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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Chp 784. Bachelor Fried Rice

Previous posts –
        Bachelor Potatoes
        Bachelor Bai
        Bachelor Dal
        Bachelor Eggs

No Bachelor set of dishes is complete without the traditional Fried Rice. Easy to make, easy to eat, and delicious and healthy too.

Here is a step by step method on how to make bachelor fried rice.

First, boil rice, following the golden rule of 2 and half cup of water for every 1 cup of rice.

Defrost sausages.

Chop them into small pieces and grind King Chillies and mix.

Fry them directly on a pan with little oil (sausages can be consumed directly too, but I prefer that crunchy taste).

Next, fry some eggs. Add salt to taste.

Miz the fried eggs with boiled rice and sausages and mix!

Your simple yet awesome bachelor fried rice is ready!

I usually take it to office as tiffin too. Most simple and basic bachelor dish to make.

Now you can add a lot of onions along with ginger garlic paste while frying the eggs. This gives an even better taste and aroma to the fried rice!

Tastes really good. If you want some Chinese taste, you can add soya sauce to the above while cooking. As for me, I prefer it just like that, with no extra additives. Taking it to office as tiffin is easy too.

Here is another version of a bachelor fried rice. Enjoy the pics.

Yummm :)

Until my next post then, see ya all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chp 783. Bachelor Eggs

Eggs are super easy to make. Anybody can make a sunny-side up or full fry or omlette. I let to make mine a little bit more exotic :P

My version of scrambled eggs involve just onions and chillies (and some salt, duh). You can even spice it up further by adding mushrooms, jalapeƱos, cheese, salami etc., but for now, this is how you make a very basic scrambled eggs.

 First, chop some chillies and onions into small pieces.

Beat eggs (2 per person) on a bowl and add salt.

Heat oil in a pan and fry the onions and chillies real good until they start to turn golden and crispy green.

Gently pour in the eggs from all corners and stir slowly.

Thadaa, your eggs are ready!

Another simple hack is, if you want to make tomato scrambled eggs but you're out of tomatoes, simply use some "tomato puree" :D First deep fry the onions again.

Pour some "tomato puree" in the pan.

Add the eggs.

Yum, your tomato-less tomato scrambled eggs are ready!

Of course nothing can beat the taste of real tomato scrambled eggs without tomatoes. First, slice the tomatoes into tiny pieces (so that it cooks faster) and fry it in a pan along with onions and chillies.

Make sure you add salt in both the tomato base in the pan and in the egg bowl, so as to make sure every part is seasoned properly. Finally, pour in the egg from all sides and stir gently.

The more tomatoes you use, the more you can have a liquid like state, like the one below.

So good, yummm. So that is how you make Bachelor Eggs. :D

See you on my next post. Cheers (which I technically can't for the next 4 days because I am under medication due to an abscess in my pupil).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chp 782. Bachelor Dal

Previous posts - Bachelor Potatoes | Bachelor Bai

Dal is one of the most basic yet important part of almost every Indian meal. You can have it with rice or with different types of bread.

I love all sorts of dal, from Dal Fry to Dal Tadka, Dal Makhani, Dal Bukhara, Palak Dal, Toor Dal, Panchratna Dal, Bengali Masoor Dal and so on, along with their cousins like Rajma and Sambar (the only Dal I don't like is Gujarati Dal as it is sweet).

In this post, I will show you how I make my famous Bachelor dal, which is extremely simple and easy to make.

You will need -

Dal (red masoor dal variant)
Turmeric powder and salt. That's it!

Simple right?

First, wash the dal and soak it in water for some time.

Soaking dal (or rice) before cooking makes it faster to cook, and also, since this is a bachelor dal, you don't have any girl to soak wet, so this is the only soaking you'll get to do.

Next, slice a couple of onions and chillies.

Heat some oil in a pan, and once it is heated, throw in the sliced onions.

People usually make this type of dal in a pressure cooker, but everything is so easy that way. Since we are making a bachelor dal, there is no pressure from any missus or wife, so no need to use a pressure cooker, you can take your own sweet time :)

Once the onions start to turn brown, add 1 tbsp of turmeric powder along with the chopped onions and stir.

Finally, drain the water from the soaked dal and add the dal to the pan.

Stir nicely for some time and let the boiling oil nicely sizzle around the dal pieces (the only type of hot sizzling you'll experience as a bachelor).

Finally, add filter water to the brim.

Stir occasionally.

The dal will start to boil.

They will start absorbing most of the water.

Hence it is important to keep adding a little bit water now and then, with continuous stirring to prevent the bottom part of the pan from getting burnt. Once it is almost ready, sprinkle salt and stir again. Thadaaa, your bachelor dal is ready!

Goes great with any food, from rice to roti, or just as soup too.

BONUS recipe.

Wanna spice up your bachelor dal a little bit?

Add canned fish!

Soooo good! Just add a can or two of sardines as the dal is almost done, and then stir very gently so as not to break the fish into little pieces.


And so, that is my little secret on how to make a bachelor dal. Hope you find this blog post useful. Stayed tuned for more upcoming bachelor dishes. Cheers until then.