Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Chp 808. Birthday Post

So I was making fun of all my friends whose birthday fell between 24th March and 14th April, sending them those sad & lonely Pablo Escobar memes for having a "lockdown birthday" without any friends around, lolz. :D 

And then on 14th April, our PM extended the lockdown till 3rd May, so here I am, spending my own "lockdown birthday" without any friends around too, lolzzzz.

My sister and nieces baked me this wonderful birthday Lamington cake late in the night. :)

Such a wonderful gesture. As Nietzsche once said, "In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony."

My sister and nieces copied mom's old recipe and it turned out really well.

Instead of chocolate, they used raspberry jam with shredded coconut.

And then it was time for the final arrangements.

Yayyy, happy birthday to meee :D

So here's a big thank you to my dear family for the cake and for making me feel important and precious in these times of lockdown and social distancing.

So how old did I become today?

I'm not gonna lie, there's nothing to hide. I'm really old as Methuselah now.

Today, I officially became 40 years old!

Yeah, I am no longer eligible to be a part of our KTP, and I am still single and a hopeless romantic as well. So, yes, one's eligibility criterion as a bachelor also goes downhill very fast once you reach that threshold.

In our Mizo society, I am also no longer a tlangval senior, I became a tlangval super-senior today. And in spite of all that… I'm still shy to talk to women, arrrgh.

40 is that magical number where I am not just hanging out with friends of my age-group (and their kids) but some of my other closest friends are not just twice my age, but half my age as well! Yeah, 40 is a very confusing number, lolz.

But I guess it is all just in the head. I thank God for giving me 40 wonderful years to look back upon, and I hope to see another 40 years of a memorable and blissful life ahead.

To end this birthday post, well, the one birthday present I am going to gift myself is this!

Remember the OnePlus 8 launch in USA last week with prices of $699, $799, $899 and $999? Well, I was like, no way am I going to buy it this time (I'm a hardcore OnePlus loyalist and I currently own the OnePlus 1, 3 and 6. I was also one of the first Indians to own a OnePlus One as I had purchased it through eBay from a person in USA, back when it wasn't available in India yet).

Apparently, the Indian price is going to be much less!

Yup, the USD 699 which converts to around INR 54K will be sold for around INR 41K in India! Wooohooo. I mean, it is still expensive, but so much better.

I'll purchase it the moment our Government allows the sale and delivery of non-essential items, which will be around next month, if conditions don't become worse here.

So that is my short update for today. Do keep visiting, I have a list of really interesting updates to publish soon regarding the lockdown in Mizoram. Until then, cheers everyone.