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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Chp 234. Goa Fest 2009

Just got back from Goa Fest 2009 – We won the SILVER ABBYs for best website category, and BRONZE ABBYs for best VIRAL! Wooohoooo!

Apart from these, two other webchutney creatives were among the highly coveted nomination list for India’s most prestigious and reputed “Abbys” Awards – aptly termed the OSCARS of Indian Advertisement Awards!

Look Ma! I’m on Stage!


32.JWT IndiaThe Times Of India - Run/Ban JallikatuGOLD
37.WebchutneyAxe Dark Temptation - AxeoggySILVER
15.OgilvyOne WorldWideNokia - Way we WorkBRONZE
5.Interactive Avenues Marketing Solutions Pvt. - Be An ExplorerBRONZE

You can see the list of winners for various categories here: adclubbombay. O&M lead with 50 Abby’s followed by JWT India with 24. For us digital Ad agencies, we had just two categories, and we got an award in both. Next year, we’ll be back for the two Golds.

Click on picture for higher resolution:

Yeah, clichéd as this might sound, the award was heavier than I thought!

Goa was funnnnnn. Had an amazing time. Crappy journey though. Our ACD Nishi renamed the Tour company “Jaya Travels” as “Jyada Travels” and Jonathan added the Slogan – “Jyada Travels – Making you travel More!” – Because we spent 18+ freaking hours on the road!

Comfortable deluxe AC Bus and all, but taking 18+ hours when others could make it in 12+ hours was simply… torture.


Goa Fest 2009 was held at Cavelossim Beach, but we preferred Palolem Beach as our destination because of the “Shack culture” over there. And boy did we make the right decision! *evil grin*

Staying right by the beach along with hundreds of other tourists was definitely what the doctor ordered to cure office stress. Of course for the other guys (like Ryan), other “stuff” might have “stressed” a bit more due to the “view”, but for me, it sure as hell was relaxing and peaceful.

Some of us stayed at “Big Bamboo” while the rest of us camped at “Big Fish”. Both were equally amazing.

Here’s the Big Bamboo gang mesmerized by the scenery in front of them

Boss is thinking of virals… a very different kinda virals.

“Big Bamboo” even went digital!!!

And here is the other end of the Beach – where the other half of us stayed at “Big Fish”.

Nothing like sitting on those chairs right on the beach with a breezer and a newspaper early in the morning after a heavy night of fenny. I could intrinsically hear symphonic-goth-metal music playing in my head because of the immense beauty & idyllic serenity lying in front of me.

Amazing shacks I’m kidding you not. Even Veera wasn’t feeling husband-sick for a couple of minutes!

Definition of fun? It differed from person to person

After sunset, there were none of those famous Goan bonfire parties at this side of the beach, but there were a lot of Shack parties everywhere. We “shack-hopped” from one place to the other, not even remembering where all we went…

I could have sworn I was speaking fluent German, Spanish, French and Polish at one point of the night. Must be the fenny!

I think there was some mystical cult ritual of sorts going on in the above picture. Anyhoo, I had a blast with fenny, as promised in my previous post. Loved it - both cashew fenny and coconut fenny. The bartender gifted me an empty bottle in the end as a souvenir for (apparently) finishing an entire bottle all by myself! Lolz.

I think he was lying.

Here is me, still feeling the buzz of fenny

Removed my clothes brazenly. Got sun-burnt terribly.

On Saturday morning, we went for a long boat ride visiting all the exotic places around the area like Honeymoon beach, Monkey island, etc and watched dolphins jump out of the water just 5 metres away from us! The scene was truly breathtaking!

Here we are getting ready for the trip. We went in two boats.

Swam on Honeymoon beach too and it was a very romantic swim. Ok I know that sentence didn’t make any sense but I had to talk like that to keep the Goa spirit alive!

Showered and changed the moment we returned and we all went to the Goa Fest for the Grand Abby’s presentation. That was when we won silver and bronze as mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Below are some of my bosses and their happy happy faces.

Hihihi… dude on extreme left is our Tech Head Saket, more famously known as Vulturo in the Indian cyber village. He rocks

Even Madhu, the Capital-18 guy smiled. Which means our recession pay-cut is soon going to be lifted. Wooohooo! Just kidding, but it sure was one heck of a small world when our investor turned out to be my batch-mate from B-School! Lolz. Yeah you should have seen how surprised and shocked we both were that night.

The best part of Goa Fest 2009? The amazing giant outdoor party by the beach filled with funky peeps everywhere conducted on two gargantuan dance floors with two different sets of DJ. House and trance had to be played, after all, it’s an Ad agency party (and if you can’t figure out why I said that, then you are not cut out for advertisement )

I had around 16 liquor coupons left at the end of the party which I didn’t utilize! The food was amazingggg too and the length of the buffet tables stretched for almost a mile! (at least that’s what it felt like at 4 in the freaking morning after dancing your brains out)

Love this next picture! Guess who?

