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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Chp 664. Pune Weekend Getaway - Dreamlandd Resortt

Place: Dreamlandd Resortt

Location: 60km from Pune, around 2 hrs by car via Mulshi Dam.

Duration: 1 Night, 2 Days (Saturday 1 PM to Sunday 11 AM)

Package: Accommodation (4 rooms 4 people each) + Swimming pool + lunch + evening snacks + dinner + next day's breakfast. The food is complete veg so if you want non-veg, you'll have to buy it separately on the way and they'll prepare it for you.

Cost per head: INR 2200/-

Occasion : Just to take a break from hectic office life

If you live in the corporate world, slogging your ass from 9 in the morning till 10 in the night every day including the weekends now and then, you will definitely appreciate a good break with your colleagues! Recently, my friends from office planned a weekend outing together, and it was one of the most refreshing breaks I’ve ever had in a long time.

The place we went to is called "Dreamlandd Resortt". Why the double "d" and "t"? Probably because the name "Dreamland Resort" was already taken :P or maybe it was just to be stylish and different :)

Now just to be clear, I am not promoting this place. In fact there are better resorts than this place (which we're planning to visit soon) but when we decided to book a place back then, it was the only decent one available.

That's the thing about prominent weekend getaways - You have to book way in advance otherwise you won't get a vacancy (unless you don't mind sharing the resort with a different group of strangers).

So we all woke up early on Saturday and proceeded to our rendezvous point.

I was in Sumeet's car, downing a cold pint to kick-start the road-trip.

We all met up at Bhugaon and waited for everybody to reach, where we bought eggs, paneer and chicken (as I mentioned earlier, the resort serves complimentary food, but they are all simple veg dish). We also bought chilled beers and other poisons for the destination :)

Later on the way, some of us who hadn't had breakfast yet stopped at one of Pune's most famous and iconic vada pav joints - Rohit Wadewale. The misal pav I had was super yummmmm.

We went in five cars and two bikes. Two of the cars were Premier Padminis so that was pretty cool. We waited to group at the junction that would take us up to Mulshi Dam.

This point is quite easy to miss, so for those of you planning a trip to Dreamlandd Resortt or even to visit Mulshi Dam for that matter, keep a lookout for this restaurant called "JP's Food Court" on your left. Once you reach that place, exit the Mulshi-Paud road opposite this restaurant and take the small road on the right, which is the Lonavala Aamby Valley road.

From here, it's another 10 KM to reach Dreamlandd Resortt. But the ride will take a bit longer than before because the road is narrow and unmetalled here and there. Below is us crossing the Mula river, one of the distributaries of Mulshi Dam.

And finally, we reached! Yayyy welcome puppy.

The place was extremely secluded. No other resorts or houses in sight, it was like a complete barren island. Peaceful indeed. No vehicles in sight, no sound of horns honking, just nature emitting its natural sound across the valley.

The caretaker had already prepared lunch for us, and so we got down to eating immediately. Like I said earlier, it was all veg but the gravies and side dishes were very tasty.

Once we all had our fill, we headed to our rooms and took a short rest.

As it was very hot in the afternoon, some of us lazily played cards under the shade, waiting for our stomachs to digest the awesome lunch we just had.

Three people bought their DSLRs, and so, a lot of random abstract photos were taken :D

Once the food was digested, we all rushed in to the swimming pool! Woooohoooooo…. It was still very hot around the swimming pool, but once inside the water, it was freaking awesome.

Wanna see something awesome? Check out this video below :D

When I posted the above video on Facebook, all the comments people wrote were about the amount of pee I must be drinking! Let me bring you in on a little secret - I was just acting. :D I wasn't actually drinking any beer or water or piss water for that matter, because of the very fact that it is impossible to drink anything underwater without having a drowning like sensation! Try holding your breath under water and drink something, you won't be able to do it, unless you want to drown, lolz.

