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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Chp 751. BTi's wedding

It’s been more than a month now since my dear cousin BTi got married. Since I was extremely busy with work, here is me finally updating some of her wedding pics on my blog. :)

On the eve of the wedding, relatives and friends were busy getting the next day's wedding program ready...

..while we were upstairs deciding which tie to wear :D

BTi's wedding gown :)

She so excited :) Her last night at her bed.

The next morning was make-up time. Hlimi did a wonderful job with the make-up for both the bride and the bridesmaid. I was chased out of the room and prohibited from taking any photos :D

Mash later sent me all these make-up pics since I was chased out :D Mash prepping up.

Thaadaaa, ready to get married...

The ceremonial walk down the stairs.

And off BTi went with the best man on her way to Church, as we also started getting ready.

Mom was so excited about the wedding that she forgot I was still upstairs in my room and freaking locked me in the house! They were waiting for me in the car and I had to call my sister and tell them that I was locked up.

Mom and sis at Zarkawt Presbyterian Church.

BTi and uncle entering the Church.

The wedding ceremony was short and sweet. The pastor delivered a really good sermon as well.

With the bride's side cousins photo.

With my two nieces Muani and Hmaii.

With Nancy and Utsav.

The wedding dinner was held at Babutlang Basketball court.

Great food indeed, though it was really early for dinner, lolz.

Esther and Joe enjoying the food.

Zodini in action :)

Live band playing at the side.

Finally it was time for the newlyweds to eat :)

With the make-up artist Mahlimi Hmar.

BTi on her way to her consummation bedroom :P

Hehe what was I doing in the below picture? :P

So that was a wonderful wedding indeed, and a tiring one as well. I’m glad it had been a really memorable one. Here's me wishing the couple many many happy years ahead. Cheers everyone.