I could have sworn I saw a girl with light bulbs flashing everywhere on her dress on the dance floor, with wings on her side (!) and a face of an angel, but then I thought I must have been hallucinating due to… my age, until I saw this pic again. Phew, what a relief! She really was there!

Here’s a masterpiece snap taken by Mr. Jonathan, our in-house voyeur photographer! (Some say he’s the guy behind desibaba…)

How I wish I had taken my friend Zualbonez’s advice in my previous post who commented, “Go to the beach with a towel and oil bottle and say you’re a masseur. That’s a definite babe-magnet.” Lolz! Top that up with this whole mystical “Kimasutra” theory and I’m King Solomon for a day!

I’ll end this post with a quick limerick

            Standing all alone in the waters of Goa,
            trying to avoid a snake or a barracuda.
            I suddenly turned around
            hearing a hissing sound…
            It was the CEO relieving his Anaconda!

Wooohooo!!! Goa roxxx, webchutney roxxx, our CEO roxxx, and we’ll be back next year for our two Golds. Keep that in mind peeps!


Site manager said...

I am so JEALOUS.

codeAries said...

I rai pui trep a ni maw, Goa chu :) HAHA. Nuam i ti ham ham hle mai, goood for ya :)

Lawmpuina again ::P

Pixie said...

YOU are the one who is having ALL THE FUN!! while the rest of us slogged in the office.... :P

Looks like u had a great time though!!!

I can't see the pictures though... they all have been blocked with an 'X' in the middle!! :P
Will check 'em out at home...

Mizohican said...

@ Just a Grail: lolzzzz. Don't be. Im sure your beaches are wayyy better than the ones over here in India :-)

@ codeAries: lolzzz. Ka mawng ah tui al a lut a tui ka cheng avangin... a thip duh mai mai! Saptawng chuan sawi chi loh :D

@ Pixie: lolz I do hope you read it again. Anyway I have edited a lot because I was in a real hurry last night when I posted this. Do read it again, with the proper pictures from home. Thank you and *hugs* :D

Unknown said...

Ka lawmpuina kan hlân phawt ang che :)

Mahse Axe Deo khi engtin nge i dawn tel tlata :D An advertise na angain hna athawk tak tak em :))

A nawm hmel khawp mai - Tawng chi hrang hrang chu thiam a awl ngawt ang. Zubur ah hian 'A, B, C, D....' mai a awm hleinem :))

Sunburn chu a hreawm teh ania - Mut a har duh thin khawp mai. In 'Boss' pa suangtuahna khi a tha lutuk - Sâp nula pakhat emawni hnenah, "You're my only holiday in Goa" a tihduh hmel :D

Mizohican said...

lolzzz Pu Chhangte, Axe deo kan dawng hlei nem. Axe deo (chocolate kha) kan advertise avanga he award dawng hi a lawm kan nih. Chuan stage ah award min pe tu pa khi deo an in kah tir a, a in kap chiah chu kan hmeichhe ho an han tlan chho dum dum a! lolz. Mipui hovin an lawm reuh lutuk :D

Eveline said...

Woohoo! Congrats on silver and bronze.

16 liquor coupons left?!!?? What on earth were you thinking? Wait, i dont think u were. :P

I miss Goa so damn much! It's been so long since i touched it's sand... and it's been calling out to me louder than usual.
Congrats again, Kima and best of luck for the Gold. :)

Helen Pari said...

yay for the silver, but more so for the postings n pics. I read d whole contents without missing a single word! Really interesting, keep it up!

Mizohican said...

@ Helen: Thanx! :D Havent seen you around the blogosphere these days. Busy with your legal awareness program still?

@ Eve: Its like this. Each coupon booklet came with 10 coupons. I had 2 teetotaler friends who both gave me their booklets. So that's 30 coupons, out of which I managed to finish 14. Any more and I would be making a mark there among my advertising peers which I wouldn't like to remember, if you know what I mean. :-)

All in all, it was a blast! And speaking of blasts, the morning ended with brilliant display of fireworks on the beach (although most of us couldn't look up at the skies anymore... hehehehe)

Noli said...

Hey congrats on the great work and the awards!

Must say your writing never fails to amuse me! All the best!

vana said...

nawm hmel hle mai

Sam said...

Congrats for the Award.

I'm wondering why you had to torture yourself for 18 hours. Mumbai to Goa airfare shouldn't be costly - - (Rs.2500x2). I hope your reputed company will treat its employees better next time, especially when you are expecting such prestigious Award.

The post is great and Kimasutra rox!

faka said...

