Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Chp 684. Tattoo makeover makeover

Recently I got a tattoo makeover of my previous tattoo makeover :D

There's this really talented Mizo tattoo artist called Zuia here in Pune. He has his own Tattoo parlour. When Sanga heard that I wanted to retouch my previous tattoo makeover, he took me to his house. Zuia took photos of my tats and brainstormed on the best way to cover it up.

After a week or two, he told me that he was ready with his design. That day, some of my friends too went with me to his tattoo parlour as they wanted to see the whole process of someone getting inked.

Sanga drove us to the place with his car. Sanga by the way has an indirect connection to one of my infamous tattoos that only a few of our close friends know about. :D

The journey was a bit long as the shop was located at the suburban area of Pimple Saudagar. It was also my first time at this locality.

Finally, we reached Ink Land Tattoo. It is situated near the busy Kokane Chowk (the correct pronunciation is Ko-ka-ne, though it's sounds so cool to call it ko-kain :P )

The shop was awesome, with all the proper equipment and tattoo seats in place.

You can follow Ink Land Tattoo Facebook page here as well. Zuia has kept a large collection of his past work there.

The moment we met him, Zuia got to work immediately, as he had a long list of appointments after me. He showed me the final image of the Samurai warrior that we both agreed upon.

He measured the required size and then printed the image out on a printer. He then traced that exact image on a special paper. That paper is something like those carbon papers we used to use before the age of internet.

Once done, he shaved the tattoo area of my arm with a disposable blade and then pasted that special paper and slowly peeled it off. The imprint of the image outline remained on my arm.

He applied a lot of disinfectant as well. While me and the guys were completely captivated with what Zuia was doing, what were the ladies up to?



By the way, Zuia admitted that most tattoo artists don't like to do makeover work because it is a big challenge for them, and since it doesn't turn out as good as new tattoos are supposed to, the artist ends up getting a bad rep for that.

But in my case, he was willing to work on it because of our Mizo-Mizo connection, even though this wasn't just a tattoo makeover but a tattoo makeover makeover! :)

To know more about my previous tattoo makeover, you can read my old blog post here - Chp 499. Tattoo Makeover.

To cut a long story short, I initially had this shitty tattoo…

The tattoo artist back then worked his magic on the above abomination of a tattoo, and managed to transform it into this -

For details of the process or the background story on my first shitty tattoo, do visit the link given above :)

And so I was a happy man. The makeover design covered up the old design nicely. But not for long. Within a couple of weeks, the new tattoo faded, and most of the Maori design and shadings completely disappeared!

It could be because of a combination of reasons - either the ink used was of inferior quality, or the artist didn't pierce deep enough, or I wasn't taking care of the post-tats treatment well enough.

Whatever be it, the so called "tiger" resurfaced and reared its ugly head again.

Now you can see why most tattoo artists hesitate to take up jobs like this.

But that did not deter Zuia and he got to work immediately.

Zuia also advised me that I should get this tattoo in different batches, waiting for each batch to heal first before the next sitting.

And so on the first sitting, Zuia did the entire outlines and important thick lines.

After that we all headed back to Pune Aundh.

It took two weeks for the outline to completely heal. I was taking good care of it, making sure the area was well lubricated with Vaseline or baby oil the entire time.

On the second sitting, Sanga went with me again. The others had seen enough I guess (and yes, it would be quite boring for those not interested in tattoos).

For the shading, Zuia used four different shades of black.

He also used two different types of needles - one was used to re-outline a few sections (single precision needle) and the other one used for shading had 12 freaking needles in it!

Good right? A very beautiful masterpiece indeed. No traces of that God-forsaken tiger, lolz.

But Zuia wasn't done yet!

After this, we again sat down for around an hour where he used only white ink. It was to polish the tattoo and give it a glossy-like finishing.

Check out the end result! :)

Really awesome.

On my third sitting, I didn't want to bother my friends again and went to his tattoo parlour alone. This time we decided to do both the outline and shading in one sitting as the remaining image wasn't that big.

The Dojo that he drew for the background looked really cool.

We quickly started off after that. Once he had done the outline, we took a break and had lunch. After lunch we continued again. There was an appointment at 3 PM so I gave way to the beautiful lady who came to get a feather tattoo done on her forearm.

Once she left, Zuia resumed work, and finally completed the Dojo.

We also put up a few other designs and shadings below the Dojo and till today, his work is clearly visible on my arm. I’m planning to get a few more designs and maybe even cover up my first tattoo which is the Chinese character (which means "East", and not "Schezwan Chicken noodles" contrary to popular belief :P )

So I'll update you all once I do that.

