Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Chp 681. Mysore Adventures 1 + 2

So recently, I went to Mysore twice, both on the invitation of my niece and her new family. Some of you might have read my Goan wedding journals (part 1 and part 2) on my blog. After their grand wedding reception at Goa, my niece and her husband invited me again to their ancestral home at Mysore.

The first time was for their yet-another-wedding-reception. What can I say… Marwaris, you know :D

And so, representing my family, I flew down to Bangalore from Pune.

Landing at Bangalore brought back a lot of memories, even though it was not the airport I used to go to 10+ years ago. The new airport was like an hour away from the city, God I miss those days when we used to land and drove right into the heart of the city straight from the airport.

Nancy's close friend and my old friend back during my Bangalore days Mapuii along with Hlutea waited for my arrival. Hlutea was always the gentleman, offering to carry my luggage.

We had a quick South Indian breakfast because it was something I was looking forward - masala dosa, upma, pongal and dhai vada. Yummmm!

After that, we immediately left for Mysore. Mapuii and Hlutea wanted to travel by train, but I booked an Ola Outstation cab instead as I wanted to relax after a tiring flight from Pune, you know, jetlag and stuff :P

Though it was so much faster by train, the 4 hours journey by cab was indeed relaxing.

We reached our accommodation around 3 in the afternoon. Nancy had booked rooms for all her invited guests at Hotel Royal Orchid Metropole, which was right next to their wedding reception hall.

The hotel had this awesome Colonial period décor and furniture.

Mapuii and Hlutea's room was right next to mine with a shared balcony. We chilled for a while as we waited for the rest of Nancy's friends to arrive.

Soon everybody arrived and it was time to change for the wedding reception.

Being the uncle, my room was used as the rendezvous point as we waited for everybody to get ready.

Once we were all ready and the girls were satisfied with their Instagram updates, we left for the reception together…

The wedding reception was held at Hotel Southern Star, which was around 5 minutes walking distance from our hotel.

Initially I thought it was going to be like the Goan wedding reception, you know, with relatives and close family friends, but this one was apparently the big one. The invited guests this time was the public, including all their colleagues and employees. There were at least thrice the number of guests compared to Goa. Even while entering the hotel premises, we saw a long line of vehicles queued near the gate.

Our Mizo entourage took a photo with the beautiful bride and groom (click on all photos to enlarge to a new tab).

After that we wandered around the place taking more photos. As usual, my OnePlus 3 camera was in high demand because of the superior clarity. Everywhere I went, I was met with, "U Kim, hetah hian min lo lak… U Kimmmm, kei pawh ti hian min lo lak", which was immediately followed by, "U Kimmm, min lo thawn…" Ahhh, the bane of being a OnePlus phone owner :D

Like Goa, it was an open bar event, though I decided to drink slowly as it was my responsibility to make sure all the young Mizos reached their hotel rooms safely later in the night.

With the beautiful sister-in-law Tanushree Hazarika. I noticed immediately that she was wearing her traditional Assamese Makhela Chadar.

We took a few more pics with the bride…

Bride battery down :D

After the main crowd had dinner and left, it was just us again, the same old Goan crowd! :D And as always, we hit the dancefloor with our own playlist.

Tanu meanwhile was as usual making shots for everybody. She really makes the meanest baddest shots I know of!

Relaxing after a good dance session with desserts…

With the awesome Srinivas, who was as helpful to us as he was back in Goa. A truly amazing multi-tasking guy.

A view of the hotel from the lawn outside…

We hung around until the party came to an end around 3 in the morning…

Urmi aunty with her two lovely daughter-in-laws. I really love her spirit and demeanor that night!

And with that, we headed back to our hotel. I made sure everybody reached their rooms safely, and then went to sleep as well.

The next day, we had the complimentary breakfast at our hotel…

We left Mysore around 12 because we wanted to enter Bangalore before the evening rush-hour traffic started…

We stopped at Empire on the way for lunch. After all, who can come to this part of the country without eating at Empire?

