Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Chp 831. Contact Tracing in Mizoram

In my previous post, I wrote about my surreal experience of walking through my locality Chaltlang to get a permit from the Local Council office, when I saw most of the houses on the way slapped with a "Home Quarantine" notice.

Yesterday, we received the wonderful news that all 214 people under HQ (Home Quarantine) in my locality had been tested and their results were all negative. Wooohoooo!

Even though this is such a joyous news for our entire locality, especially those who were under HQ, I realized there is another entity that must be extremely glad with this good news, and that is the Contact Tracing department of Mizoram :D Imagine their relief because now they don't need to trace the travel and contact history of all those 214 people!

Party party! :D :P

And so, that is what I would like to write about on today's blog update. The Contact Tracing unit of Mizoram, about the importance of their work and how exactly do they go around doing their job.

Now to get a clear understanding of this, I spoke to my good friend Mazirtira, aka Maxeer, who used to work in this unit.

First of all, what do they do, and why? Well, Contact Tracing is the method of tracing and identifying all the people a CoVid-19 positive patient came in contact with. The main aim of this procedure is to prevent further community spread of the virus within our state.

In Mizoram, the unit that is responsible for this crucial task is known as the "State Contact Tracing Management Unit", and it comes under the Department of Health and Family Welfare.

Different health dept staff members are assigned to this unit. Like for example, Mazirtira was working in this unit back when Mizos were returning to Mizoram on those special Shramik trains, but now he is assigned to a different unit.

And even when Mazirtira was working in this unit, there was no need for him and his teammates to meet up every day, until there was an actual positive case. Hence, they were all working in their respective dept offices, doing their usual tasks like filing paper, data entry, managing logistics, coordinating supplies, taking selfies (in the case of Mazirtira), and were only "activated" when Mizoram got its first CoVid-19 patient (March 25th - Chp 799. Day 1 of 21 days Lockdown).

Once activated, they all met up at a designated office dedicated to this unit, and they started their work of tracing all the people the positive person came in contact with.

They did a fine job of collecting all the information, like the taxi driver who drove the patient from the airport, and so on. And once there were no other new positive cases, they all disbanded temporarily and continued working at their respective offices again.

After all, if there is no work, why waste resources? There's no point in the team meeting up every day when there is no "contact" to trace.

This reminds me of my friend and former colleague "SP" at a games development company. SP was a brilliant 3D model rigger, a perfectionist, and his 3D animations were top notch. Except, the problem was, we were working on a lot of 2D games for a very long time, and so, he didn't have any proper tasks for months. Initially, we tried to utilize him by keeping him in Market Research or Quality Assurance, but those were not his core skill sets. Eventually, we had to let him go as there was no work for him. Indeed it was a very sad moment to see him go.

I think from my experience above, you'll understand why they all headed back to their regular tasks.

We had zero positive case for a long time after our first case. When the first Shramik train arrived in Mizoram from Chennai (May 15th - Chp 815. The Long Train Home), it was expected that there would soon be positive patients too, and Mazirtira's team once again started prepping up, ready to be summoned to their unit's office any time. Eventually, we did indeed lose our unique status of being the only Indian state with no positive patient (June 2nd - Chp 818. Mizoram - 12 positive) and Mazirtira's team got into action once again.


Mazirtira mentioned that the way his team used to work back then and the way the current team works now, also known as SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), is very different. Here are 10 points on how Mazirtira's team used to function back then (without revealing any confidential information):

1. Since the infected people they had to deal with were all recent returnees, the source of the contagion was automatically assumed to be the place where they returned from (as they were all red zones). Hence, the headache of trying to trace where they got the virus from was not required.

2. Everybody who returned were all taken to various QCs (Quarantines Centers), and so their community contact was minimal. It was still not an easy task to trace all their movements, but this made their task relatively much easier.

3. The people they traced included the patient's train and bus travel companions (who were also all residing in one of the QCs), name of the drivers, places where they stopped on their way to the QC (which was again kept to a minimum) and so on.

