time at Dentsu Webchutney, where I worked as a copywriter and gained invaluable experience in the world of digital advertising.

So in a way, my past work experiences with copywriting, advertising, branding and game designing were all a perfect fit in what Ronin Labs does today.

That night we bonded and chatted. Sumeet and Amit had booked the entire resort just for us, with each cosy cottage on a sharing basis. I was bunked up with Varun, a brilliant tech nerd, who had led our award-winning campaign for OnePlus where we showcased their latest phone launch and its 5G speed by linking phones to actual RC cars in a race circuit tournament, where the speed of the car was purely determined by the attached phone's 5G speed capability.

As the night went past midnight, a few of us wandered down to the beach, drinks in hand. The resort that we had booked was situated right on the beach, making the short walk a breeze (badumtsss). We continued chilling and talking about various topics, including the usual boys' talk like... whose phone camera had the best night shot, lolz.

Some of these new phones' night mode features were just crazy and surreal. Using AI tech, phones could now manipulate low-light conditions so effectively that they transformed pitch-black surroundings into scenes that looked like they were taken in broad daylight. See the photos below, it was completely dark in reality.

While it’s impressive, it almost feels like technology is fooling us, completely erasing the mystery and depth of the night. Call me old fashioned, but I think I'd prefer those dark, grainy photos that truly captured the essence of that moment, rather than a bright "daylight" image that might leave me wondering years later when it was actually taken.

We also played around with the Insta360 cam, capturing dynamic shots of us tossing light-up balls in the dark. By using long exposure settings, we created stunning light trails that danced around us, turning each moment into a mesmerising display of motion and light.

Soon it was time to sleep and we headed back to our rooms. I took a quick shower and then fell asleep immediately the moment my head hit the pillow, as I had a long exhausting day taking three different flights followed by a late-night revelry.

The next day I woke up completely refreshed and took a stroll down the beach. So the name of this beach is Morjim, and the resort we were staying at is called "Rock Bite" beach resort.

The other guys too started waking up one by one and groggily walked out of their rooms.

For breakfast, we could ask the chef to make anything we wanted, like toast, choice of eggs, poha, puri bhaji, alu paratha etc. Since we had booked the entire resort, we were free to enjoy all the food and drinks we wanted.

Nothing says vacation quite like a refreshing dip in the private pool of our resort.

I dipped my feet inside the pool and sipped on Feni with Limca under the sultry afternoon sun to truly enjoy the Goan vacation. Once everybody was up and fresh and had worked up a good appetite, we took a leisurely stroll along the beach to "Burger Factory" for lunch, which was located at the far end of the shore from our resort.

I loved the place. It had a laid-back vibe, with rustic yet stylish decor that perfectly complemented its beachside setting. The open-air seating, adorned with eclectic artwork and cosy lighting, was buzzing with patrons, most of whom were Russian tourists. For a brief second, I thought I wasn't in India anymore.

It’s the kind of place where you can just relax, enjoy the cool sea breeze, and indulge in some of the best gourmet burgers in Goa, as well as their special in-house signature cocktails, all while taking in the stunning views of the coastline.

The t-shirt I wore that day was a perfect fit with the ambience :D

The food was absolutely heavenly! OMG OMG OMG. While my colleagues were equally impressed, for me, it was something even more special - after living on my farm in Neihbawih for the past four years, nothing I recently had could compare to the flavours I was experiencing right then.

Once we were properly stuffed and gained more than 5 kg each, we slowly walked back to our resort.

Some of the guys got their hair braided and stuff.

I on the other hand went looking for a spa. Having spent the entire previous day travelling, my body and feet were aching. I needed a full-body massage badly. I found a couple of good Spas on Google, but I had to hire a cab to get there. Instead, I went to the only spa which was within walking distance, behind Rainbow Resort, 500 meters from our location.

Funny thing though, the place had one rule - males were massaged only by a masseur while females were massaged only by a masseuse. And so, even though I was a bit uncomfortable with another dude massaging me, I had no other option.

