Like I mentioned last week, for this week's "Music Monday", I am sharing a song by a Mizo band known as “Boomarang”, for my blog friends around the globe to listen, and feel. This song is called “Stellar”, and it is in English. Do you like it? Your honest feedback would be truly appreciated.
Mizoram, one of the states of India, has a LOT of extremely talented musicians. It is in the blood of every Mizo to have that inherent passion for music, regardless of style, genre or instrument. There is a popular saying in our Mizo culture that, if you’re a Mizo and you don’t know how to play the guitar, then it is better that you die of shame and let vultures and hyenas feed on your intestine.
Ok I just made that up
Here you go, dear friends from India and South East Asia and other countries and even constellations across the Universe, I give you “Stellar” by Boomarang.
I can’t believe this is a back-to-back “Music Monday” post I'm making! I guess I have been extremely busy during the past few days to write any new post. First, there’s work. Lots and lots of work. Apart from the usual, a couple of my concepts got the green light from clients, so they will be moving to production soon. Yay!
I was also working on the design, layout and structure of my homepage There’s nothing in it now, and I was fiddling with the stuff that I wanted to put in that site. Of course it’s going to be mainly a professional site, with my portfolio, clientele list, etc. But it may also have featured posts from my blog (selective) and other Industry related news (social media, digital advertising, networking etc). I was also thinking about the tag-line… should I go for something corny and cheesy like “ – The doctor is In”
Oh, and just one last thing – how do you like the new twitter background I designed?
Hey.. Good Post and excellent creative art.. Hat Off to you!!
Hmm..hmm.. Hei chu ka rilrem zawng tak a ni e. I like this Band though they are Young but they have extra talent in music. I do listen to their music and also see their performance at Aizawl.
much much liking, much much thanks. loved the smashing guitar bit, *and in time! 've always wanted to do that, lol. definitely a band to watch out for!
I actually like the!
My MM is up too.
@ Marites: I will be making a complete round of all the MMs by the end of today. Right now, I am quite tied up at work, but looking forward to your MM. And thanx, I'm glad you like this song :-)
@ feddabonn: Yeah, though the guitar-smashing-in-the-end part is quite cliched, it is something every rocker wants to do :-) Great band indeed.
@ irene: Young, but nevertheless amazing band. So many youngsters from Mizoram have such great potential, the only area where they lag behind is when it comes to promotion. That's why I am doing my bit in promoting these amazing songs to my respected and beloved non-Mizo blog visitors.
Nice song....i wish these guys International mega success... Oh, and i can't wait to watch This is Spinal Tap.. :-) im really very slow in picking up films he heee..
Twitter Background... new girlfriend? write a song for her to sing he heee... you never know... cupid might help you out..
Yes, I agree there is so much talent out there that does not have good marketing... if it were not for your post I would not know about these guys...
I think the biggest challenge in India is to be able to find a market for anything other than cricket and bollywood LOL! Promotion is the key.
Way to go promoting Mizo talent.. Trying to do my bit promoting among friends and colleagues too.. I was kinda surprised to find out that many non-mizo NE people know a lot about our musicians, esp. Rock cos' simply put, we kick ass when it comes to rock, whatever genre. I think the only thing holding us back is our closed culture which once deemed rock/metal etc as satanic and inapproriate.
Youtube is a great medium and we need to know how to make the best of it, something in you expertise, perhaps??
@ Blind Dayze: Ok where did you pick up the "new girlfriend" part from my blog post????" :-)
@ Claytonia Vices: Promotion is indeed the key. There is no substitute to good promo or good PR. How I wish many of us would go beyond the Bollywood and Cricket craze! :-)
@ Blackestred: Ah, the age old debate about whether Rock music is unchristian or not :-) I am not getting into a debate here, but for now, all I will say is to enjoy this this music to all my visitors. You have definitely made a solid point point, and I intend to answer this issue soon, later.
@ Empty Streets: Thanx for dropping by. Will be making my rounds tonight too :-)
I like it! Happy MM!