We reached Bangalore around 4 in the evening, just before the traffic became heavy… Hlutea as usual was snoring away on his seat…

Once back at Bangalore, Mapuii and Hlutea pressured me again to create an Instagram account. And as always, I refused. They showed me the beauty of selfies and filters. Like this photo for instance which Hlutea made me pose and I had to listen to his every instruction, lolz.

Finally it was bonding time as I met up with my old friends Mimipi and Angie. It was so amazing catching up and talking about how much Bangalore had changed from the time I was there back in 2003.

Some "seh-hmeh" for the ju. :P

Hlutea dished out an amazing dinner, and my favorite was the beef cooked in Mizo style.

Bawngsa soup! Slurrrrrpppppppp!!!!

Before Angie went home, I paid my condolences to her sister Blessy, our Mizo traditional custom of "ral". I really miss Blessy, she was such a fun soul to hang out it. As I mentioned in my earlier Goa blog post, it was at Blessy's house that I first met Mapuii more than 10 years ago. She was hungry so I took her out for lunch, lolz.

Later that night, the two wonderful hosts Mapuii and Mimipi got ready for bed while I slept on the floor (don't worry, they both gave me permission to put this photo up on my blog, in the hope that they might find a boyfriend soon :D )

The next morning, they both experienced something they had never felt before - I woke them up at 7 AM! :D

Since my flight was in the afternoon, I pressured them both to take me to a local South Indian breakfast joint as most of the South Indian restaurants in Pune are Udupi style, which I don't really like. I'm more of a Tamil flavor guy.

Found one. This pic below was also the first photo Mimipi and Mapuii had been in before 8 in the morning  :D

After that, I was on my way to the airport. My heartfelt gratitude to Mapuii, Mimipi and Hlutea for hosting me for a night. You guys rock!

Airport beer time :D

It's kinda like a ritual for me to stop at Alta Vita every time I pass by this airport.

Amidst a slight turbulence, I was safely in the air again, heading back to Pune.

That was my first adventure at Mysore.

Last week, I went to Mysore again as Nancy's in-laws invited me to spend the Diwali weekend with them. As it was Nancy's first Diwali with the family and we had a long weekend break, I played the role of good ol uncle Kima once again and booked my ticket to Bangalore.

Around 2 hours before my flight that morning, both Nancy and Hlutea asked me if I was through security check-in yet.

I replied with this photo.

Yeah that's what I love about Pune. Unlike Bangalore where it takes more than an hour to reach the airport, Pune airport is just 10 minutes away from my apartment.

As I left my apartment, I saw this beautiful Diwali Rangoli my neighbors made.

Even at the airport, none of the airlines ground staff were in uniform, they were all wearing their traditional dress. I saw Vistara staff making a Rangoli near their counter as well. Must have been a fun day to work for a change.

For the first time in my life, I saw my own luggage being boarded onto the flight I was on :D

Diwali sweets were also distributed during the flight along with the meal.

This reminded me of our "beng ek kherna" :P :P

Soon, Bangalore appeared in the horizon…

Hlutea picked me up from the airport. He had already arranged the transportation.

The two of us headed straight to Mysore from the airport.

The traffic was bad! Once we were outside the city premises and the traffic was relatively better, we stopped at a roadside dhaba for lunch.

Hlutea told me about the Korean finger heart pose and made me pose as such. The gullible me obliged… 

Some beer to cool us down…

The food wasn't bad at all, except, the quantity was ridiculously small :D

We proceeded on our way to Mysore again and finally reached our accommodation around 5 in the evening. Mytea was already waiting for us at our destination. It's one of those fully furnished rented apartments. It was a 3BHK so the three of us got one bedroom each.

The loo was freaking high, lolzzzz. My legs couldn't reach the ground while sitting on it, hahaaa!

Warming up for the evening Diwali party, with my newly discovered Korean finger heart pose, lolzzz!

My two flatmates Mytea and Hlutea. I thought of changing my name to Kimtea as well :P

All decked up for the party…

Around 7 PM, Nancy sent a car to pick us up. Their house was absolutely stunning and grand.

