Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chp 674. Lavasa - Summer versus Monsoon

Lavasa. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it is a beautiful planned town built on the banks of the Mutha river along the Western Ghats. It is an extremely popular tourist attraction situated around 70 km from Pune. The entire hamlet is a replica of the Italian town of Portofino in terms of building architecture and street design. Truly mesmerizing.

I've been working in Pune for 2 and a half years now, and it was only recently that I finally got to visit this much talked-about place. In fact, I've been there twice now, once before the monsoon and second time during the monsoon. And trust me, there is a big difference between these two occasions.

In this post, I would like to show you the contrast between visiting Lavasa during the monsoon and non-monsoon time. I initially thought of making two different posts about it, but then decided to club them together in one post so as to highlight the differences. So this post is going to be a little bit heavy on images. You can click on all images to enlarge to a new tab.

As I mentioned in my earlier post about visiting Lion's Point at Lonavala, my two friends Esther and Thara were really concerned about me being cooped up at home all alone during that time. Around five months ago, when they heard that I had never been to Lavasa in spite of me living in Pune for more than 2 years, they decided to plan a trip for me.

And so one sultry April Saturday morning, Esther and Thara came over to my apartment along with Gary, Zamzami, Johntea and James. We booked a cab and off we went to Lavasa!

We stopped at the famous Rohit Wadewale on the way to eat the best Misal Pav in town.

As noon slowly approached, it was starting to heat up. We stopped frequently by the roadside under a shade because our cab driver didn't allow us to smoke inside his car.

It was scorching hot just standing outside the AC cab.

As you can see below, the journey was quite barren and dry. All around the Western Ghats slopes, one could see just dry trees and shrubs.

This dude suddenly appeared out of nowhere just as I was about to click a photo of the mountains :D

The road below kinda reminded me of that song -

"On a bright desert highway, hot wind in my hair…"

"Warm smell of gaichap tambaku, rising up from behind…"

"Up ahead in the distance, I saw the Temghar Dam…"

"My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim… I had to sleep for the day!"


After a couple of more winding roads, we were soon approaching our destination…

Yay, Lavasa!

Yeah it was searing hot!

As it was my first time, the heat didn't really bother me that much. The place was so beautiful!

Dry riverbed…

Posed for a few photos here and there.

Thara took a Facebook and IG profile pic for Esther :D sigh, such a lovely couple.

It was so hot that we decided to do a bit of our traditional rain dance ritual in order to appease the rain gods and bring down some rain…

Meanwhile Zamzami did a rain pose…

But it was of no avail.

We ran inside the first pub we saw - "Past Times - The English Pub".

Muchhhh better inside.

The place had a good "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" offer, which we took to our advantage. We also ordered a lot of snacks.

Esther in action, lolzzzz.

When I stepped outside to smoke, I saw these people enjoying a siesta under the shade of a tree…

I was like, how can anyone sleep like that in public? Two minutes later, I was like…


Outside, it was starting to cool down (or maybe it was the beer talking), and things were starting to look awesome again.

With Zamzami. Without Gary.

The organizing couple Esther and Thara.

Finally, after a couple of rounds of pint, we left "Past Times". A little bit tipsy some of us were :P

Thara aimed his DSLR for a beauty shot. I wondered which pic he was trying to take. The serene valley surrounding the township? The mesmerizing river flowing through it? The tranquil lazy Saturday afternoon environs?


Green shot from below.

Ok, have I told you that I almost died?

Yeah that's right. I could have died that day!

So, as we left the pub and explored the rest of the place, we were a bit tipsy. And then we came across this section below.

It was cordoned off with a long yellow barricade tape. But since it was hot, there weren't any people nearby, not even a guard was around. Idiot me walked over the barricade tape and down the steps. I removed my shoes and kept my phone inside my shoe (Thank God I did that!) and wanted to dip my feet into the cold water. I took one step. It felt good. I took a second step and immediately… BUUURRRUBUURRRR, I was completely inside the water!

Luckily I could swim but I struggled to get back because the water splashing on the steps kept pushing me away from it. Esther and Zamzami rushed down towards me, but they were afraid to come near the edge (lolz). None of the other guys were around. Eventually I managed to pull myself back to the steps (there was no freaking grip either, which made it even more difficult). My wallet and hanky were completely wet, and I nearly lost my specs (I had to stop swimming to grab it after it came off).

It was then that we knew why the entire area was cordoned off. Two uniformed guards frantically ran towards us, shouting at us in Hindi or Marathi, I really can't remember now because I was so busy being grateful that I got out alive.

Man that was intense.

Here I was, drying myself on the hot parapet wall.