So yeah, that's the actual story behind the video above :)

We also had a lot of fun with Sumeet's GoPro which we kept tossing to each other inside the pool while it recorded everything above and under the water. Unfortunately, the video sizes are very large so I'm not putting them up on this post.

Soon the sun was about to set… the view from the swimming pool was wonderful.

Here is one last video of me jiving inside the pool to Biebs with the sunset in the background… The sound system at the poolside was really good too.

If only I had glow-sticks :P

They even have a rain-dance section next to the pool with water sprays and jets from below and above. It would be awesome to have a large rave party or something like that at that spot. The pool was closed after sunset and we all headed back to our cabins to change. After that, it was time to bring out the booze!

For music, we weren't allowed to use the music system at the poolside but we had our own Bluetooth speaker. The only problem was, we overlooked one very important point. DO NOT make the same mistake we made. As you may know, such resorts do not have good cellphone reception as they are situated way at the outskirt. The good news about that is you won't be disturbed. But the bad news is, these days, most of us do not store music in our mobile phones anymore. We just listen to everything online - YouTube playlist, Spotify, Pandora etc. Hence, that night, we kept listening to the same 10-15 songs that people had stored in their phones over and over again because none of us had data reception, lolz.

Anyway, music wasn't a big concern as we had a lot of fun playing different drinking games and "truth or dare" challenges. Some of us even played with the laser and tried drawing pictures which were captured by the DSLRs on low shutter speed.

I tried lighting a cigarette with the laser but apparently, it didn't work. :P

The caretaker continuously served us kebaabs and non-veg starters. After we had quite enough of the alcohol, we headed up to have dinner. The chicken dish they made was super dillu!

After that we all headed back to our cabins and slept.


The next morning's scenery was truly breathtaking.

Breakfast was already prepared and it was the traditional poha. Maharashtrians truly love their pohas :)

Such hangover faces… :D

While some people played cricket at the side, others just watched them play, dazed and droopy.

Soon it was time to pack and leave.

We took a group photo together as we headed out to the parking area. Man, that was truly an awesome experience. Apart from having so much fun as a team, it was also a good way to bond with one's colleagues.

On the way back, we stopped near Mulshi Dam to admire the view. Mannn the scenery was sooo stunningly beautiful. We ended up taking a lot of photos at this location. You really must stop by at this place too if you happen to visit Mulshi Dam.

After our dramatic group jump, we headed to Basho's for lunch.

For those of you who haven't been to Basho's, it is this popular resort right on the banks of Mulshi Dam. Their restaurant and hookah bar also overlook the dam, giving it a very breathtaking and majestic view.

We placed our orders quickly. A lot of us drank nimbu paani because of the hangover, lolz.

And with that, our awesome weekend outing came to an end, as we all headed back towards Pune to our respective homes, looking forward to the upcoming Monday office because we were all so rejuvenated and refreshed! Yeah that is what a corporate life is all about baby :)

Cheers for now.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chp 663. Mystery Games For Mystery Lovers

So this Saturday night, I was at The Bar Stock Exchange pub on Lane number 7, Koregaon Park, watching the LIVE screening of the FA Cup Finals on their giant projector screen. What a night it was, watching my awesome team lift the trophy for a record 13th time!


The crowd chanted our glorious club's name, while the rest of the party animals continued dancing and grooving to the untz untz untz beat of the DeeJay. We shot down Jägerbombs like crazy that night, and while some of us were just there to have a great time, I was having the bestest time because of Arsenal's sweet sweet victory.

The Bar Stock Exchange truly rocks when it comes to partying. Some of you may know what the place is all about. For those of you who don't, it's a unique concept (started in Mumbai) where the price of the drinks keeps fluctuating continuously, depending on the supply and demand of the current situation, just like a real-time trading ops. As more people buy a particular brand, the cost increases on a giant monitor while other brands decrease and so on. Great time indeed, though some people might tend to get drunk quicker because they mixed their drinks :)

What I want to write about on this post is regarding another really awesome joint that's right below The Bar Stock Exchange on Koregaon Park. Situated on the same building (Out Of The World building) is this place called "Mystery Rooms".