The open bar was filled with all sorts of alcohol.

Me role-playing as a bartender for Tanushree :D

We moved outside the gate to burn some of the noiseless fountains and sparkles.

Back inside, there was abundant snacks and food everywhere…

With Utsav and Nancy :)

Hlutea captivated by naked sculptures :D

Meanwhile the ladies had a great time as Tanushree enthralled everyone once again with her specialized shots. This time she made a lychee based vodka shot, and it was super awesome.

Pragnya brought her own tequila which she kept sipping from the mini-bottle. I really love the packaging.

Utsav with Nancy and Tanu.

Dinner time. I was already so full from all the snacks…

Managed to finish this… :)

Speed-poker, this was so much fun! I even nearly won one round, I missed a flush by one card, aaarrggghhh.

Utsav's driver dropped the three of us back to our accommodation at around 3 in the morning.

The next morning, I woke up Hlutea and Mytea really early because I am an early riser. I really love waking up people :D They were both screaming, "U Kimmmmm!" :D

Soon Utsav came to pick us up.

He took us to "Pelican Pub & Grub House" which apparently is a landmark iconic pub in Mysore. Most of the adults today had grown up drinking at this watering hole.

Mysoreans love their afternoon beer it seems :)

We tried their famous Garlic Vinegar Aloo and it was dillu! It was spicy and surprisingly had a hint of fermented soybean (bekang) I swear! We loved it so much.

This is a very cute and polite way of telling the customer, "Yo, its late and I want to close down, time to get your drunken ass home". :D

And this signboard *hearts* (zoom in on image if you can't read it).

We headed back to their house after a few more mugs of beer.

The lawn and swimming pool were breathtaking. I wished they had a dog or two, this was the perfect place to bring up dogs, but unfortunately, their family wasn't into dogs, though they had a cute stuffed puppy doll :D

Private snooker room…

Private gym…

Exotic chess pieces…

At around 2 PM, Utsav took us next door to Uma aunty's house as she had invited all of us for a "post Diwali lunch" at her house. Apparently, that had been a tradition among the two neighboring families since decades ago – The Diwali dinner party would be held at Utsav's house, while lunch would be held at Uma aunty's house the next day.

All the men had Gin, and apparently, that was the drink to have on a sultry lazy afternoon, but I decided to stick with beer…

I took a sip now and then though, and the Angostura bitters worked magic on the Gin!

Soon, it was lunch time. The awesome feast that Uma aunty had prepared for us.

I gained at least 5 KGs during these two days :D

The desserts were really good as well. I tried them all out, the shameless me :D

In the evening as the sun was about to set, Utsav took us all up to Chamundi Hills. The ride reminded me of my way to Montfort School, Yercaud. Quite nostalgic. There were a lot of winding hair-pin bends as we ascended up the famous peak.

Unfortunately, the entire place was crowded since it was the Diwali holidays. I did catch a glimpse of the Palace below covered in lights though. It was beautiful.

After that Utsav took us to the iconic Lalitha Mahal Palace Hotel.

The place was classic AF. I really love the ambience. We sat down to have a few drinks.

Very interesting decors.

There was a movie shooting going on right outside the bar! :D

I asked the people there and they said it was a Malayalam movie.

The restrooms were also interesting…

There was this antique lift that took us to the first floor above.

A view from the terrace upstairs.

Like I said earlier, this is an iconic hotel, with many famous movies shot on this location. One of them is Amitabh Bachchan's "Mard". You can see this hotel in the movie poster as well.

Me posing on the hallowed steps of the hotel where revered actors had walked up and down many times while I just stood there with my Bacardi glass :D

The ongoing movie shoot in progress below…

After a few more drinks, we left the iconic hotel.

Utsav took us to Olive Garden for dinner. It is apparently one of Mysore's most reputed dine-out places, serving great Italian cuisine.

The place was beautiful. We were surrounded by a small moat filled with water. Ducks roamed around freely right next to us, quacking here and there.