Do "like" Ink Land Tattoo on Facebook, and if you want to contact Zuia, his number is +91 7721084552. He'll even give you a discount if you tell him you heard about him from my blog post :)

Until then, cheers, and always try to live your life like a permanent tattoo. With no ragrets regrets. Ponder on that for a few minutes and you'll see how deep that sinks in. Ciao.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Chp 683. Experimental Intoxication

Recently, Indigo Delicatessen had opened a new branch at Lane no.6 Koregaon Park, and so I went with my school and college mate Vara to check it out.

One of the cocktails I ordered was called "Boozy Lemonade - Watermelon, basil and ginger with vodka". It was bloody amazing!

What I really loved about this drink was that, there were large chunks of watermelon in the concoction, and taking a bite overwhelmed me with this awesome sensation of watermelon and vodka taste. It was obvious the fruit pieces had been dipped and infused in vodka for a long time.

I decided to try it for myself too!

And so one day, I bought a watermelon and a bottle of Smirnoff :D

Gently slice the watermelon in half. Speaking of slicing, I just watched "Blade Of The Immortal" last night and it was AMAZING, I really recommend you watch it too, definitely movie of the year for me. Directed by the legendary Takashi Miike (Crows Zero, 13 Assassins, Ichi the killer, Visitor Q, Gozu etc etc).

Scoop out some of the watermelon and pour a shitload of vodka in its place.

Why waste the scooped-out pieces? Pour vodka into that as well. Why so much vodka? Because, cyka blyat :D

Freeze it for 30 minutes.

After that, take it out from the fridge. Grind some of the pulp into juice and pour into a glass along with large chunks of the vodka-infused watermelon pieces.


Looks awesome right?

Well, wanna know a little secret?

It was horrible, lolzzzz.

The vodka was too strong so it completely killed the taste of the watermelon! I mean it was still drinkable, and you'll like it if you love vodka, but this was not what I intended on making. And the taste was FAR from the drink I had at Indigo Deli.

So I googled and found out that apart from adding too much vodka, I made two other big mistakes.

Mistake number 1. This wasn't how a vodka-infused watermelon was supposed to be made. For that, I was actually supposed to make a small hole on a watermelon without cutting it up, and through the help of a funnel or direct insertion, let the vodka slowly seep inside the watermelon. And then plug the hole and leave it as it is for a couple of hours as the vodka slowly infuses with the watermelon inside. Some people even wait 12-24 hours for this process to take place! And I did it for 30 minutes, lolzzz.

This is how it's actually supposed to be done [source: rachel's pinterest]

Mistake number 2. Lack of other ingredients. As I read up more on all the other recipes and ingredients of making different vodka-based watermelon cocktails, I realized I should have added a lot of other stuff like Triple Sec, Sugar syrup, Mint, Lemon etc.

Ahhh Rookie mistake indeed.

Next time, I promise I will be ready with all those stuff and will update you again on how it turned out :)

Since I had vodka lying around in the house anyway, the other day I decided to make Bloody Mary.

And to make sure I didn't repeat the same mistake again, I read up a lot on all the ingredients and method of making it. I noted down all the basic ingredients and then went to Nature's Basket with a long shopping list. Finally I was ready:

Vodka. check.
Tomato juice. check.
Lemoneez juice. check.
Tabasco sauce. check.
Celery salt. check.
Black salt. check.
Ground black pepper. check.
Paprika. check.
Thai bird chilly. check.

I bought all the requirements, except for Worcestershire sauce because they didn't have it. I got Sriracha Extra Hot Chili sauce instead as a substitute.

I followed every instruction by the book, not just about the preparation of the cocktail but on how to correctly salt the glass rim.

Shake shake shake. I worked my magic on the shaker. I also realized it was really hard not to shake one's ass while shaking the mixture :P

Finally here's the result of my endeavor.

And yes, this turned out awesome!

It was so good that people from all corners of the globe flew in to Pune just to taste my awesome Bloody Mary :D

And so it became a regular thing I made from that day onwards.

One more post for all you teetotalers. I think you will like this very simple mocktail.

Take some lime.

Squeeze them dry.

Pour passionfruit juice into the glass.

Add salt. I would also recommend Black Salt rather than this.

Voilà. A refreshing Summertime non-alcoholic drink!

