Not the “I’m about to lose my mind, you’ve been gone for so long, I need a doctor, call me a doctor” Eminem’s type of doctor love, but an actual doctor.
I’ve always considered myself to be the healthy type, even though I do nothing to take care of my body. And I never fall sick. Of course “never” would be an exaggeration, but you catch my drift right? I’m one of those who can eat all the junk food in the world, sleep in front of an AC with wet hair,drink binge almost every single night until I’m piss drunk, finish 2-3 packs of cigarette a day, yet sometimes work in office for three days at a stretch without sleeping, and yet I hardly fall sick.
*Touchwood* yeah I guess I have been really lucky…
I always thought I’m like this because of my “jock” past, regularly playing basketball, football, volleyball, handball, and every other possible sport every day since I was in class 3…
If you’re a gamer, then consider it like you’re sending your hero who is a paladin or mage or whatever, out on a long quest, and you buy as many health packs as you can for him to carry along. As he fights trolls and goblins along the way, his health reduces but you simply keep rejuvenating him with your health packs, until one fine battle, you’ve run out of health packs and so you need to play cautiously now. Otherwise, he’s going to die.
Well, the game of life is pretty much like that. In the gaming world, you can still buy more health packs later but unfortunately that is not possible in real life.
Due to my wayward lifestyle, I guess I too have now run out of health packs.
Four days ago, I got my first “attack”. We were moving a fridge in our office and it was a bit humid as the AC was not working properly. After lifting the fridge, I started becoming dizzy. I sat down immediately. I couldn’t breathe properly, everything was spinning around me and I was sweating profusely. Finally, I recovered, much to the delight of my boss. Later we found out I had either low BP or high BP attack.
I mean, I know many people who have faced panic attacks, but I never imagined it would ever happen to me. Comon, I’m 32 but never actually grew up mentally beyond 18, still loves partying and pushing myself to the limit. And there I was, a warning given to me.
My dear friends keep asking me, “Why are you so afraid to get a full body check-up?” Well, it’s not that I am afraid to go for a check-up. I’m just afraid to know my result. What if… you know? Yeah. That’s what I’m talking about.
But now my hands are tied. I consulted with my cousin Dr. BT who prescribed a few medicines to take temporarily.
Then I looked up on Lilavati Hospital’s website, which is one of the most renowned hospitals here in Mumbai. I checked out their check-up packages, and shortlisted two that applied to me. I then sent that list to another cousin, Dr. Mahruaii, who suggested I should go for the first one…

Option 1. BASIC PACKAGE – RS.2500/-
Screening Test for Diabetes
Screening Tests for Liver Function
Screening Test for Kidney Function
Total Cholesterol
Urine - Routine / Microscopy
Stool - Routine / Microscopy
Screening Test for Cardiac Function
Option 2. ADAM’S PACKAGE – RS. 4500/-
Screening Test for Diabetes
Screening Test for Kidney Function
Tests for Liver Profile
Total Cholesterol
Urine - Routine / Microscopy
Stool - Routine / Microscopy
Screening Test for Cardiac Function
* SONOGRAPHY Upper Abdomen
Healthy, Delicious Breakfast & Lunch
So hopefully on the first week of next month, I will go for my check-up, my first ever in my life, and see exactly what my condition is. Wish me all the best, lolz.
Right now I’m thinking, how the hell am I supposed to take my stool sample for the test? Any suggestions? Creative ways will be appreciated :D
I’ve always considered myself to be the healthy type, even though I do nothing to take care of my body. And I never fall sick. Of course “never” would be an exaggeration, but you catch my drift right? I’m one of those who can eat all the junk food in the world, sleep in front of an AC with wet hair,
*Touchwood* yeah I guess I have been really lucky…
I always thought I’m like this because of my “jock” past, regularly playing basketball, football, volleyball, handball, and every other possible sport every day since I was in class 3…
If you’re a gamer, then consider it like you’re sending your hero who is a paladin or mage or whatever, out on a long quest, and you buy as many health packs as you can for him to carry along. As he fights trolls and goblins along the way, his health reduces but you simply keep rejuvenating him with your health packs, until one fine battle, you’ve run out of health packs and so you need to play cautiously now. Otherwise, he’s going to die.