I immediately had a craving for Roast Duck, but unfortunately they only had chicken, mutton and seafood. :P

Great food indeed! 5/5 rating.

We headed back once we were done…

Utsav and Nancy dropped us back to our accommodation… A truly memorable day spent indeed.

The next morning, Utsav had a conference to attend and knowing I was an early riser, he messaged me to ask if I was up. I was.

And so he came to our place and took me out for breakfast at "SPR Vegetarian", a famous restaurant franchise in Mysore, where I immediately went for the Pongal and filter coffee.

Their pongal was quite watery and felt a bit more like dal khichdi, but it was delicious nonetheless. The two chutneys were really good. I had to eat light though, as Nancy had invited us all for breakfast before we headed back to Bangalore.

By the time Utsav dropped me back at our apartment, Mytea and Hlutea were still deep asleep, lolz. Woke them both up and they cursed me as usual. We packed and headed back to Nancy's place.

Refreshing second breakfast :D

Some jobless selfies :D

The three of us left Mysore after that. I felt sad leaving the place, there was something about the city that held us back.

We went back directly to Bangalore without stopping for food on the way. We reached Bangalore around 2 in the afternoon. Mytea got down at Majestic and Hlutea got down at Kamanahalli.

At Kamanahalli, I met my hosts Zorini and Teteii.

I had known the two very well since my Bangalore days, and they were more than happy to host me when they heard I was stopping briefly at Bangalore.

We went out to shop for food the moment I reached, as they knew I appreciated a good meal :D They took me to a pork shop.

After that, I wanted to see my old apartment opposite Empire, Kamanahalli, where I used to live with Amos aka blogger angeldustandbones. Zorini and Teteii followed me as I tried to retrace my steps, but everything had changed so much! There used to be nothing but an empty plot of land near Empire back then, now it was all completely urbanized with shopping malls and large apartments. I couldn’t even find the lane that took us to our old home, dayyymmm.

I felt quite sad, to be honest.

Anyway, we headed back to their duplex house and refreshed for the dinner party. Zorini and me taking an official photograph together :D

Teteii made us shake hands, a formal way of Mizos greeting each other :D

Zorini, Teteii and I looked so different back in 2004 :D Next to us is another friend Madiki.

Those were the days "The Club" and "Club X" were one of the most happening places within the city… Sadly now, all the places I knew back then had closed down…

Back at home, we started preparing for the dinner party. Zorini made this strange concoction (phuahchawp fry) and it wasn't great at all :D We told her it sucked and she laughed so much.

Our guests, my two lovely second-cousins Muani and Zuali arrived.

You would have seen them in my Goa wedding posts as well.

With aunty Chhanhimi, their mom.

Teteii making Pork Roast…

Teteii cooked really well…

Family bonding time, with Isa, Muani's husband, and Carlos, Zuali's husband, and all their kids :D

The kids didn't seem to enjoy that much though :D

Chow time!

After a great meal and singing through the entire 80's and 90's popular music hits, we bid goodbye to aunty Chhanhimi, Muani, Zuali, Carlos, Isa and the kids.

I think I was a bit harsh to my niece Omomi's boyfriend because I kept questioning him about his background and intention (Mizo custom of makpa interview), even though Muani kept holding me back. I guess I am a little bit overprotective when it comes to family :) Apologies to Omomi though if I crossed the line.

The next morning, somebody screwed up the tea :D

Ah my two hostesses the morning after :D :D :D

A little bit of Bira Mohawk to get the afternoon started :)

The three of us went out to have lunch at Nandhini. I longed so much to have their famous "meals", and luckily for me, Zorini and Teteii didn't mind having such type of food.

Nandhiniiiii! I so miss this joint so much!

Started off with Bloody Mary. And of course no salted rims :D We assumed that was the unique Nandhini way :D

Yesss the heavenly meals! Unlimited rice and curry with overload of ghee, and my favorite was the podi!

After the wonderful lunch - Teteii was harassed by a cow :D

I decided to treat my wonderful hosts to a group foot massage because of all the things they had done for me, and so we went to Aphrodite Spa and Salon.