So that's my quick update for today. I will return later with a better watermelon vodka drink and a few other new cocktails. So until then, cheers everyone! :)

Friday, November 10, 2017

Chp 682. The Adventures of Tubby - season 3

For those of you visiting this series for the first time, Tubby is a new plate I bought exclusively for lunch at office. You can read about why I decided to have my own personal plate in office and the two exciting seasons she had been through recently below:

For now, I would like to thank all my blog visitors for the overwhelming replies and comments I've been getting on Tubby's posts. Strangely, these two posts seem to get much more traffic than my other recent blog posts. I guess at the end of the day, we all love food! :D

So I'll quickly answer some of the frequently-asked-questions I've been receiving on WhatsApp and FB before I begin this season.

Question: Kima, do you order out every single day?

Answer: As I have mentioned in my earlier Tubby posts, I work at an amazing company located at a prominent Corporate Centre in Pune. There are two large common cafeterias, but they both serve only vegetarian food. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I love pure veg, but I just cannot have it every day. I need my meat sometimes, you know. Hence the reason why I order my lunch from outside when I'm at work.

Question: Your Tubby food posts are so detailed, right down to the cost of each item. Do you keep a track of what you eat every day?

Answer: Nooo, lolz. The reason why you see that is simple. I take a photo of my food every day, and my phone saves that file according to the date taken. And I order food through Zomato app, which keeps a track of all my invoices. And so when I select which pic to upload, I just look at the date, cross reference that with Zomato, and thadaaa, I just copy-paste the detail. Easy peasy.

Question: So do you upload similar pics now and then?

Answer: I love exploring new restaurants and dishes. Yes there may be times when I order the same stuff I have ordered before, but for my Tubby blog post series, I try to make sure that every single episode is unique and something you're seeing for the first time. Hence you will not see similar dishes across all seasons.

Question: Is this series of post only with this plate?

Answer: Yes. I take a lot of pictures of the food I eat, and if I decide to write about them in the future, they will be in a different series of post under a different name. For this "Adventures of Tubby" series, the only photos you'll find here are the ones with this plate, who by the way, is Tubby.

And so, with that I give you season 3 of the adventures of Tubby. This season, I started using more of Swiggy rather than Zomato (will write a blog post later on why Swiggy is winning over Zomato loyal patrons like me). Hope you enjoy this post.

Season 3: Episode 1

Marrakesh, Kalyani Nagar, Pune.

Hyderabadi Kheema: ₹225
2 Butter Naans: ₹70
Butter Tandoor Roti: ₹20
Half Tandoori Chicken:  ₹185
Malai Phirnee: Complimentary

There is something very unique about the Kheema that Marrakesh makes. It has a different taste from the kheemas that other restaurants serve, and I really like that. I wish I know what their secret ingredients are. The Kheema went so well with Butter Naans and Roomali Rotis, though they didn't have the latter that day. By the way, their Shawarmas are to die for as well.

Season 3: Episode 2

Grab A Bowl, Koregaon Park, Pune.

Pork Kerala Style Spicy Roast (Add On - Rice): ₹305
Walnut Brownie with Chocolate Sauce: Complimentary.

Another favorite restaurant of mine. And the best part is, their menu seems to be expanding every week. I usually order Pork items from this place. This time I had their Pork Kerala Style Spicy Roast and it was wonderful. The only disappointment was that it was a bit dry, but the taste of the pork kinda makes up for that I guess. I had it with my fermented soybean (bekang) and bamboo shoot pickles - a match made in Heaven.

Season 3: Episode 3

Cafe Hormuz, Viman Nagar, Pune.

Sali Par Eedu (Half): ₹50
Tomato Papeta Par Eedu (Half): ₹60
Chicken Keema Cutlet: ₹85
4 Plain Paratha: ₹60.00

This place is my favorite Parsi joint in Pune. You would have seen some of the dishes I had ordered from this restaurant in the previous two seasons. This time I decided to try out two new dishes - Sali Par Eedu and Tomato Papeta Par Eedu. Turns out, Sali Par Eedu is fried potato straws, with eggs fried on top, while Tomato Papeta Par Eedu is a mix of tomato and potato with eggs fried on top. In both the dishes, the egg is fried sunny side up. Both are apparently very popular Parsi traditional breakfast, and they are sooo delicious. As you can see from the above pic, I went all hara-kiri on this dish with my spicy Bhut jolokia Raja Mirchi pickle.

Season 3: Episode 4

Madras Coffee House, Amanora Town Centre, Hadapsar, Pune.