4. They had a lot of help from the police, who also has a team dedicated to contact tracing. For instance, if a positive patient couldn't remember which bus he or she was travelling in or the name of the driver, the police stepped in and it was easy for them to retrieve those details and give it to them.

5. Apart from coordinating with the police, they also coordinated with all the districts of Mizoram. There are District units at every district doing the same work of contact tracing, and they share feed and information continuously with the main State unit.

6. Now comes the boring part. If you're expecting this Contact Tracing team to go all detective and private-eye ish, like Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot (or even the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew for that matter), then you're in for a disappointment. They didn't go out there putting on their sleuth cape or monocle and grilling people at different locations. Nopes. They got all their information, simply by speaking to them on the phone.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticising their method, maybe I've watched too many "Criminal Minds" or police shows and courtroom dramas, I was expecting a little bit more action and mystery, you know. I was imagining something like, Mazirtira is all suited up in leather jacket and rayban glasses, he jumps over a fence as he chases a positive suspect, and finally catches him. Mazirtira grabs him by the throat and pulls out a glock semi-automatic pistol and shouts, "Who else did you come in contact with? Who else!!?? Tell me right now or I'll blow your brains out!" and the other person meekly replies, "You, just now." :D

And so, they spoke to these positive patients over the phone, asking them a standard list of questions. If one patient was unreachable, they would call up another positive patient staying in the same hospital ward (all those details were with them) and asked him or her to give the phone to that person. It was also of utmost priority to speak to a patient before he or she was admitted to the ICU, because communication was difficult once the person became critical.

7. There were no fixed amount of cases they had to solve on a daily basis, they just had to solve ALL of them, and so on many nights they stayed in their office working till 3-4 AM. However, they didn't call up any patients after 11 PM as they could be sleeping. I really like how they sacrificed their sleep and yet had so much concern for others who were sleeping.

8. Surprisingly, they weren't using any dedicated software or apps to do their job. Being a techno-geek and all, I was expecting them to use some specialized tool compatible with their mobile phones that would automatically allow them to sync data on a centralized cloud server or something like that. Nah, they used the good old pen and paper, and sometimes Word document and Excel sheet to write down all the data they collected.

9. Once they had collected all the required information, they uploaded their data to a separate Data Management unit known as the IDSP - the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme, which is under the central Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. There are various protocols and formats to follow too while doing that, which Mazirtira could not reveal because they are confidential information.

10. Apparently, every Indian state Contact Tracing unit uploads their findings to this IDSP portal. According to a quick Google search, this has been a norm for not just CoVid-19 related contact tracing but even for other diseases like Chicken Pox, Dengue, Cholera, Acute Diarrheal Disease and even Food Poisoning. Interesting...

And so these 10 points above more or less covered what Mazirtira used to do, without revealing any sensitive and confidential information. Like I mentioned earlier, he was lucky because the people he had to trace were just the recent returnees. Before I proceed further, let us take a short break and look at Mazirtira in various action poses as he gets on with his job of Contact Tracing. :)

Here's Mazirtira getting ready for work once again, making sure everybody who came in contact with a positive person is accounted for.

Mazirtira promising to trace the contact back to the very root and snip it off before it can spread further within our community.

Mazirtira working hard to connect all the dots and relations that a positive patient may have come in contact with.

Mazirtira saying, "If we do our job well, then this Corona virus is like a scooty with no wheels, as it cannot go anywhere else".

Mazirtira looking into every nook and corner, including all available holes too, trying to trace the contacted people.

The above image kinda reminds me of Nietzsche's quote, "If you stare into an abyss long enough, the abyss will stare back at you." Lolz.

Here's Mazirtira promising the people of Mizoram that he will sweep away the virus, protecting us all to the best of his ability.

And if all the methods above fail, Mazirtira said there is still one last resort he is willing to apply, and that is...

And so, coming back to this post, the way the current Contact Tracing team works now is very different from the time Mazirtira was in the unit.

Unfortunately, I don't know anybody who is currently working in the unit to ask about their current SOP, and since this is still an ongoing process, I don't think it would be wise or ethical either to write about it on a public domain like my personal blog.