Good stuff :)

Complimentary stoles from the Spa :D

That night, I finally got to meet Anurag Zomuana in person. We had known each other for a long time online and I really love his WhatsApp group - "Corporate Mizos" where I got to know so many other Mizos working in the corporate sector. Luckily for me, he's Zorini's close friend and so she called him over.

He and his wife Zodini were super charming in real life.

Anurag posting our photos to the "Corporate Mizos" WhatsApp group, while I took a photo of him doing that and posted it to the same group. Post-ception! :D

Soon it was dinner time once again…

I left the next day for the airport at around 10AM. Since Zorini and Teteii were warning me about the traffic jam and stuff, I left early, only to reach the airport with 3+ hours to spare.

I spent most of the time at my favorite Alta Vita restaurant :) I started off with an Ice Tea to detox…

…followed by "Zuppa Toscano", a classic soup from the Toscano region made with Italian chicken sausage, crushed red peppers, onion, garlic, heavy cream and potatoes. It was Heavenly!

And for the main course, I went for the "Risotto Di Gamberi", a creamy Arborio saffron rice with sautéed shrimp and argula.

Yummm indeed.

And as I was waiting for my flight to Pune, look who I just bumped into :D

Varasadhi, my classmate of 6 years in school and 4 years batchmate in college. We had just met a few days ago in Pune before this, and meeting again at Bangalore airport was super funny. He was returning to Pune from his home in Theni with his wife and kid.

Soon we landed in Pune…

Overall, my two trips to Mysore (including via Bangalore) were extremely memorable, and it felt very good to experience such a feeling.

And another factor that made it quite special - on my first Mysore trip, Utsav gifted me a bottle of Glenfiddich…

And on my second Mysore trip, he gifted me a Double Black :)

Thank you so much for everything. My sincerest gratitude goes to Nancy and Utsav, the entire Aggarwal family and close friends, my Bangalore hosts Hlutea, Mapuii, Mimipi, Zorini, Teteii, and my utmost apologies to my dear friends like Nikhil, Sawmteii, Mami Kholhring etc whom I didn't find the time to meet up because of scheduled plans. Hoping to catch up some other time.

So cheers everyone. Here's to Mysore, and Bangalore partially. Until next time. Cheers.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Chp 680. 80 Perfect Games!

Recently, a couple of my close friends from Mizoram asked me if I've been partying too much or living on the edge these days. It's because of my recent blog updates where I documented some of the places I've been to the past 6+ months.

The truth is, no, I am not. Yes, I did finally manage to find time and explore different places I've never been to in and around Pune, but at the end of the day, I am still the same person I have always been – an introvert geek/nerd.

I still spend a majority of my free time playing games on my own or watching TV shows by myself. And just yesterday, I hit another milestone in my gaming life - I reached 80 Perfect Games!

For related blog post, do read:

A "Perfect Game" status is when you unlock every single achievement of that game at Steam. Some are easy, some are hard, but overall you need to spend a lot of time trying to get those achievements. So here is a list of 30 new games where I got a Perfect Game in case you are interested.


Total achievements unlocked: 14/14
Total time played: 14 hours
Game link: INSIDE
Cost of game: INR 565

What a game! From the makers of LIMBO, this game is a must buy. Beautiful gameplay and art style. And of course, it has a high replayability factor if you've completed the game but trying to get 100% achievement. That's why I played this game for more than 10 hours. An overwhelmingly positive review on Steam, and very deservingly so.

52. Hidden Folks

Total achievements unlocked: 5/5
Total time played: 8 hours
Game link: Hidden Folks
Cost of game: INR 299

Love this game so much! Very minimalistic and simple. It's a Hidden Object Game and you have to find certain people in the scene. The art style is very unique, and the sound effect is adorable. The text (description) can be quite hilarious as well. Just take your time with this game, don't rush it. Relax and slowly interact with every person or object on the screen. Trust me, it's worth it.