I mean, that was such a weird rule. Why was it a "same-sex only" massage? If they were concerned that tourists or foreigners would misbehave with them or ask for "extra", the spa "rooms" were covered with flimsy transparent nets and anybody walking by could see everything inside, so why make it same-sex?

Anyhoo, yes, I did feel much better after the massage and headed back to our resort.

The merrymaking continued at our resort and more drinks flowed. I had never felt that relaxed in a very long time. My colleagues continued playing in the pool. A bunch of cute Russian kids also joined our party and we welcomed them happily, as the resort they were staying at didn't have its own pool.

By the way, yes, there were Russian tourists everywhere. Apparently, this beach is their favourite location because during off-season, it is affordable and has good privacy. In fact, all the restaurants and bars on the beach have a separate menu printed in Russian!

We continued with our fun at the pool. Here's Sumeet and Manasi.

Sumeet and Amit's dad also joined us for the vacation. Since the unfortunate passing of their mom two years ago, their dad had become a familiar presence at Ronin Labs events. It’s heartening to have him with us, providing him with good company and keeping him connected.

Meanwhile, the boys had the most fun.

In the evening, I went to the beach again (with my drinks) to view the sunset. But I dozed off on one of the long wooden bench chairs, right in front of the freaking setting sun. :D When I woke up, the sun had already disappeared, lolzzz.

After spending some time splashing around in the waves, I made my way back to our resort, where a feast of more food and drinks was ready and waiting, promising yet another round of indulgence and good times.

Pool party indeed.

Authentic Goan prawns, lobsters, fish and kebabs for starters! Yummm.

A very nice shot from behind.

Most of us didn't drink much that night, as we were drinking almost the entire day, lolz. We all retired to bed around 10'ish.

The next day was Office activity-day! After a good lunch at the resort, we all wore our Ronin Labs t-shirts and headed down to the beach again.

A quick groupfie.

We were divided into 4 teams, and we performed many fun activities together on the beach, like group racing, tag it, etc. All the activities required a strong sense of teamwork and planning. We also engaged in creative challenges that required team strategy, as well as co-ordination. These activities weren't just about winning; they were about bonding, learning to rely on one another, and building a stronger, more cohesive team. All in all, it was a very memorable and important moment. 

Below are some short videos of the activities we did.

Ronin Labs team, 2023.

We ended the beach activity with the final event - a sandcastle-building contest, lolz. Look at the four beautiful castles below and let me know which is your favourite. :)

That night I slept quite early as I was quite bruised up from all the sudden physical activities, lolz.

The next day was a casual day for all, where people could do anything they wanted, like shopping in the city, visiting tourist attractions, etc. I decided to meet my friend Maymi Zote and spend the night at B. Ramhluna's place.

Maymi and I had been friends on Facebook for a long time, but we had never met in person. We shared a long list of close mutual friends, so it was only natural that we would finally meet now that I was in Goa. She and her husband ran a chain of premium resorts and villas around Goa, and I was also eager to learn more about their business.

B.Ramhluna, or Bee-a as we call him, was my partner-in-crime back during my Mumbai days. He got transferred to Goa soon after I left Mumbai for Pune, but unlike me where I was an introvert in Pune and no Mizos in Pune knew about me for at least 2-3 years, Bee-a was immediately voted to be the President of the Goa Mizo Welfare Association on his second year in Goa itself. Such is the contrast between our lifestyles, lolz, but we remained good friends.

Both Maymi and Bee-a transferred money to me on Gpay and asked me to get burgers for them from "Burger Factory", after all, it is the best burger joint in Goa, and so I left our resort in the afternoon and ordered all their burgers while sipping on a refreshing cocktail.

Hehe, 4K for just burgers. Now you know why it's the best in Goa.

I hired a vehicle to get to Maymi's place. By the way, the only thing bad about Goa is when it comes to hiring transportation. Since tourism is one of the main sources of income, transportation is heavily controlled by politicians and mafias. So there are no Olas, Ubers etc, and even local companies like "GoaMiles" cars are frequently attacked by the local cabbies, who would fleece tourists. The best option is to hire a car through the resort you're staying at, as that has less chance of the driver fleecing you.