At least the intense heat worked favorable for me as I was completely dry in a matter of minutes.

We reached Pune after dark, completely tired and worn out, and we all went back to our respective places. The next day, Sunday, we all showed up at Church again, fresh as a daisy, as if the previous day never happened :D All of us decided to take a photo together again :D

Yeah, the Lavasa Summer gang :D

A moment to remember.

And that was my experience of going to Lavasa before the Monsoon.

Now for the Lavasa Monsoon visit part.

First… Tequila!

We usually shout "Tequilaaaa" after taking our shots, but this time we all shouted "Lavasaaa" after every shot.

We even baked our own early morning garlic bread as we got ready for this trip.

Why so much preparation this time? Because I was going this time with the E-17 gang. The notorious awesomest "E-17 gang" of Aundh, Pune.

This was like some hardcore gangsta stuff, definitely on a complete different level. Mess with them and you'll find yourself lying in a gutter with your throat slit. Doesn't matter if you are West Side or East Side, for E-17, the only side that matters is the fun side :)

As predicted, it was already raining as we started off…


Law enforcers Tuli and Christina in action at the back seat…

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your pierced ears"… Sanga's DSLR in action.

The journey continued with the usual romantic somber mood of rainfall and 90's slow rock love songs playing on the cab speakers. 'Twas definitely a memorable moment to remember, watching the sudden lashing of rains to the brief moments of lull in between taking place alternatively.

We even came across trees that fell victims to the monsoon's rage.

A brief pit stop at a petrol pump. I wanted to smoke so I remained on the road…

We finally reached Rohit Wadewale again, where we stopped and ordered their awesomest Misal Pavs :)

Searching for a ladies loo could be quite a pain in the ass on this long stretch of road. Luckily we managed to find one.

The journey continued. So much gloom and yet so much beauty. Melancholic, yet tranquil.

Carefree school kids waving at me as I took their picture!

A pic from behind…

So much greenery this time. Compare this to the time I passed by this place earlier above and you can see such a huge difference.

Waterfalls! Don't go, Jason waterfalls! :P

The Tequila works in mysterious ways :D

Soon we reached Temghar Dam.

See how different it looked from the earlier visit…

Felt sooooo much like Mizoram! :'(


We did find it a tad funny though, that every vehicle immediately switched to emergency lights. In Mizoram, this would be quite normal. But then again, yeah, quoting cheesy BRO road-signs, better safe than never.

Lavasa security guards were collecting the entry fees with their raincoats on…

More waterfalls here and there…

So beautiful!

Finally, Lavasa!

So… fresh and different from the last time I was here.

Urmmm… :P

Here we go…

Group selfie time!

Courtesy Sanga's DSLR…

Gary and John in action.

Do pardon them for that, it's their mating season, you know… :D

We roamed around the place for some time, taking pics here and there…

I just love the color contrast. So fresh and vibrant.

Gary, the Instagram-boyfriend :D (refer "Instagram husbands" on YouTube)

I wanted to compose a sad love song right here…

This place had a really appealing photo session background…

Muddy waters, running wild and free…

"And then I tried to create an Instagram account for u-Kima without him knowing about it."

"How did that work out?"

"The authentication code was sent to his mobile phone and he caught me red-handed!"

"Ha ha ha haaaa!"

"Hold it like that, and I will pose like this…"

"Helloooo... who's taking our pic? We're over heeere!" :D

Once again, I met my dear old friend, Mister "Past Times - The English Pub" :D

I totally fell in love with their new Bira drink mats!

Photo-shoot time! :)

Tuli, remaining classy as ever :D

Mirror group-fies.

John (finally, you get to meet the man from whom many of my fictional stories were inspired from :D )

Johntea (another interesting character I would like to build a new story on)

Sanga and Christina (aka do-not-disturb-anyone-in-the-morning-bleh-bleh-bleh)

Tuli (the accidental celeb)

At one time, I was trying really hard asking the bartender and the manager if I could buy one of their Bira drink mats :D Didn't know Sanga was slyly documenting the incident :D

Unfortunately, they were not for sale :(


You know you haven't had complete fun yet until somebody start posing for pictures like these… :D

Tuli trying to capture a picture perfect selfie…

Tuli happy she captured a picture perfect selfie…

Tuli posing for another picture perfect pose…

Tuli annoyed people disturbed her picture perfect pose…

Pics from the GoPro.

One last pose before leaving the place…

Outside, the rain had stopped and it was breathtakingly beautiful!

Love this pic I took below because from my angle, the photo looked like something else :D

And so, as all good things must come to an end, we headed back towards Pune…

One thing you must never miss out on your way back from Lavasa are the roadside corns!