53. A Date In The Park - Collector's Edition

Total achievements unlocked: 9/9
Total time played: 2 hours
Cost of game: FREE

One of those few free games that I really enjoyed playing. Very shoddy and cheap graphics, but the storyline is quite interesting! I'm not going to give away spoilers, so I'll stop at this. Play this game and find out for yourself, you won't regret it. And hey, it's free.

54. Pixel Puzzles: Japan

Total achievements unlocked: 26/26
Total time played: 10 hours
Cost of game: INR 319

A very relaxing jigsaw puzzle game, except there was one bug where if you try to select a piece and there was another piece floating beneath it, you will grab that one instead if it's position on the board is before the piece you were trying to grab. I stopped playing because of this irritating bug, until I read a post where somebody used this bug to their advantage and easily got 100% achievement.

What you must do is place all the jigsaw pieces on top of each other on the board. It will take some time, but once you're done, just click on your jigsaw stack, and due to the aforementioned bug, it will select the first piece on the board (top left corner) and the next click will be the next piece and so on. You can easily complete the board this way, lolz. Play the smaller and medium puzzles the normal way, but for the larger boards, I recommend you resort to this "hack".

55. The Cat Games

Total achievements unlocked: 16/16
Total time played: 1.5 hours
Game link: The Cat Games
Cost of game: INR 119

A game for all cat lovers. There are three mini-games within this game - Indoor racing, Swim challenge and Cat breed billiards. My favorite was the swim challenge. I found indoor racing to be a bit lame, and I didn't quite understand cat breed billiards because the game controls were a bit weird. But this game is worth buying. Trying to catch the spider that crawled across the home screen was quite challenging :)

56. Slash It

Total achievements unlocked: 303/303
Total time played: 5 hours
Game link: Slash It
Cost of game: INR 58

57. Slash It 2

Total achievements unlocked: 302/302
Total time played: 5 hours
Game link: Slash It 2
Cost of game: INR 58

Two great games from Just1337 Studio. 1337 is leetspeak for all you non geeks out there :) Slash It 1 & 2 tests your keyboard prowess and ability to quickly type alphabets and numbers as they appeared on the screen. Lots of achievements, but unlike Zup! games, you actually have to work long to get all achievements. Very nice soundtrack as well, if you're into trance/house.

58. Cube Runner

Total achievements unlocked: 41/41
Total time played: 2 hours
Game link: Cube Runner
Cost of game: INR 119

Again from Just1337 Studio, the same  developers who made Slash it 1 and 2 (they also used the same freaking soundtracks :P ) This is an interesting 3D platformer, kinda like Geometry dash, but less rage-inducing and more explorative. A few bugs here and there, but not game-killing ones. A game I recommend you get.

59. Gravity Error

Total achievements unlocked: 9/9
Total time played: 3 hours
Game link: Gravity Error
Cost of game: INR 259

Really love this game! Too bad it's too short. The concept is very unique too. It is a minimalistic 2D platformer where you can control gravity by placing the "gravity direction" where you desire in order to reach your target. If this game had more content, I would recommend you buy this game at its full price, but because it is really short, I recommend you wait for it to go on sale. And oh there is an achievement bug too, which as of the time of writing this post, the developers haven't fixed yet (though there is a workaround to it).

60. Gravity Cat

Total achievements unlocked: 7/7
Total time played: 8 hours
Game link: Gravity Cat
Cost of game: INR 169

Four hours of rage-inducing rage-quitting experience and I finally got 100% achievement. Similar to the game above, but I hate this one so much! Don't get me wrong, the game is cute and beautiful, the concept is extremely interesting. You play as a cat who can change gravity while avoiding obstacles. The only problem is, the "change gravity" key (spacebar) doesn't work most of the time. Most of my deaths were due to this. And others have raised this issue in the discussion board as well but so far the developers don't seem to be responding. And so, with this faulty gameplay, I replayed the levels over and over again, died a thousand times, until I finally got 100%. The number of times I must have banged by keyboard! Poor keyboard, I need to buy a new one because of this game! Get this game only if you're using a game-pad or controller. You'll pull your hair out if you're using a keyboard.

