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Monday, February 20, 2012

Chp 394. My First Three Crushes

Admit it. We’ve all had our TV crushes. I still remember how crazy my elder sisters were about Corey Haim (L), Corey Feldman, NKOTB (Jordan Knight, Joey McIntyre), Duran Duran etc. And then there was the “cool rider” Maxwell Caulfield who starred in Grease 2 (opposite Michelle Pfeiffer) and stole many ladies’ hearts.

Most guys of my generation in the 90’s had a crush on Winnie (Danica McKellar) from Wonder Years. They would go on and on about how crazy they were about her, and would even compare their girlfriends with Winnie, trying to find some resemblance between them (Oh she smiles just like Winnie, she talks just like Winnie, she farts just like Winnie and so on).

But not me. I found Winnie to be cute and sweet, but never went to the extent of having a crush on her.


My first television crush was actually Shannen Doherty, aka Brenda Walsh from Beverley Hills 90210. I was completely crazy about her all through 90210 and even when she moved on to “Charmed” and played the role of Prudence, the eldest of the Halliwell sisters.

I used to write short love stories based on my fantasy about her and the lead character was always named Shannen. I even used to write letters to her pouring out my feelings, and sent the letter with just her name and PO Box 90210 written on the envelope. I used to use some of my American stamps from my stamp collection album since it was going to USA, lolz!

This was the Shannen Doherty I had a crush on then.

[Pic Source]

If you do a “Google Image Search” of her now, you will see many photos of her in scantily clad bikinis and lingerie. Yeah she’s hot in those pics, but I still prefer Shannen Doherty in her old Brenda Walsh avatar.


My second crush was none other than VJ Nonie (Ruth Winona Tao). From MTV Asia to Channel V, she was the reason why I would stay glued to MTV Most Wanted. (That, and also Headbangers Ball and MTV The Grind.)

[Pic Source]

Apart from a few sentences about what she had done written on Wiki, nothing much is known about her. There are even Facebook groups like “MTV VJ Nonie Tao… where are you? and a Whatever happened to Nonie? article at msn. The pic above also says “The only image of Nonie available online” at the source, lolz (although I found another photo of her signing an autograph for some dude).

She is definitely an enigma, and one of the rare cases of TV celebs who managed to completely steer away from the media and paparazzi spotlight.


My Third crush was Stephanie Seymour. She’s Axl Rose’s ex-girlfriend, and even appeared on November Rain and Don’t Cry music videos.

[Pic Source]

The mid 90s was my Guns N’ Roses phase, and I used to have a special notebook where I had written down the lyrics of every single GnR song, some of them copied from “Year Books” and some by myself, using a walkman and Reynolds pen to rewind the cassette.

I even had this popular poster of Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour on my bedroom wall.

So… was I crazy about Stephanie Seymour because she’s hot, or because I was crazy about GnR? Frankly speaking, I really don’t know, but yeah, I had an immense crush on her back then.

But just to bring the good old times back, I’ve painstakingly taken screen-grabs from November Rain and compiled them together, and yes, as you can see from the strip below, Axl and Stephanie were about to get married in Church, and suddenly they went to a pub and got drunk, and then they came back to the same Church and finally got married, and then as they were cutting the wedding cake, she licked the knife from Axl’s hand, cut her tongue by mistake and died from tetanus infection… :P

Cheers… :)