Chettinad Paratha and Veg Kurma meal: ₹100
Medu Vada: ₹70
Rasam Vada: ₹80
Papad: ₹20

I really really love this place. One of the very few authentic Tamil style South Indian restaurants in Pune. As I have mentioned a couple of times before, I do not like Udupi South Indian flavor, which are in abundance in Maharashtra. This time I ordered Rasam Vada. I've had plain medu vada, sambar vada, chutney vada and dhai vada before, but never rasam vada, and it was super amazing. The Chettinad Parathas too went really well with the Kurma. And their two chutneys are too good. Mind blasting. :)

Season 3: Episode 5

Pind Punjab, Kharadi, Pune.

Chicken Overload Combo: ₹150
Dal Tadka Combo with Roti: ₹120
Gol Gappe: ₹69
Desi Ghee Gulab Jamun: Complimentary

I definitely over-ordered this time. I don't know what I was thinking while placing my order, because I selected not just one but two combo meals, and on top of that, ordered puchkas too! I think I was super hungry while placing the order, lolz. I did waste a lot of the Chicken Overload Combo and Dal Tadka Combo that day, but I did manage to finish the paani puri because thank God I had it first. See how awesome it was -

Season 3: Episode 6

The Greedy Man Pizzeria, Kalyani Nagar, Pune.

12 inches Pepperoni & Pork Chorizo Pizza: ₹550

What I love about this place: MEAT. They always add a hell lot of meat on their pizzas. What I hate about this place: All pizzas are 12 inches. They don't come in smaller sizes, so for somebody like me who eats alone (the sad and lonely bachelor syndrome), I gotta be extremely hungry to finish one pizza by myself. I usually go and eat at the restaurant itself (situated next to our office) because the pizzas taste best when they come out straight from the oven, but for the sake of introducing it to Tubby and taking a photo for my blog, this was the one and only time I ordered from office.

Season 3: Episode 7

Burger Singh, Viman Nagar, Pune.

Achari Mutton Burger:  ₹230.00
Mutton Malabar Express Burger: ₹230

I really like the name of this joint. Apparently it is quite popular in Delhi it seems, according to my colleagues from Delhi. They have a BOGO offer. Buy One, Get One free. And so I went for the Achari Mutton Burger and Mutton Malabar Express Burger. Both were dillu, and different, because of the Desi flavors. Another reason why I really love this place is because they pack a lot of extra stuff, like tomato sauce, mustard sauce, green mint sauce, and even mouth fresheners, toothpicks and hand sanitizer sachets!

Season 3: Episode 8

Cafe Arabia, Phoenix Market City, Viman Nagar, Pune.

Mix Mezze Platter: ₹325
Baklava: Complimentary.

I decided to go for their Mix Mezze Platter. It consists of Fattoush, two Falafel bullets, two pieces of Grilled Chicken, Chicken Shawarma Strips, Hummus, Garlic Toum, Harissa, Pickled Veggies, Grilled Zaatar Pita and Salads. A perfect Arabian lunch. A Fattoush is a Levantine (Eastern Mediterranean region) bread salad made from toasted or fried pieces of flat bread combined with mixed greens, radishes and tomatoes. A Toum is a dip made from garlic, salt, olive oil and lemon juice, while Harissa is another dip/paste made from chilis and other spicy herbs. The Grilled Zaatar Pita was a bit soggy by the time my food arrived, but it wasn't a party pooper.

Season 3: Episode 9

Pind Punjab and street food from a nearby Mosque

Pind Punjab Egg Masala: ₹200
Rumali Roti: ₹50
Plain Naan: ₹30
Butter Roti: ₹30
Desi Ghee Gulab Jamun: Complimentary.

Nearby Mosque Beef Sheekh Kebab: ₹120
Half Mutton Gulati Kebab: ₹60

So yeah, on Fridays, my Muslim colleagues would go to a nearby Mosque for their Namaz and I would ask them to get me some of the food items being sold there. The beef sheekh kebab that they get for me is really good, one plate consists of two pieces and costs ₹40 per plate. I ordered Roomali rotis from Pind Punjab to eat with the kebabs, and a simple gravy dish just in case it was too dry.

Season 3: Episode 10

Bread Story, Fortaleza II, Kalyani Nagar, Pune.

Wheat Chicken Club Sandwich: ₹80
Chicken Focaccia: ₹70
Banana Marble Muffin: ₹50
Irish Coffee Pastry: ₹70
Rum Ball: ₹40

A refreshing change to the usual heavy lunches, this was the day I decided to start dieting. Two simple healthy sandwiches and a few sweets. Unfortunately my diet plan didn't last very long, lolz. I was back to eating roast pork and cheese pizzas the very next day :D

And so, season 3 comes to an end. I hope you enjoyed this season. Season 4 will be out soon, so keep watching this space for more mouthwatering updates. Cheers everyone, and have a great weekend.