But one thing I do know is that, the current team has a much more difficult task at hand. For instance, due to community spread, they must now determine from whom and where the person contracted the virus from, unlike before when they could just assume that they contracted it from a hotspot region before returning home to Mizoram.

And trying to determine now where the person must have contracted the virus from, must be a big pain in the ass..ymptomatic.

Do know that this CoVid-19 infection does not come with a "time-stamp" that registers the exact time it invades your body.

Suppose somebody wrote incriminating lies about you or shared a scandalous photo of you on social media, like revenge-porn, and that started going viral as more people forwarded it to different groups. If you want to file a police complaint, it is quite easy for the Cyber crime unit to do a reverse tracing and get back to the root. Eliminate each node, point by point, working backwards, until you reach the very source.

However, in the case of CoVid-19 community transmission, it is not as easy as that. Suppose a person A went to location X, and later location X turned out to be a contaminated area and he tested positive, it is quite easy to determine that he got the virus from X. Short and simple.

But life ain't always like that, innit?

It's like when you're sitting for a math exam and you read a set of questions. The first question carrying "2 marks" is very easy to answer, and you're like, "Damn, that was a cakewalk, I'm gonna become a neurosurgeon when I grow up!" And then, the very next question carrying "5 marks" has a few complexities added to it, and suddenly you're dumbstruck, now you're like, "Damn, what the hell am I gonna do with my life when I grow up?"

Similarly, imagine if that same person A went to not just location X, but locations Y and Z as well, that too not just in order of X-Y-Z but multiple times, like X-Y-X-Z-Y-X-Z, and all three places turned out to be contaminated. Now where did A contract the virus from? Even if the first place he visited turned out to be a contaminated, there is no real guarantee that he got the virus from there. He could get it from Y or Z instead too, he could even be the spreader when he returned to X, and so on.

And that's just the "5 marks" question. Now for the "10 marks" question: There were two other people B and C as well, who also moved around in those same 3 locations during the same time as A. Now, who contracted from which location, who infected whom, when did that happen, and how do you find the solution to all this without banging your head on the desk and passing out from the pain?  Not so simple now, huh?

Now multiply the number of people above by thousands, and location by hundreds. What you have here now is a complete cess pool of convoluted confusion and chaos. Welcome to Dante's 10th Circle of Hell. No marks will be awarded for answering the last question because we would all be marked for extinction by then.

Sorry to sound so grim, but that's just a small taste of reality. My friend Dr. Doris Zualtei recently wrote a good article about how contact tracing will no longer be possible to do at the rate in which we're moving, and she's completely right. Instead, she suggests we all focus on ourselves and respective well being, as that is the best preventive remedy we have for now.

Meanwhile, our LLTF, the Local Level Task Force, is doing an incredible job helping the Contact Tracing unit. Every day we receive new messages, like, "Those who had been to so and so place on so and so date, report to your LLTF immediately" and so on. Though Contact Tracing is a difficult task as I've mentioned above, the LLTF is definitely lifting a lot of the burden.

Imagine there is no LLTF or YMA, no semi-government body around to help with the coordination, we could very be living in a post apocalyptic world as of now, and not the cool steam-punk kind. Just pain and misery everywhere. So here's a big shout out to all our warriors still fighting this pandemic, both front-line and back-line, even the down-lines, from the doctors and nurses to lab technicians and contact tracing units, to the police force and LLTF and other authorities risking their lives every day to make Mizoram a better place to live for all of us.

Cheers to you all.

Ending this post, do let me know if I've made any mistake in some of the details I've written about our Contact Tracing unit. There may be a lot of other information I didn't include too, like whether they're also doing contact pattern analysis or not, whether they're studying the present scenario to strategize on future contact minimization or not etc. This is just the basic detail and a big thanks to Mazirtira once again for the info. By the way, Mazirtira's RT-PCR Swab Test result came out this morning, and he was Negative, so a big congrats to him as well.