I was completely blown away when I arrived at Maymi’s place. Her villa was nothing short of palatial, a stunning blend of rustic charm and modern elegance. The grand structure instantly transported me back to the colonial era, with its timeless architecture and expansive design. 

The interior of the villa was just as impressive as its exterior. The rooms featured high ceilings with exposed wooden beams, adding a touch of rustic charm. Large, framed windows flooded all the rooms with natural light, adorned with a mix of modern computers and entertainment sets, making every corner of the villa feel like a retreat steeped in both history and contemporary luxury.

I decided to take a quick swim at Maymi's private pool and it was a refreshing change.

Soon, Bee-a joined us and the fun continued. Even though my time with Maymi was short, it was great to finally meet each other. I do hope you visit some of her villas for rent, like Landmark Goa Villas and Artist Cottages.

After saying goodbye to Maymi, Bee-a took me to his house, where he introduced me to his lovely wife, Mayline. She looked familiar, so I quickly took out my phone and pulled up an old blog post I had written in 2018 - "Wedding in Bangalore part 3". 

In that post, I had mentioned about flying down from Pune to Bangalore, while Bee-a flew in from Goa to Bangalore, to attend our friend Thara's wedding. Back then, Bee-a had taken me to the same Mayline’s house in Bangalore, which explained why she looked so familiar. However, at that time, he had introduced her to me as his sister! Hmmmm.... :D

Bee and Mayline have two rumbustious boys running everywhere in the house. And then we assembled this new wardrobe he ordered. It was two engineers competing to see who could attach the parts better! :D We had a great time catching up and talking about the old days, and then Mayline cooked an awesome dinner for us.

While all this was happening, my colleagues at the resort were having a great time too. They went out for lunch to Tomato's, a popular beachside restaurant, known for its fancy cocktails.

And in the night, Sumeet, Manasi and Amit surprised everyone by treating the entire team at Thalassa, a luxurious (and expensive) club known for its stunning parties, chic ambience, and vibrant Greek-inspired decor.

The boys had a very memorable time.

Mesmerising fire show.

As for me, in the morning, Bee and his family dropped me back at our resort. We chilled over some good cocktails at the beachside, enjoying the cool ocean breeze and the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore. 

As you can see from the photo above, Bee-a wore dark glasses, so that he could act like he was looking at his wife while he was actually ogling at the Russian ladies around us. Meanwhile, Mayline too wore dark glasses so that she could act like she was watching her kids while she was actually looking at Bee to see who he was looking at. Ahh married life. :D

Here is a photo of Bee-a with his cute son. So adorable naw, just wanna pinch those pale white fluffy cheeks.

Bee and Mayline soon left and I started packing. The rest of the team was driving back to Pune, but I decided to take a flight, which was a good thing as uncle was also flying back and I could assist him along the way.

Also, pssst pssst, you can buy Goa's cheap booze and take them along with you by flight, but you can't do that by road, as the excise department will confiscate them at the border. Quite a strange rule na?

I bid my farewell to the team, including Oindrilla who was the only person from my copywriting team to come for the vacation as John and Aviral had some other plans. I also hugged my dear friend Sonal goodbye. She's the Production head at Ronin Labs, but she and I had earlier worked together for a couple of years at Gravy Inc. under Sidharth Rao.

Uncle and I soon reached the airport.

Once we reached Pune, my bro Nitin picked us up from the airport. We dropped uncle to his room and said goodbye to him. 

I spent the next day with Teresa and Nitin in Pune, enjoying a relaxed day filled with good conversation and fond memories. After that, I flew back to Neihbawih, returning to the quiet rhythms of my farming life.

The contrast between the bustling beaches of Goa and the serene fields of Neihbawih couldn't have been more striking. From the vibrant energy of coastal parties to the peaceful solitude of tending to my crops, it was a reminder of the beautiful duality in life. Both worlds hold their own unique charm, and as I settled back into my farm routine surrounded by my 5 adorable dogs, I couldn’t help but appreciate how these contrasting experiences make life so rich and fulfilling.