What is this "Mystery Rooms"?

It would be fair to say that just as how The Bar Stock Exchange brings out the party animal spirit in people, "Mystery rooms" brings out the nerdy and geeky spirit in others.

"Mystery Rooms" is for mystery games lovers. You are given a mission (there are currently four to choose from at the Pune outlet) and you have to solve the mystery before time runs out. All the clues are in the real world, where you have to physically search for clues within a closed environment and solve puzzles and riddles one after the other as you move closer and closer towards your goal.

Our team from office comprised of Zubin, Raheen, Abhishek, Hakr, Suresh and me. Six gaming geeks – We were two game designers, two game testers and two deployments. You won't get a more awesome team than that! We literally live, eat and sleep gaming, so we were pretty confident about solving the case even though this was the first time any of us were playing such type of real-world mystery game.

Also, it is cheaper if you go in a large group, as a two-person team costs 1.6k (800 per head), a three-person team costs 2.1k (700 per head), a four-person team costs 2.4k (600 per head) and a five-or-more-person team costs 500 per head (plus it is slightly more expensive during the weekends).

The mission we decided to go for was called "The Hurt Locker".

According to the mission brief of "Hurt Locker" - Bandits and terrorists have besieged a place with a bomb. As an elite member of the bomb squad, you must race against the clock to defuse the bombs and save lives!

(In case you haven't noticed yet, the name of the game is the same as the 2008 Hollywood hit movie which was also about bomb defusal)

Now I am not going to give away any spoilers, and photography was strictly prohibited inside. We had to leave our mobile phones in a locker before we were led inside into our room. After that the door was locked from outside, and the TV suddenly came to life, with this super eerie silhouette and voice on the flickering television giving us instructions about the game. The whole ambience had that same creepy vibe as the epic horror movie franchise "Saw".

"Hello Kima Kerry, do you wanna play a game?" I still get the chills when I hear Jigsaw say that. Yeah it was definitely a unique experience.

Like I said earlier, I am not going to give away any spoilers or walkthroughs regarding the game. We solved all sorts of puzzles, some of them were really intriguing and brain-wracking, which led to the next puzzle and so on. The 1-hour countdown kept going on and finally, in the FINAL minute with less than a few seconds to spare, we managed to diffuse the bomb! You have no freaking idea how tense the entire atmosphere was!

Later the management told us we could have asked for a few extra minutes (by paying an extra amount) and there were a few teams that had solved the mission in that extra time but we were the first to do it in the given 1 hour's time!

The sense of achievement was so fulfilling. We were all awarded this rare gold medal each.

Yeahhh what an awesome feeling it was.

By the way, during the entire 1 hour period, you will be monitored by CCTV from all sides, so in case you are trying to break a furniture that is not a part of the game design, a warning buzzer will ring. And you have 2 chances to ask for hints (plus two more if you check-in on Facebook). We used three of our four hints, and trust me, they weren't very helpful, we still had to think a lot after the hints were shown to us. The difficulty level was extremely well balanced.

So, yeah, I'm really happy about winning this gold medal, no matter how superficial it may sound. :) I am a "Certified Genius", lewlz. One more bullet point to add to my résumé. :P (yeah I just had to put the medal along with my Arsenal team photo up above because, you know, #COYG)

This week, we are planning to tackle the tougher cases, and will most probably go for "Lockout". The other two remaining missions "Abduction" and "Cabin In The Woods" have not been solved by any team yet, so yeah, it would be a great challenge to try and be the first ones to do that.

This is going to be a good week!

Cheers for now, and hope you too take time off from your usual normal life and do something different and exciting like this. Trust me, you'll really enjoy it once you're in the middle of a tick-tocking time-bomb. And once you're done, you can just go upstairs to The Bar Stock Exchange and celebrate your victory with a Jägerbomb! How bow dah?