To celebrate the good news, here is a picture of Mazirtira, assuring the good people of Mizoram that you can always lean on him.

A great lean indeed.

And of course, here are some pics to make you laugh as you complete reading this blog update. Thanks for reading once again, cheers. :D


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chp 830. Lockdown... again.

Today, the streets were empty once again, reviving memories of a ghost town not too long ago, of the Ides of March when this pandemic first reached Mizoram. Starting today, 11th September, 2020, a lockdown had been declared across Aizawl again, as Mizoram saw its highest infection in a single day - 141 new cases!

Eerie, empty and desolate, not a single soul or vehicle on the road, not even a stray cat in sight, except for a few solitary individuals quickly walking past our house in vigilant but nervous steps, on their way to the Local Council office to get a permit to travel outside our locality.

I too went to the LC office earlier today to get a permit for my niece, who's appearing for an entrance exam tomorrow. The sight that greeted me on my way was discomforting.

As I walked on the empty road alone towards the LC office, all the houses adjacent to the road were locked up, just like the previous lockdowns. But what made today very different was that, at most of the houses, there was this prominent notice stuck on the gate or door in large, bold letters: "HOME QUARANTINE. Visitors strictly forbidden. By Order, Chaltlang Local Level Task Force."

House after house, the notice was displayed! This was apparently for those household members who had come in contact with the new positive cases, pending tests.

Suddenly, it hit me, these weren't just the people I had read about on the news, these weren't numbers or statistics I received on a WhatsApp forward message, these were actual people I know personally. My dear friend Jerusha's house, Uncle Kaia's shop, Nu BSi's medical store, the recently opened "Desi Choka" restaurant, the kind-hearted carpenter who used to repair our furniture, KTP leader Robert's house, and so on, just to name a few. All of them had this sign displayed outside their respective houses.

As I stood there still stupefied at what was happening around me, I tried to peep inside their house from where I was standing in the middle of the road without breathing (not sure why I was so damn curious or why I was even holding my breath), but I could see that even their windows were bolted shut from inside, curtains down, voices silenced. No signs of life from the outside world. It was like that scene straight out of a zombie apocalypse movie.

I continued walking towards the LC office, precariously.

After I explained the reason why I needed the permit and showed the LC officials the required documents, my request was granted and I collected the permit (thank you, Tlantea and Faka). I walked back to my house, passing by all those Quarantined houses once more. The surreal experience continued.

141 new positive cases in one day may not be a huge number for my friends outside Mizoram, especially when most Indian states are registering new cases in thousands and ten thousands (23K in Maharashtra and 10K in Andhra Pradesh on the same day Mizoram got 141). But for a tiny state like Mizoram where we are a close-knitted community and people had been very careful since the beginning of the pandemic, 141 is a very huge number.

For perspective, let me explain it this way. I have more friends in Pune than I do here in Aizawl. In Maharashtra, there are already more than a 10,00,000 infected, whereas in Mizoram the total so far as of today is less than 1,400. And yet, my friends in Pune hardly know anybody personally (a friend, a relative, a colleague etc) who is infected, whereas almost all my friends here in Aizawl now know somebody who is infected or quarantined.

And that is why this lockdown feels so different from the earlier lockdowns. When you know such people personally, it hits much close to home, literally speaking.

From the looks of it, most of the new infections and community transmissions seem to be from the recent Local Body election, which I blogged about here. Many of the new cases were those officials on election duty. Did they contract the virus from the voters? Did they spread the virus to other voters? We don't know all that right now, with contact tracing still in progress, but I'm planning to write about contact tracing in Mizoram on my next blog update, so do stay tuned for that.

As of now, the opposition party members are blaming the ruling party for conducting the election against their objections, which is expected of them to do. But I will not be political in my blog updates, at least for now. I'm not blaming the government, and at the same time I'm not not blaming the government, is what I'm trying to say. Other people of course have the right to criticize.

Meanwhile, let's continue to pray for all our friends and family who are infected or under quarantine so that we can flatten this curve once again. Love and prayers. Take care for now.

