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Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Chp 894. Teeth makeover

Good day, dear readers! Welcome to my first blog post of 2024, lolz.

Today, I'm going to share with you an experience that literally put a smile on my face – getting my front teeth fixed by the talented Dr. Zonunpari.

For as long as I can remember, my two front teeth have been the cause of many awkward smiles and countless "mind the gap" jokes. They both slanted at an angle upwards, leaving a triangle-shaped hole right in the middle that peeked out whenever I dared to smile.

It was the kind of gap you could drive a truck through – or at least a tiny toy car. You have no idea how many times I ended up "whistling" when I was just trying to exhale. :P

It was a "flaw" that my ex-girlfriends had subtly tried to bring up in our conversations in the past, like you know, "Hey babe, do you know that so and so dental place is currently offering a discount on teeth repairing?" or... "I don't like it when you don't share everything with me, it feels like there's a gap in our relationship. And speaking of gaps..." :P

After years of enduring the gap-toothed grins, I decided it was time to take action. I needed to have a root canalling done anyway, and so, a couple of months ago, I booked an appointment at Cosmic Dental Clinic, situated just behind Millenium Center, on the right side of the road before reaching Babutlang Basketball court, Zarkawt.

I took a leave from work and nervously took a 2-wheeler taxi from my farm to Aizawl. I walked into the clinic, a bundle of nerves and excitement, ready to embrace the change.

The pretty receptionist greeted me with a warm smile that showcased perfect teeth – an encouraging sign! And then I was introduced to Dr. Tluanga who would be doing my root canal, and Dr. Zonunpari, who would be working on my teeth restoration.

After a quick examination, Dr, Zonunpari, who is also my childhood friend Robert's wife, assured me that fixing my teeth was a straightforward procedure using some advanced plaster and UV technology called "Composite Lamination". She explained the process, which sounded a bit like magic to my untrained ears.

Once Dr. Tluanga was done with my (surprisingly completely painless) root canaling, I hopped over from his chair (which by the way had all the latest tech like the ability to pump water, take x-rays of my mouth, and even launch nuclear missiles from Soviet-era silos) and settled down on Dr. Zonuni's chair.

The procedure began with a little bit of drilling and shaping and scupturing and stuff. I must say, it was a bit unnerving to have my teeth worked on, but Dr. Zonuni and her assistant were incredibly gentle and professional. Soon, the plaster came into play. With precision and skill, Dr. Zonuni filled the gap, carefully sculpting the material to match the natural contour of my teeth.

After what felt like only a few minutes (though it was probably longer), Dr. Zonuni said she was done and handed me a mirror. I hesitated, then slowly looked at my reflection. To my utter amazement, the gap was completely gone! My two front teeth were now perfectly filled and aligned, no longer resembling a mini Grand Canyon.

But yeah, of course, there was a slight discomfort, like I had this foreign object padding between my teeth and upper lips, and I was also speaking with a slight "lisp". Dr. Zonuni assured me those were normal since I wasn't used to it yet, and she was right because after a week, the discomfort was gone and I was speaking normally again.

Walking out of the clinic, I couldn't stop smiling – and for the first time, I wasn't self-conscious about it. It felt like I'd been given a new lease on my smile. I tested my new teeth with a series of exaggerated grins, smiling at everyone and everything – A cute damsel looked at me, and I smiled at her. A traffic police scolded us, and I smiled at him. A married couple had a fight and decided to get a divorce, and I smiled at them both.

Now, here's where the fun comes in. You could say Dr. Zonuni really filled in the blanks for me. No more gaping holes in my smile, just a perfect, toothy grin. It's amazing how something as small as fixing a gap can have such a big impact – now my smile is hole-heartedly complete!

So, if any of you out there are dealing with a dental dilemma, don't hesitate to take the plunge. A visit to Cosmic Dental Clinic and the magical hands of Dr. Zonuni might just be the tooth fairy tale ending you’ve been waiting for (by the way, this is not a sponsored post or advertisement!)

How much did this entire procedure cost me? The whole frontal teeth makeover cost me ₹6000 (plus I opted for "scaling" by Dr. RP-i, for which I shelled out an additional ₹1700, not to mention the separate RCT cost too with Dr. Tluanga). 

But trust me, 6K for a teeth makeover is definitely worth it! So do reach out to them if you feel you too have to fix your teeth.

I hope you found this tale both entertaining and inspiring. Remember, a good dentist can truly be a gap-stopping hero. Until next time, keep smiling and take care of those pearly whites!



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