Happy MM to you too :-)
Ka ngaisang lemlo nachungin i post nachhan a tha bawka, kan chhiarchhuaik ve dap. Intihsiakna ah an tel ve tawh reng reng em - All India ka tihna. Indian mainstream a lâr tur chuan an hla sakdan hi an lâr har ngawt ang - Hip Hop ho te tân kawng a zau zawk maithei. Vaiho beng hi rimawi lamah chuan a la hniam ve em mai - Tuf tuf tuf tuf tuf tihvel an motor khalh paha ngaithla chi kha an ni tlata.
Indian mainstream a lâr tur chuan an hla sakdan hi an lâr har ngawt ang
Ka hrelo le Pu chhangte_II. Keichuan a style ai mah chuan promotion a pawimawh zawk ka ti. KK sak "Pal" pawh kha a style a dang viau a lawm, nalh pawh a nalh a, chuan India ah a lar renga. KK-a Pal a lar theih phawt chuan heng hla ho pawh lar thei awm tak... te ka tia. :-)
hi illusionaire... this band is really good. thanks for sharing it with us. =)
I vote for The doctor is in! :-))
Thanks for posting this. This song is pretty amazing. . I’m impressed. This band… is all of their stuff like this? I’m now hoping to hear more of them - hopefully the rest of the album follows suit (there is an album, isn’t there?).
Hey, have you heard of the band, Soulmate? Actually, do you listen to Blues at all? They’re my favourite north-eastern band of all time♥ but I’ve never seen them on a blog before!
Aaaaaanyways, keep finding great music♥!
This song kills me...... A va han nalh tak!! Ka ngaithla reng mai alawm.
And i can't read your twitter background... the twitter pad is overlapping the bg. 1024x768 res user here. :-)
@ Father: Whoah! you're using 1024x768??? People still use that? :) just kidding... :) ok thanx, I will change it tomorrow. Going for a movie now. I use 1280x1024 so its perfect for me.
@ Eveline: I don't think an album is out yet, but there are a couple of good songs by them. I will post the link tomorrow. Amazing, they truly are :)
And of course I've heard of Soulmate. duh! :) But I am not into their kinda music... but they're an amazing band nonetheless.
@ BigSis: Don't be late for the movieeeee!
@ PinkLady: Thanx!!! I'm glad you liked it! :) Happy MM!!! :)
this song is just too cool! it's world class! i like the tune, the acoustic tone, the performance, the videography, the background settings....
yo bro! when are u gonna call?????
I love this band, young and talented.
i dont like your Gothic babe of the month! hehe. Hetiang monu atan kan duh lo ka tih ka tih khaa.. lol
Heard they r coming here this weekend..i hre chiang zawk pek mai thei.
Not a fan-correction-la ngaithla chhin lou.
comment khat m a kan ti ve zuai nih hi..
I think Boomarang's done pretty well in that they've made several appearances in concerts and festivals.But lets face it, India has limited opportunity for Indians singing English songs, so its a very niche market/audience. Would be nice if they can tour SE Asia, where such music is more appreciated, and get a slightly wider audience.At the risk of blowing our collective trumpets, must say our Mizo boys are doing OK in rock music,ther's Joseph in Them Clones, another guy in 3rd Sovereign,all Mizo Magdalene,Sonam of Parikrama is a Mizo 'mak pa'.
We've got a pool of really talented guitarists, who need exposure and to earn a living from music. If some one can show them how to get into the scene, they can start by doing jingles and adverts. Mumbai would be a good place to start, where the films and entertainment industry is. Any volunteers to help these guys?
@ vaphualization: Indeed. I love it too... quite different from most of our Music videos.
@ Mimi: Hahahaaa... Bekang ka kang thiam raps ka tih khaaa :-) Gothic style ngat in bai pawh a bawl :P Called you so many times but your phone is always busyyyyyy.
@ Toy Soldier: Heyyy you're aliveeee! :-) Thank you for commenting after such a longgg time. :-)
@ dr_feelgood: We definitely do have a lot of talented musicians. And though you will never find them in our Mtv, Channel V etc, these guys have been rocking the scene at various college fests like IIT etc and winning it. But sadly the Press don't cover that, and its only those Indians who are into such type of music who know about our guys. The main problem is... Rock music is not appreciated by the majority :-( Of course am ready to do my bit if somebody comes along. After all, this is what I do :-)
Ziak tha kawp mai a. Bengvar thlak khawps mai
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