(Ps. I wrote this blog post last night but there was no internet in my locality, both WiFi and phone data were down, so I am updating it today, without changing any of the dates or tenses, hope you understand).

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Chp 829. Mizoram Local Body Election 2020

Today, Mizoram went to polls despite the ongoing CoVid-19 pandemic. After much consideration and deliberation, our State Election Commission finally decided to go ahead with the planned election.

All Local Body elections within AMC (Aizawl Municipal Council) are known as the Local Council elections, and the ones outside AMC are known as the Village Council elections. There are 80+ Local Councils and 500+ Village Councils in Mizoram. These Local Council and Village Council elections are equivalent to the Gram Panchayats election elsewhere in India.

Other than the three Autonomous Districts of Mizoram (CADC, LADC and MADC) that have their own separate Village Council election dates, and a few localities across Mizoram that had been declared a containment zone due to community spread of CoVid-19, the rest of us went to exercise our franchise today.

Today was also the first time in my life that I voted in Mizoram!

Nine months ago, when I finally packed up all my belongings to move back to Mizoram permanently, a part of me was sad to leave behind 30 years of life outside Mizoram. But at the same time I was excited too, because I was going to see and do a lot of new stuff that I had never done before. One of those things I was really looking forward to was to finally cast my vote in Mizoram!

Of course, back then I never knew CoVid-19 would be lurking around the corner, rearing its ugly head out to change everything for everybody. This was definitely not the "first time voting in Mizoram" experience that I had in mind. But still, I went and voted today.

Here are 10 points that I have observed about our Local Council election today:

1. No campaign rule.

Candidates weren't allowed to have campaign rallies or even door-to-door campaign because of the ongoing pandemic. Hence people made use of social media and everything was done in a healthy and mature manner.

2. Minimal advertisements.

There were very few political advertisements. On my entire walk from my house to the polling booth, I saw only just these three banners belonging to the three political parties fighting for seats in my locality.

Very subtle and simple election banner, no hyped-up promises or gaudy rhetoric, just a direct display of who the candidates of each party were, along with a one-line selling point.

Of course it needs to be stated here that, being a small and close knitted society, almost everybody in our locality already knew who these candidates were, and so there was no need to introduce them or write about their qualifications etc.

3. Safety first!

In my locality, people had to vote in batches. Time slots were allotted for different age groups. As for me, I belonged to the 12 noon - 2:30 PM batch, which was for those between 30 and 44 years of age, while my mom and nieces were in different batches. I went to the polling booth with my sister and cousins.

There were also a couple of rules we had to follow, like wearing a mask, carrying our own pen and hand sanitizers, maintaining social distancing at all times, and only people from the same household were allowed to share an umbrella or water bottle.

4. Lack of security.

During my entire stay at the polling station today, I saw just ONE police officer! He was like walking around here and there, and then I never saw him again. No other cops were in sight, which was soooo different from any election I had experienced in Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. People weren't going to make any trouble, which was obvious. This is an epitome of peaceful election.

A little further away from the polling venue, there were three makeshift counters constructed by the ZPM, MNF and Congress party workers. I saw them displaying their party flags on their respective counters, and I think they were on sale or given to anybody who wanted them, I don't know as I didn't stop to ask or take photos. But one thing I did see was the party members going over from their counter to the opposition's counter and laughing and teasing each other. You will never find such camaraderie between different political parties in India like you do in Mizoram. What bliss!

5. Election watchdog.

Even though there weren't any police around, the election watchdog MPF was right there, setting up a booth directly opposite the polling station gate.

The MPF, which stands for Mizo People's Forum, is a neutral NGO body that oversees all elections in Mizoram. They are all volunteers, made up of different Church leaders along with YMA leaders and prominent senior citizens, and they make sure that the political party members aren't "fighting dirty" during election campaigns, and all elections are conducted smoothly and fairly etc.