Yummm… just select the ones you want and they will roast it right there…

Sulking Tuli, because we didn't allow her to eat corns :P

The cold and wet climate went so well with the hot popping corns.

Lime, black salt and chilli powder can really do magic to the corns!

Off we went again, heading back towards Pune.

Objects in the rearview mirror may appear handsomer than they are :P

Traditional drinks on our way back…

…and of course more beer meant more roadside pit-stops :D

Finally, we reached Pune. We were exhausted and drunk but extremely satisfied with our trip. Christina and Sanga cooked us an amazing dinner and after a couple more beers, it was time for me to head back to KP. As I was leaving the E-17 crib, I realized my friends definitely had a great time because… they left the keys dangling outside their door since our return :D

So yeah, that was it. Lavasa - Summer versus Monsoon.

You should definitely check it out too if you haven't been there yet, but make sure you do it during the monsoons. Looking forward to another memorable trip there before the monsoon ends. Who's with me? :)

One piece of advice I'd like to give you though, if you're visiting Lavasa during the monsoon, try to STAY DRY as much as possible, especially if you're traveling in an AC vehicle. Like I mentioned above, we got wet a lot of times, and then we were under an AC most of the time. The next day, Sunday, all of us were supposed to attend the talented 2Blu's "Tribute to Guns n Roses" live show at High Spirits. None of us could attend because we were all down with slight fever! Missed such a great opportunity to watch Tirthankar Poddar in action :(

So that is something you should keep in mind. Other than that, what an awesome experience it had been. Until the next time, peeps. Cheers.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Chp 673. The Adventures of Tubby - season 1

Meet Tubby :)

Tubby is a stainless steel four-compartment round plate with a kickass attitude of never judging you based on what you eat. She is currently the love of my life... my super bae :)

Tubby is 100% food grade stainless steel, BPA free, toxin free and dishwasher safe with a dimension of 15 cm radius and 3.5 cm height. She weighs a modest 120 gm, though she doesn't want people reminding her about that.

We first met online at Amazon and fell in love immediately. I was hesitant a bit at first because I've never done this whole online dating thing, but the day she came into my possession, it was the most memorable moment for me. Total bliss. She filled the emptiness that was in my heart and stomach.

On a serious note, I really do love Tubby because she reminds me of my school and college hostel days. Those days when we used to eat food on such a plate with different compartments, giving it this whole "Mess" vibe and feeling. And trust me, it is so convenient when you have different gravies you don't want mixing together.

The reason why I bought my own plate is this - I work at an awesome organization that has an office space at a truly modern Corporate center called "Sky One". As you can see from the photo above, our office is diagonally opposite Westin, KP. If you're a Punekar, you would have probably seen our office if you had crossed the Koregaon Park - Kalyani Nagar bridge, it's a tall 17 floors 1,85,000 Sqft building with complete tinted glasses. Hard to miss.

We share this Corporate center with a couple of other companies like TVS, Peugeot, Aviva, Exusia, etc occupying various other floors. There are two common cafeterias that serve breakfast, lunch and evening snacks for all employees, and the menu offered by the caterers is really good. The only problem I have with it is, it is 100% veg.

As a hardcore non-vegetarian, I decided to order lunch every day from Zomato and eat them at our office's Pantry room instead. And that is why I bought my own personal plate for office, thus kickstarting the adventures of Tubby :D

To keep each post short, I will be updating this section in a TV show-esque style, dividing each "season" into "episodes". There will be 10 episodes per season so as not to bore you all. So here is my first season of the Adventures of Tubby.

Season 1: Episode 1

For the pilot episode, I give you Masala Punjab Da. I order from this place regularly because it is quite cheap. Most of the stuff I order from here are Thali combos that come in compartmentalized disposable boxes, hence Tubby is not required. But on those few occasions I want to eat individual dishes, Tubby comes to the rescue. Above is their Chicken Hyderabadi Biryani (₹190) with Boiled eggs (₹40) and fried Papad (₹25). Goes very well with my fermented Bamboo shoot pickle. Every order from this restaurant comes with two complimentary Gulab jamuns as I am a "Zomato Treats" member.

Season 1: Episode 2

Next up is Café Hormuz. This has been my favorite restaurant lately. I really love this place because they serve the most awesome authentic Parsi cuisines that I know of, and the best part is, their quantity is small but cheap, which means I can order a variety of different dishes without spending much. If I order Dal tadka from other restaurants, it usually costs around ₹120-170 and the quantity is for two people, but from this restaurant, the quantity is enough for just one person and costs ₹80.