Well, the game of life is pretty much like that. In the gaming world, you can still buy more health packs later but unfortunately that is not possible in real life.
Due to my wayward lifestyle, I guess I too have now run out of health packs.
Four days ago, I got my first “attack”. We were moving a fridge in our office and it was a bit humid as the AC was not working properly. After lifting the fridge, I started becoming dizzy. I sat down immediately. I couldn’t breathe properly, everything was spinning around me and I was sweating profusely. Finally, I recovered, much to the delight of my boss. Later we found out I had either low BP or high BP attack.
I mean, I know many people who have faced panic attacks, but I never imagined it would ever happen to me. Comon, I’m 32 but never actually grew up mentally beyond 18, still loves partying and pushing myself to the limit. And there I was, a warning given to me.
My dear friends keep asking me, “Why are you so afraid to get a full body check-up?” Well, it’s not that I am afraid to go for a check-up. I’m just afraid to know my result. What if… you know? Yeah. That’s what I’m talking about.
But now my hands are tied. I consulted with my cousin Dr. BT who prescribed a few medicines to take temporarily.
Then I looked up on Lilavati Hospital’s website, which is one of the most renowned hospitals here in Mumbai. I checked out their check-up packages, and shortlisted two that applied to me. I then sent that list to another cousin, Dr. Mahruaii, who suggested I should go for the first one…
Option 1. BASIC PACKAGE – RS.2500/-
Screening Test for Diabetes
Screening Tests for Liver Function
Screening Test for Kidney Function
Total Cholesterol
Urine - Routine / Microscopy
Stool - Routine / Microscopy
Screening Test for Cardiac Function
Option 2. ADAM’S PACKAGE – RS. 4500/-
Screening Test for Diabetes
Screening Test for Kidney Function
Tests for Liver Profile
Total Cholesterol
Urine - Routine / Microscopy
Stool - Routine / Microscopy
Screening Test for Cardiac Function
* SONOGRAPHY Upper Abdomen
Healthy, Delicious Breakfast & Lunch
So hopefully on the first week of next month, I will go for my check-up, my first ever in my life, and see exactly what my condition is. Wish me all the best, lolz.
Right now I’m thinking, how the hell am I supposed to take my stool sample for the test? Any suggestions? Creative ways will be appreciated :D
The normal way would be, you'd be given a sterile sample bottle and send you to the loo. If you cant do it in a public toilet, you will take the sample bottle home and take it back the next day.
Creative method. Stick a syringe in your gut, draw out the sample, pump it into the bottle.
I suggest the normal way, a bit messy, but less painful.
haha.. ewwww. :D Can you please explain that part again, regardless of whether its in the hospital loo or public loo or my loo, how exactly should I "put" my stool in the bottle or box? That "putting" part is the word that needs to be emphasized, not the location :D
This has been a sick, sick year for me. I have been plagued with super low BP, smoker's cough (:p)and a rebellious stomach since the start of the new year.
Ive had my blood and urine tested, and I dread the thought of being one day asked for a stool sample, too, because ew! Also, how?? So please post updates on your blog on how you collected your stool sample, orite? And oh, Without pictures, please
Hey so sorry to hear about this man..:(
from Dr BT to Dr Mash!!!
Wonder if BT wil be happy about it :D
I have a great idea regarding the stool collection (don't I always :P). Imagine you have accidentally swallowed a big diamond and the only way to retrieve it through the other end, and you have to poke around a bit. The rest comes easy.
Anyways, here's hoping all is well.
OMG! What a battery of tests, eh? I guess the hospital has to make some profit :P Hopefully, all your tests will come back normal, and the doc will tell you to take things easy, and not drink or smoke too much, and get more sleep :)
Sorry to hear that Sandman. But I don't think anything is really wrong with you except that you are now overweight! :) Just check your BP and Blood Sugar, and if they are fine, all else will be OK! But just to help those poor guys with a few penny, and for the fun of hearing "all your tests are OK" , there's no harm doing all those unnecessary tests!!