One such example of their work would be about the transportation of people to the polling booth. Earlier, for example, if you supported Congress but had some problem like a fractured leg or other disability that prevented you from voting, then the Congress party would arrange your transportation to the polling booth. The MPF found such practices unfair, especially for those parties or independent candidates who may not have the financial resources to arrange such transportations, and so that practice was banned, and now the MPF instead arranges ALL transportation for such citizens with disabilities to the polling booth, regardless of whom they're going to vote for.

As we stood in line, MPF members were continuously running around, making people sit in an orderly fashion while we waited for our turn. Other MPF members were taking down names and phone numbers of all the voters for contact tracing in case somebody among the crowd is diagnosed with CoVid-19 later. Another MPF member was repeatedly announcing on the mic about how many people we should each vote for, how to fold the ballot paper, what are the ways in which your vote will be disqualified, and so on.

6. Meeting friends!

It was only at the polling station that I realized I haven't seen most of my friends in a very long time! With all the lockdowns and curfews going on, it was really great to see many of my friends again, even if half their faces were hidden behind masks. We shook hands in the air without coming in contact with each other, while others gave each other air-fistbumps.

Here's tlangval Johnson, looking tired from waiting.

No longer tlangval Sanga, with tlangval again Tluanga.

No longer tlangval Adam, with nula again Mary.

Rumour has it that both the tlangval again and nula again above went to cast a secret ballot, which has nothing to do with today's election, if you know what I mean :D

7. Waiting in line.

Chairs were kept far apart from each other as people waited for their turn to vote inside the polling booth. Here's one such photo I took of our Chaltlang polling venue.

In the above pic, you can see the back row people standing. They're actually not standing in queue, they were getting up to shift to the next empty seat. And that's how everybody proceeded, from one chair to the next chair until you reach the polling booth.

But then I saw a sign that said, "Using mobile phone is prohibited" and so this was the last photo I took with my phone.

After this, I kept my phone in my pocket. I mean, there was nobody around to enforce this rule, I could very well continue playing with my phone and taking pics, but that's the Mizo way of life we had all been brought up with. We just follow the rules, no questions asked.

Here are some images sent by my friends on WhatsApp of their poll waiting area. I love how everybody maintained enough distance between each other.

8. The Polling booth.

Finally, my turn came and I walked inside the polling booth. All MPF volunteers were now replaced by the actual State government Election employees. Just like everybody else, MPF members were also not allowed inside, except to cast their vote.

To the first officer sitting behind a desk, I mentioned my electoral ID number, to which she quickly found my details on a list, and then after verifying my Election ID card, she allowed me to proceed.

The second officer applied that dark ink thingie on my left index finger. Every time she applied, she would dispose the stick and use a new one for the next person. Very hygienic indeed. Also, I realized, right at that time, I hadn't actually cast my vote yet but I was already marked as someone who had voted. I was actually an illegal voter right then! Come to think of it, all of us were at that point. :P :P

The third officer turned out to be my friend and classmate from JJ School "M" (I'm not sure if I'm allowed to disclose the name of election employees, lolz.) Small world indeed. "M" gave me the ballot papers and instructions on how to stamp the seal on the candidates while I waited for the booth to be empty.

Once the booth was empty, I excitedly stepped inside, quickly selected my seven candidates, stamped them while using a tissue paper to hold the seal, folded the ballot papers as instructed, inserted them in a box, applied hand sanitizer on my hands and then walked outside, straight to home. I must admit, that feeling was a bit underwhelming.

I mean, since it was the first time I was casting my vote in Mizoram, I was maybe expecting some heavenly music to suddenly play in the background, you know, Steve Vai riffing it up while Dave Lombardo beats a kickass rhythm on the drums, with thunder and lightning adorning my surroundings, or something like that :D Instead, it was kinda "meh". Quite an anti-climax.

Fellow blogger Muantea managed to take my pic as I left the polling station though, lolz. Sly people everywhere :D

9. Party no bar.

Correct me if I'm wrong (as this was my first Local Council voting experience), but I think people don't really care about the political party when it comes to Local Council elections. I had been asking my relatives and close friends for the past few days about whom they're planning to vote for, and they always told me a mix of candidates across different party lines.