61. Zup! 4

Total achievements unlocked: 555/555
Total time played: 36 minutes
Game link: Zup! 4
Cost of game: INR 58

62. Zup! Zero

Total achievements unlocked: 1043/1043
Total time played: 55 minutes
Game link: Zup! Zero
Cost of game: INR 58

63. Zup! 5

Total achievements unlocked: 2130/2130
Total time played: 1 hour
Game link: Zup! 5
Cost of game: INR 58

64. Zup! 6

Total achievements unlocked: 2448/2448
Total time played: 1 hour
Game link: Zup! 6
Cost of game: INR 58

I'm not even going to write a review on the Zup! series of game anymore. Good for you if you are an achievement hunter, but the gameplay is short, I completed them all in around an hour each. And most of them are the same, other than a few new gameplay elements like portals etc. Get it only for the achievements.

65. .atorb

Total achievements unlocked: 10/10
Total time played: 7 hours
Game link: Taken off Steam
Cost of game: Taken off Steam

The developer of this game had been banned, so his games (including bollo which I covered in this post) are no longer available on Steam. But you can still get the steam achievements and card drops (though you cannot sell or buy trading cards anymore). He had been banned on suspicion of using multiple fake accounts to give his games positive ratings. Well, whatever be his reason for doing that, I'm not going to judge him. But regarding this game, I really love it. You must correctly hit a specific ball to its target which is revolving in orbit at the center. There are three levels of difficulty – easy, medium and hard with 127 levels each. If you are not interested in achievements, I recommend you skip easy and medium, they are boring AF. But "hard" is really challenging and interesting. I also recommend you play this game in full screen because you will not be able to distinguish some of the different colors properly on minimized windowed mode.

Oops, silly me, giving you my recommendations when this game is no longer available on Steam *face palm*. Well, anyway if you happen to get this game somehow from other sources, my recommendations still stand.

66. Freebie

Total achievements unlocked: 5/5
Total time played: 4 hours
Game link: Freebie
Cost of game: INR 58

In this simple game, you must release a ball from inside a square towards the center where there is a rotating stick, and the rebound from the stick should or should not land on certain sides of the square. Once you crossed 20 points, it was almost impossible to progress because the stick moved so fast that it was more about luck rather than timing skill. When this game first launched (Aug 2016), there was no power-up, so I was stuck on 30 points for a very long time. And then in Dec 2016, the dev made an update and introduced power-up (+1 life or +1 point) which appeared occasionally, so I managed to reach 40 points. Recently (Mar 2017) there was another update where the power-ups appeared at every turn. I easily crossed 100 points. I'm happy to 100% this game because of this, but sometimes I miss the good old days of no power-up, it was much more challenging then. Now it is so easy that I cannot recommend this game to anyone.

67. Jelly Killer

Total achievements unlocked: 16/16
Total time played: 7 hours
Game link: Jelly Killer
Cost of game: INR 169

I was stuck on the last achievement for a very long time – "Killing Spree" (To destroy a body 32 times being close to the exit). I must have done this at least a 100 times, I think this achievement has a bug. Other than that, I absolutely love this 2D retro platformer, the controls are very smooth and the ability to possess people's body is really cool. One of my highly recommended games.

68. Oik

Total achievements unlocked: 201/201
Total time played: 33 minutes
Game link: Oik
Cost of game: INR 58

69. Oik 2

Total achievements unlocked: 365/365
Total time played: 53 minutes
Game link: Oik 2
Cost of game: INR 58

Oik 1 and 2, like the Zup! series of games, are simple physics based games. The main difference between Oik and Zup games is, in Zup you have an exploding object you use to bring the green square to the platform. In Oik, it is just making a couple of squares disappear in order to bring the green square to the platform.

