So is Sunday morning a terrible day for my fellow Gooners?
I had a bunch of wankers texting me and calling me up all night long, just to annoy the hell out of me. And of course I had to pick up those calls even though I knew what was coming. After all, they’re my friends and I would have done the same thing to them too had it been a different score line.
But a couple of Manure fans said I write football topic posts on my blog only when Arsenal wins. Well, this is to prove you wrong, and mind you, I am not doing this just to prove you guys wrong. I haven’t updated my blog at all this month due to work, and I really meant to update my blog about the match, win or lose.
See, first of all, Arsenal fans aren’t like Manure fans.
If we lose, we suck it up and still hold our heads high. We have pride about the fact that we support the greatest football club in the Universe. And the fact that there are still a large number of Gooners even after a couple of years with no silverware clearly shows how loyal and devoted we are to this magnificent club. Manure is filled with wannabes and losers, who are ready to change their color the moment the losses start piling up.
Likewise, not one single Gooner defended Eduardo’s dive during the second leg CL qualifying against Celtic. We abhor such act and deem it disgraceful. Why? Because we are true football fans. We have integrity. What about all those dives Manure players are infamously known for? Well, Manure fans endorse that kinda behavior and even glorify them. You see where I’m getting at? The fine line that demarcates Gunners and Manure fans, the difference between real football fans and cunts.
Time and again, Evra makes scathing verbal attack on Arsenal. Recently he said in a press conference that a match between Arsenal and Manure is like a match between kids and men. Uncalled-for statement indeed, and if by “men” he meant the characteristic and mentality of Manure players and fans, then I do not EVER want our Gunners “kids” growing up to become men. Please don’t be like them. Remain kids for eternity. Hoooaaa.
Now on to the match.
Match screening Venue: Elphinstone, Lower Parel, organized by the OFFICIAL Mumbai Arsenal Supporters Club (AMSC), an officially recognized Arsenal Fan Club.
Reached Elphinstone station two hours early so I wasted a couple of minutes at a nice watering hole called Rajesh Bar.
Finally walked to the venue and the moderators were all there outside the grandiose Hotel, dressed in full Arsenal attire, standing like mean bouncers in a night club
Met a lot of people and introductions followed, but as it is with these social gatherings, you really cannot remember all the names that are suddenly bombarded into your head in a span of few seconds, so I will just mention Sourabh, who is the moderator in charge of all the Gooners staying in Andheri locality. A big thanks to him and all our moderators for organizing the amazing screening. You guys rock!
Unfortunately, Saturday being the 7th day of Ganesh Chaturthi (Ganesh nimajjan), many people couldn’t come for the screening. Otherwise the usual attendance for this kinda match screening is around 70-100 hardcore Gooners.
The screen was around 15 feet high, excellent sound system, and the ambience of the place was truly… classy. The food was only veg, but scrumptious nonetheless. No alcohol, but who needs them when you can get a high just talking nonstop about football with the others and cheering and jeering in unison. The experience was heavenly.
The Match.
Yeah I know. It was a big disappointment for all Gooners out there. Crazy.
I am surprised Manure still plays with 15 people even after all this time. It’s difficult to beat then when they always have the officials on their side. TV Pundits and other reporters even claim Saturday’s match as one of the worst refereeing displays they’ve seen. My Liverpool and Chelsea friends too conveyed their genuine sympathies because we definitely dominated the game. Any football fan would find the umpiring decisions harsh.
One wonders where a bulk of Manure’s money go to apart from transfer fees and salaries, and one look at the way the match was umpired and you’ll know where. Wankers.
Two clear penalties were not awarded to Arsenal in a span of 1 minute, and yet when Rooney went down EVEN before the contact and HAD NO POSSIBLE chance of controlling the ball had he not gone down, Manure immediately got what they wanted!
Videos via Arsenalist:
Ok fine, I’m not going to whine about it. Almunia did commit the mistake of making a contact with Rooney or making it look like he made a contact, so many refs fall for this trick. But how can you call that a penalty and not this????
I guess it’s because we’re talking about Manure. Previous home of the infamous twinkle toes Ronaldo who learnt and mastered the art of diving there. They probably have it as a part of their training session, or selection criteria.