Congrats on your great achievement! I can 'see' that you had a great fun as well. You hav my best wishes for a continued success...

Hmai said...

vanlalroutkum nuam i va ti pep2 ve, i rai lo chu i vannei hle mai. :P

Mizohican said...

@ Noli: Thanx for visiting regularly. I wish I had access to your blog too :-(

@ Vana: Nuam ve reuh lutuk :-)

@ Samaw: Hehehe there were a lot of us, half our office members from Mumbai went, so it was difficult for my Co. to pay airfare for everyone especially during this recession and when the Co. also had to shell out 9K per head for registration. Even many of the big Ad agencies came by bus only :D

@ Faka: Thanx although the biggest credit should go to two people, and I will write about them in my next post.

@ Hmai: Hamang-gaihi, ka rai hman a lawm. Ka ti tla leh daih :-P i kal tawhna ah te ka va kal vel ah :D

OpaHmar said...

so did "an all expense paid trip" cover THE expenses?
and why were the bikinis blurred?
Are u expected to PG-ed ur blog?haha

Mizohican said...

lolz... sometimes some things are best left blurred. Haha.

Frankly speaking, no it kinda didnt cover all the expense, but nevertheless it was definitely worth it! :-)

Mizohican said...

lolz. According to Google Translate, the above spam comment means:

"Medieval cars three performance bond, the three car warranty medieval, medieval car second-hand car market."


Philo said...

I reasoned out why you suddenly turned into a polyglot: your tongue dropped south of your navel at the sight of those GermSpanFrenPolish women! Hey, congrats on your achievement.

ps: the closing limerick was patent Sandman-esque!

ammi said...

hey kimbawih congrats on your success!!bless you my boy..good to have you back in one piece..chill maardi!1

Zorami said...

Congratulations again!! wen r we celebrating? u can give us a "tea" party :PP

Tharax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tharax said...

eng dang zawng aiin i hmeichhe lak pui khi a chhiat loh hmel...hehe. in "rave" em lo maw?

Sekibuhchhuak said...

E khai, Lawmpuina Lawmpuina lawmpuina !

Axe Deo ( chocolate) chu ka hmang mek asin, in addvertise maw lo ni.

Goa chu nawm hmel hle mai!
By the way, khi i kawr phelh lai thlalak chu kan hmu ve thei ta a , lawmawm e :-) sek tha meng mung khawp mai :-))

Anonymous said...

why do i have the feeling that i'm in the wrong job???? :)

Mariuca said...

Woo hoo! Sandman in action, love it! COngrats on your WIN! Hugs! :):):)

Mizohican said...

@ Marzie: Thank you dear. Hugzzzzz :-)

@ Philo: Hehehe... sorry for the late replies in this post, but better late than never huh. I was on the phone last nite and didnt know "P" was your cousin :-) She's one of my closest friends and you even told her about her name being in my blog when you came across it. lolz. Small world bro.

@ Ammi: Amboih, thanx a lot for those kind words. Hoping to save money and then come down to B'lore in the next 1-2 months.

@ Zorami: HAHAHA. Tea? ewwww! :-P No time for celebration due to work, and no money for celebrations due to recession. lolz.

Mizohican said...

@ Tharax: A chhelo i tia law? Ka ningggg mah nak a laiin he nu hi chu. lolz. Tak takah, ofis a ka thian tha ber a nih hi. Kan in chhaih reng. Hmeichhia chu ni i la, hmanni lawk a inneih khan a bridesmaid ah min hmang ang :D Rave leh rave loh chu blog ah an tar lang ngailo :-)

@ Seki: Haha! Kawr ka ha lo lai i lo chang reng thin a ni maw? Hei vang hi emni ka blog i rawn tlawh ve ziah, hotupa... lolz. Nia Axe Deo (chocolate) kha kan tih a nih kha, a rimchhia ka ti rapssss! Hmeichhia ai mah hian fanghmir hi a attract hnem zawk hrim hrim ang :-)

@ Jona: LMAO! Hehehe... believe me, its not all that rosy here. Its extremely tiring on a daily basis, and thats why we go for these long weekend de-stressing vacations :-)

Maruata said...

Congrats to your team! Will be looking forward to see Gold next time.I'm sure you have more pics:)

akshay said...

hey, congratulations on the awards, and I'm glad you still have the bottle of fenny i gifted you. It was fun to have you all staying at our shack.

Rumela said...

Wow!! your picture is so good. Currently in its fourth year, Goafest is India’s most prestigious national advertising awards festival, organized by The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) in association with The Advertising Club Bombay. thank you for shearing your post.

Geneza Pharmaceuticals said...

I am dreaming to visit Goa!

Zackary said...

This can't succeed in reality, that is what I think.
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