I will post the Parsi dishes I've ordered from this restaurant in the next season. Above is their Puri Bhaji (₹60) and Chole + 2 Bhature (₹60) with Kheema Ghotala (₹75) and Lemon Mint Iced Tea (₹35). For the uninitiated, Kheema Ghotala is a popular Parsi dish comprising of Kheema (minced meat) mixed with tomatoes and eggs. Pure yummm.

Season 1: Episode 3

Another favorite joint of mine - Grab A Bowl. I was ordering so regularly from it at one point that the founder actually called me up one day when I didn't order for a couple of days, to enquire if I was well or not :D All their combos come in neat disposable boxes, and my favorite is their "Bengali Fish Thali" (which is not on their Zomato menu anymore but the owner makes it specially for me if I call him up). Above is their Pork Coorgi Curry (₹305) with Add on Rice option. They also have Pork Vindaloo and Pork Kerala Roast. Every order comes with a complimentary Walnut Brownie and Hot Chocolate Sauce.

Season 1: Episode 4

95 Pasta n Pizza is a good place for fast-food. I haven't been to this place but I am picturing it to be a side stall popular among college kids because they also serve different varieties of Maggi meals. Above is their Chicken Baked Alfredo Pasta (₹270) and Double Egg Roll (₹70). I love pastas but I usually don't order them through Zomato because they get cold pretty fast. The best Pastas are the ones you eat in a restaurant straight from the oven with the cheese still melting. Yummm.

Season 1: Episode 5

One of the reasons I really love about Aundh is the presence of this restaurant called "Chennai Menu". Unfortunately, they don't deliver to KP and Kalyani Nagar. But South India Co. isn't that bad. Above is their Butter Masala Dosa (₹80), Tawa Wada (₹60) and Ghee Mini Podi Idly (₹70). They go sooo well with my fermented Bamboo shoot pickle and Raja Mirchi pickle.

Season 1: Episode 6

On days I feel like splurging a bit of cash, I order from Arctic. One of the best restaurants in Kalyani Nagar for sea food. Above is their Surmai Combo which comes at a steep cost of ₹500 (plus taxes). This combo consists of Surmai curry, Prawns sukha, pan fried Basa, sesame Chicken, rice, salad, and an option of 2 Neer  Dosas or Rotis. I also ordered extra Neer Dosas at ₹15 each. Neer Dosa is more of an Udipi – Mangalorean cuisine, quite different from the Dosas of Tamil Nadu and more similar in taste to the Appams of Kerala. You also get a complimentary Walnut Brownie.

Season 1: Episode 7

Food Fuel is another awesome place to order from. I used to order so regularly from it that the owner Moheet Samtani even added me as a friend on Facebook :D The quantity of one combo dish is a bit less, so I usually order from here when I am not too hungry, otherwise I need to order two combo dishes. Above is their Palak Puri with Aloo Bhaji Box (₹159) with Kheema Roti Box (₹150). Very filling. Their complimentary dessert for Zomata Treats members is a "Flavoured Cashew Candies" which I find so weird to taste. Other than that, I really love their menu, especially their Aloo Bhaji. It has that proper home-made flavor and aroma.

Season 1: Episode 8

Now I don't always eat fattening food, sometimes when I feel like I've gained some weight, I go for healthy food. Salad Grills is my go to place for that. The fact that they have an almost perfect user rating of 5/5 proves that they're the best when it comes to health food. Above is their Italian Chicken Salad + Chilli-Guava Ice Tea + Cheese Garlic Bread [2 Pieces] Combo which costs ₹295 and a Classic Fruit Delight (₹95). The creamy Italian dressing is super yum and fermented bamboo shoot pickle goes very well with is as it is also a bit sour and spicy. Lost 5 kgs after eating this :P

Season 1: Episode 9

Now back to Junk food :P I love The Bohemian Kitchen, except that it is a bit expensive. I order from this restaurant only when I've accomplished some tasks and I feel like rewarding myself. The Bacon with Cheese Fries you see above is costs a whopping ₹286 which is more than double the cost of the Regular-sized Spicy Chicken Classic Burger which costs ₹136. But man it was soooo good. Gained 5 kgs after eating this :P

Season 1: Episode 10

I'll end this post with food from Masala Punjab Da again. Dal Khichadi (₹105), Egg Bhurji (₹60), Veg Crispy (₹135) and Fried Papad (₹25) are enough to fill me up and put a smile across my face. And this was the day I took Pork Raja Mirchi pickle to work. A simple yet delicious meal, especially for that "end of the month" time when you're running low on cash :D

So that was Season 1 of the adventures of Tubby. Be sure to tune in next season when this show returns. Tubby loveeee.