If Manure players dive, it’s called art. A part of football, they claim. It’s a trademark play of Manure, like how “one-touch play” is a trademark of Arsenal. Something that you can expect only from MANCHEATERS. But if Arsenal players dive? TWO MATCH BAN! Yeah yeah, that’s what happened to us. How about all the times Manure players and others shamelessly dive? Then it’s called football. Wow. See the witch-hunt I’m talking about? Only Gunners get singled out for everything because we’re the biggest threat to Manure.
But you know what’s great about such unfair biased treatments? It unites us Gooners further. I will not rest until every blood is drained from my body talking about how much I despise that detestable puss infested plague called Manure.
The humiliation of Arsene Wenger.
Forget the match. Fine, there were unfair decisions and we lost.
But do Manure fans stop at that? No. The whole stadium erupted in unison of chants and jeers “Sit down you paedophile, sit down you paedophile”!!!
Of course the media and TV coverage steered away from such horrendous acts. We in India never got to hear about it on our TV. But my friend M who’s a Liverpool fan and was watching the match LIVE at Old Trafford told me how disgusted he was with the way Manure fans behaved. It seemed the entire stadium shouted “Paedophile” at Wenger.
The tweets of Arseblog and Gunnerblog proved that my friend was right.
Here is Gunnerblog's tweet:
“If we're going to 'clean up football', can we start with the "Sit Down You Paedophile" chants? A disgrace.”
And here is Arseblog's tweet:
“Also, Dean a disgrace for sending Wenger off to stand in front of fans who were singing songs about him being a paedophile.”
Another Arseblog’s tweet:
“And the media silence over that song is fucking shameful. Every single time it's sung and nobody says a word. Fuck them.”
The referee Mike Dean, probably heard all those chants and further twisted the dagger that was stabbed to Wenger’s dignity - He sent him to the stands, to be with those people calling him a paedophile.
Alex Furgusson was grinning on the other side.
And so our most respected and esteemed manager had to face one of the most humiliating moments of his life. Money well spent eh?
And why do all Manure fans call Wenger a Paedophile? Because of the simple reason that he believes in young players. He trains them well from youth, helping them discover their potential, unlike Manure who buys expensive players and gloats on that. It all depends on how much money you have. Prostitution works the same way by the way.
The definition of paedophile is an adult who is attracted to children. By children I am talking about 6 yrs olds etc. The youth of Arsenal are well above the legal age of consent. Yet Manure fans call him that because their intellectual capability cannot grasp anything related to logic or reason. After all, they do support Manure, don’t they? Dumb fucks.
Here is what Arseblogger had to say about this:
Where the fuck is the media coverage of them singing that song?
Remember when Ferguson was accused of rape in South Africa some years ago. It was a false and horrible accusation against him. Yet if Arsenal fans, in one voice, sang about him being a rapist don't you think we'd hear something about it in the press, from the FA? Wouldn't we be condemned, and rightly so? So why the silence over United's fans?
That the media continuously overlooks and blatantly ignores is a shame on them and Mike Dean is a fucking cunt for subjecting Wenger to that treatment when it was clearly not necessary.
Here’s what Arsenaladdict said about the treatment on Wenger:
The League Managers Association has already come out apologising to Arsene Wenger about his red card yesterday, showing at least someone in a position of authority hasn'tshown a complete anti-Arsenal biaslost all sense of sporting perspective.
Last but not the least, goonblog mentioned that Wenger won’t be punished for that unfair sending off and commented about the paedophile chants:
Now onto the abuse Wenger gets at Old Trafford every single year, surprisingly he doesn’t hear it at our biggest rivals, Spurs or Chelsea, its only ever heard at Old Trafford. It just sums up the disgraceful supporters they have, the chanting could so easily be punished but its always swept under the carpet. The United fans hit the roof whenever something slightly risqué is chanted about them but they have no qualms in calling a man a pedophile just because of his appearance. Its down right disgraceful. Its not on par with racist chanting but its not far away. We are lucky that he is such a graceful man in situations like that and doesn’t lose his cool.
Indeed, our man is graceful, the way he took all those abuses going on right behind him. The more reasons why I admire him. There are still many Manure blogs out there talking about that incident and still mentioning what a big paedophile he is. Lolz. The level these people stoop to is sometimes quite entertaining. After all, that’s all they can do.
Will the FA penalize Manure? No bloody way, the same way Rooney’s dive will not lead to any investigations. Yet in times of such harsh treatments, our players still manage to live up to most of our expectations. A blood stained trophy or a flawless integrity? Although the former sounds enticing, it is the latter that makes us what we are – real men.
Arsenal for life. Hail the mighty Gunners!