And the candidates they were planning to vote for were usually hard working people who cared about the people, whom you could rely on. It really didn't matter which party they belonged to. Out of the 7 people we were supposed to vote for today, my vote went to 3 candidates from Congress, 2 from MNF and 2 from ZPM (uuurrmmm, am I allowed to disclose that? Please let me know).

I heard that the State Assembly elections on the other hand are more closely affiliated to political parties and party manifesto etc. Do let me know if I got all that right.

10. Citizen's Pride.

Last but not the least, as underwhelming as my first voting experience was, I now feel this great sense of pride and responsibility for going out to exercise my franchise today.

A pessimist may argue, "How does your one vote matter, chances of you becoming the deciding vote is extremely rare, you're just a speck of dust in a vast ocean of sand". True, but the same argument can be made for any other vote as well. Might as well just give up on democracy and have an autocratic leader then?

Though I came very late in the picture, I'm mighty glad I had an opportunity to cast my vote today. And I hope I was able to interest you about my experiences today. The polling results will be out by tonight, so I'll end this post for now. Thank you for taking your time to read till this. Cheers everyone. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Chp 828. Online Payment

For the past 2-3 years, whenever I come home to Mizoram for a brief vacation, I would tell my friends and family about the wonders of technology back in Pune, about how my life had completely changed because of the e-wallet and UPI system.

I no longer had to go to an ATM for the umpteenth time to withdraw cash because almost everybody in my life (back in Pune) accepted one form of online payment or the other.

Electric bill? Online payment.
Monthly rent? Online transfer.
Grocery shopping? Sodexo card.
Zomato and Swiggy orders? Debit card.
Wine Shop? Credit card.

And that’s not all. All my transportation apps like Uber and Ola were loaded with prepaid wallets. And even when I do take an auto-rickshaw not affiliated with any of these service providers, I could always pay him by PayTM or GPay.

Right from my local barber to roadside tea stall vendor and even the paani-puri wala, everybody had one of those UPI apps - PayTM, GPay, PhonePe, Freecharge etc. I need to call an electrician or plumber to my house but I'm low on cash? No problem, I can pay them using one of those apps. Maid's salary? GPay it. Watchman's Diwali bonus? PayTM it. Office group contribution for a colleague's birthday party? WhatsAppPay it. Traffic violation? Cop already has a card swipe machine to pay the fine! :D There was even that popular joke about beggars going around begging for money with a QR Code :D

Now, all those cashless transactions had made life much more simple and seamless for me back in Pune. And with today's ongoing pandemic, it is of utmost importance to follow such practices because the virus is known to spread through physical cash contact as well.

Which is why I am so happy to observe that almost everybody here in my locality Chaltlang is using GPay or PayTM since the outbreak of this pandemic. Maybe it's the fear of CoVid-19 that had pushed people to resort to this, but a lot of my neighbours and shopkeepers now have this e-payment option.

It made me think, "Finally!" you know, we have caught up with the rest of the world.

Except, we haven't actually. This is one of those moments when we are almost there, but not quite.

You see, even though all the shopkeepers in my locality have UPI payment options now, I still can't use them because... I don't have freaking mobile data! :D

Yeah, my phone says "4G", which is a big joke. 4G, my ass. Even at full 4G signal (courtesy my beloved Vodafone service provider), I can't even load Twitter or Facebook most of the time. Every time I complained, I was told that such and such a tower is currently under maintenance blah blah blah.

I am on Vodafone's "RED International" subscription plan (their second most expensive post-paid plan) with 200 GB monthly data at 10 Mbps, among many other perks, and if you see my data usage as of tonight, you'll see that even though this month is about to end soon, I was able to use up just 3 GB so far, lolz.

That's how bad the data network is over here in Chaltlang.

And so, after I buy all the stuff I need from the shops near my house, since I can't make the payment due to network issue, I run back to my house, connect my phone to our WiFi, and then only make the payment through GPay from there, lolz!

