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Monday, November 25, 2013

Chp 480. Chilling at Hawaiian Shack

To be honest, I really don’t like partying at Hawaiian Shack that much. And just so I don’t stir up a hornet’s nest (I don’t have the time and energy for a debate on race and morality), let’s leave my reasons at that -> just a person opinion.

But last night, after enjoying a good match of City thrashing Spurs (lolz), I got a call from my friend Bee whom I haven’t seen in a really long time. They were in Hawaiian Shack, and told me to come over. So I said, what the heck, and quickly put down my dumbbells and put on my party jeans :P

And how could one refuse an invitation from Bee when he was all decked up with a fedora last night! Lolz, here is Bee, dancing with his gurl :)

Met a lot of new people – Jenny, another Jenny, Amy, Sally (saizikpuii) etc :D What I really liked about last night’s party was that most of these guys and girls don’t drink… They’re one of those who can go to a club and dance their brains out without taking a sip of even beer. I know, it’s a loss for the establishment, lolz, but they prove that one doesn't need alcohol to have a good time.

Bee later removed his fedora, changed his tee shirt and joined us at the table.

Had a great time on the dance floor above too, where we all formed a circle and showcased our respective dance moves (y’know, the usual thing Mizos do when we go clubbing together, lolz)

Really great to have fun like that after a long time.

In fact we had so much fun that we decided to take the party home at closing time, going in a convoy of five autos (yeah it just occurred to me only after inviting everybody back to my place that there were a lot of us, lolz). At home we watched a few Mizo music videos, danced some more, laughed even more, until they all left around 4 in the morning. Saddam had a ball, running from one person to the other wagging his tail excitedly and getting pampered by everyone with all the attention.

And here’s the thing about me. I am really bad with names and faces. Sometimes I don’t remember the names of people I've just met, especially when I’m under the influence. And later when I meet them a second time (on a more sober occasion) and I don’t recollect their names or remember who they are, people brand me as “inchhuang” or “induh” or “intithei”, which are Mizo words for somebody who is proud, vain, self conceited etc.

Last night I made sure that would never happen as I took a video of all my guests, asking them to introduce themselves, lolz. And I will go through the video over and over again so I will not forget their names the next time I meet any of them, haha.

Damn you short term memory :)

Why am I blogging about this, you may ask. Well because it was a really unique experience for me. Apart from me and two other guys, none of the others in our group drank alcohol. Maybe I should start becoming more like them – party hard and yet live longer :)