Taking stool sample is easy. Just clip your nostrils shut!
That is quite a coincidence! I had an attack on Wednesday night, massive chest pain and all that. Turned out to be gas (pun intended). I fear a full body check up too and feel my jock past will carry me all the way till I'm 100! :D
@ Martin: Haha... Gas. I think you've been holding back on your fart for far too long. Comon dude, you live alone. You have the full freedom to fart anywhere! :D
@ keimah: lolz, clipping my nostrils. That seems right. And thanx for the advice, I guess its also good to take a few other tests... and yes, I really need to start exercising!!!! :(
@ diary: So even you are saying some of those tests are not required? But it is a package deal, so I don't think I can customize the tests :) I agree I need to take it easyyyy... which I automatically sang in my head, lolz....
@ aduhi: Could you at least say small diamond and not big diamond. Just picturing it itself is making me cringe on my seat :D
@ Unknown: haha, Dr. Mash vowed to keep nagging me until I eventually go for my check-up :) And who may I kindly ask, are you? Can I guess? Urmmm... Dr. Seni? :D
@ zualbonez: No problem bro.
@ kuku-i: Yes of course I will keep updating you on how to collect stool samples. No pictures? Ok. But video is fine right? :D
it's good for all to go for complete medical check-up at least once in a year, hardly costs 5K at the most, but it's worth the risk
"..I always thought I’m like this because of my “jock” past..." Ignoring the "jock" part, I've been in Pune for more than 10 years and I have never been sick enough to be bed-ridden, and you made me realize it could well be because of my Army school past.. interesting...
Take care of your health, at our age, our body don't agree with our minds anymore. Learnt it the the hard way when, recently, I thought I could just Jackie-chan my way down from the 1st floor balcony. The hairline fracture is taking longer to heal than it used to too. :P
Unless you've been living under a rock or whiling away on some tropical island beach beer in hand, there is no excuse to not get a check up once a year after the age of 25.
Many of us have a desk job so there's little that can be done about eight or ten hours of the day. And I've become convinced that working behind a desk is seriously bad for your health.
Also, for the stool sample. You might want to wear 'em latex gloves and start fingering. If that dont work, pick up a sterile container from the hospital a day before your appointment.
Keep a 12 hour gap between your last meal and the checkup. Eat something spicy... could help with motion. ;)
@ mang buhril: Yup it is... but sometimes it is so difficult to find time also! :)
@ blackestred: Yup it could very well be because of that. Your body has built up enough immunities to battle germs and bacteria.... unfortunately, it wasn't strong enough to prtect the fracture, lolz.
@ eveline: Ah yes, my desk job. I sit in office from 9 in the morning till 1 in the morning usually... that's 16 hours of sitting. everyday. for the past 4 years! And lolz, the way you told me to wear latex glove and start fingering, came out so funny :P But yes, advice duly noted. Thanx :)
hope ur doin ok????? keep us updated dear.
chutiang ang a ti tur a an duh miau che chuan inthlahrung duh suh..... RAMBO polythene 1 hnur in va pe roh.. :P
Lilavati though it might be cheaper, I trust them. mumbai private ho hian an doctor man an ti sang nasa thei ltk. More or less, you are gonna get the same doctor at every hospital when you need a specialist :). It's just that their rates differs depending on the hospital
hey! hope all well with you. keep us updated :D
Take care bro! I think its high time you got back to your exercise regime not all in one go but surely. Sitting all day causes serious health problems
@ anonymous: Thanx, am going for my check-up tomorrow, keeping my fingers crossed :)
@ wonderboy: Hahahaa... :D
@ mnowluck: Yup, when alcohol prices are the highest in India here in Mumbai, I'm not surprised that Mumbai has the most expensive consultants too :D
@ minfield: Yup will definitely do :)
@ claytonia vices: Thanx bro, and yes I have seen that article before. Very scary, especially since I work from 9 in the morning till sometimes 1 in the morning, that's 16-17 hours of sitting every day, for the past 4 years! :(
Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information doctor stool
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