I mean, in a way, yeah, it has served its purpose, no cash was exchanged between me and the vendors, but I can only do this with the shopkeepers around my house who know me personally. Since I have been outside Mizoram my entire life, most of the people in my locality don't know who I am, and so this "I'll make the transfer as soon as I reach home" technique won't work.

Pretty useless, naw?

This kinda reminds me of our famous traffic light at Dawrpui.

The traffic signal is just lying there. Whether it is showing red or green or orange, nobody cares, it has absolutely no effect on traffic because everybody runs or stops depending on the signal given by the traffic police posted there. :D :D :D

Yeah, next time you're feeling quite useless, think of this traffic signal or my online payment apps, that might cheer you up. :D :P

I guess sometimes not all technological advancement is as useful as it's supposed to be when external factors affect it. I need an actual 4G, a proper 4G, in order to utilize these UPI apps properly. Without that, it is pretty much useless. But still, yeah, I am extremely delighted that most vendors in my locality are now adapting to this cashless transfer process.

Until my mobile network improves, I guess I'll just have to bear this pain. Online payment? More like... online painment.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Chp 827. 4 Days Lockdown

Today is the last day of the "4 days Aizawl lockdown". Will it be extended? Probably. Probably not too. I'm at that stage where I've lowered all my physical and emotional shields, ready to accept whatever announcement is made by those who are in charge.

At least the past four days of lockdown had been quite… colorful and diverse.  From a sunny hot day to a mist filled frigid day and even a thunderstorm day, and now back to a hot, humid day again! Yeah, hard to believe we saw all these extremes of climate in just a span of four days!

It's kinda like God was just sitting up there on His throne, bored, and then one of his angels rushed into the Great Hall, shouting excitedly, "Sire, sire, the good people of Mizoram, you know, those funny people who once thought salt was going to go extinct and so they stockpiled on sacks of salt enough to last them 50 years each, yeah those same people, well, they just declared a four days lockdown!"

And God was like, "Oh My Self, you sure about this?"

The angel was like, "Yup, I'm pretty sure, I'm there in one of their WhatsApp groups."

"But why?" God asked.

"Well," the angel explained, "It's quite entertaining to see the daily debates taking place between the Pro-Trump fans and the Anti-Trump fans."

"Ahhh," God said, "so these people are going to be in lockdown for four straight days?"


God sat contemplatively for a moment and replied with a hmmm.


The angel interrupted, "Yes, they sing a lot of hymns too."

"Heh? What? No, nooo, that's not what I meant. I was just… never mind. So I'm thinking, since these people had been following the social distancing rules very obediently, let me put on a little show for them during the next four days," God said.

"Like?" the angel asked curiously.

"You'll see," God replied with a smile.

And so, during these four days of lockdown, we saw all different possible weather :) I even took out our heater from the store-room two days ago because it was freezing cold! And today, I am not even wearing a shirt as I write this blog because it is bloody hot!

I've been taking a photo of the view from my balcony every morning for the past four days, holding a lock in the foreground. And you will see such a contrast in all the photos!

17th August 2020: Day 1 Lockdown.

18th August 2020: Day 2 Lockdown.

 19th August 2020: Day 3 Lockdown.

20th August 2020: Day 4 Lockdown.

See, so much contrast in the weather. The only thing missing now is a snow blizzard :D

Oh by the way, in the above images, I am holding a lock to indicate a lockdown. I am not trying to advertise and sell a lock. :D :P

Depending on how you look at it, a lock can be a symbol of being held in captivity, of being imprisoned and our freedom brutally snatched away. Or, you can be more positive and consider the lock as a symbol of security and safety, of our very survival under protection. See, being positive is good, except of course when it comes to CoVid-19. :P

I'm really happy a lot of my friends had taken up on my TV show suggestions for these four days of lockdown. It's the little things like this that encourages me to keep blogging.

To end this short post, here is a picture of our dear Snowy. He's also under the lockdown of his blanket. :)

Ahhh what a life to live. Nothing else to do the whole day, except sleep, eat and poop. Just like me. :D