70. WayOut 2: Hex

Total achievements unlocked: 40/40
Total time played: 2 hours
Game link: WayOut 2: Hex
Cost of game: INR 54

Confession - this puzzle game is way more difficult than WayOut 1, and so I had to resort to the game guides / walkthroughs in order to complete this game and get 100% achievements. Overall, it is a good puzzle game nonetheless, but very difficult. This is for those of you who prefer tougher puzzle games. Or chess.

71. VOI

Total achievements unlocked: 6/6
Total time played: 4 hours
Game link: VOI
Cost of game: INR 58

One of my favorite minimalistic puzzle games recently, developed by Try it out, you'll love the simplistic feel to the whole game. You have to make required shapes by layering different pieces provided.

72. Polyogy

Total achievements unlocked: 9/9
Total time played: 6 hours
Game link: Polyogy
Cost of game: INR 259

Very cute puzzle game with a lot of different variations in skill level challenge. Cute as well. Some of the levels were really challenging and was stuck for a long time. Yes definitely buy this game, or wait for it to come on sale.

73. aMaze

Total achievements unlocked: 14/14
Total time played: 50 minutes
Game link: aMaze
Cost of game: INR 58

Urrrrmmmm…. Lame game. It’s a simple maze game, with no time challenge or unique features. Like those you find in newspaper clippings or old Archie comics. Don't buy this game.

74. qop

Total achievements unlocked: 252/252
Total time played: 75 minutes
Game link: qop
Cost of game: INR 58

From the makers of Zup! series and Gravity Cat, this is an ok-ok game, you can get it if you want, there were levels that were quite challenging too. You must get the cube back to its home, making use of the platforms generated.

75. Rage Parking Simulator 2016

Total achievements unlocked: 466/466
Total time played: 3 hours
Cost of game: INR 65

Don't get this game, it is quite boring. I got 100% achievement a long time ago, and then the developers introduced new sets of achievements - "crash your car one more time", and increased the achievements from 11 to 466. So I just had to continuously crash my car 400+ times to get these achievements, God I am so ashamed of myself! I repeat, do not buy this stupid game.

76. klocki

Total achievements unlocked: 1/1
Total time played: 4 hours
Game link: klocki
Cost of game: INR 42

A very relaxing puzzle game. Makes you think a bit but doesn't take too much stress on your mind. You get one achievement for completing the game. The only flaw to this game is that you don't know how much you've progressed, so you just keep playing blindly until you complete all the puzzles.

77. Tennis in the Face

Total achievements unlocked: 12/12
Total time played: 6 hours
Game link: Tennis in the Face
Cost of game: INR 259

Fun game to play. You don't even have to complete all missions to get 100% achievements. I love and hate such type of games that does that - Love it because we don't have to play everything, hate it because we don't have to play everything. Also, the physics based mechanic may not throw the same output every time, so you may have to retry a particular level many times. Good time pass game, get it.

78. Spin Rush

Total achievements unlocked: 15/15
Total time played: 3 hours
Game link: Spin Rush
Cost of game: INR 58

One of those mobile ported "quick reaction" games. Initially I thought I will never get 100% achievement because it was super hard. And then one day, by chance, I happened to play it in window-mode (not full screen) and it was surprisingly much easier to play it that way! After around 3 hours of toil and rage quits, I finally achieved 100% (also, I got lucky at a couple of instances). A good game, I recommend you buy it.

79. The Magical Silence

Total achievements unlocked: 1/1
Total time played: 1 hour
Cost of game: INR 58

Weird game. This was the first (and only) game I had refunded till now. I refunded it because there was a major game-stopping bug within the first 5 minutes. But later, this game came on sale again and I read in the announcement that that bug had been resolved. For its cost, it's worth it I guess. And like I said, this is a super weird game. Some of you may like it.

80. Make it indie!

Total achievements unlocked: 9/9
Total time played: 1 hour
Game link: Make it indie!
Cost of game: INR 58

Stupid game. I won't even call it a game. Just don't get this piece of crap.

And with that, my 80 Perfect Games is complete. Do read the other Perfect Game related blog posts. I'll see you all again at 100 Perfect Games. Cheers everyone.