Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Chp 303. An ever-advancing World Cup

I thought I’ll be blogging a lot about the World Cup this year… but you know what? Screw it. There are over a billion blogs out there now, and many of them are blogging about the World Cup. The flavor is suddenly lost in the midst of this overwhelming information overload.

Back in 2006, there were at least a few million blogs. And I was one of the few people in my blog friend circle blogging about the World Cup then.

Back then, there was a big chance of getting your blog noticed through blog conglomerate sites. But soon, feed aggregators and social media killed such sites. died and very recently we saw the sad closure of is still barely hanging on. We have passed the era of people compiling the best blog posts manually because there are now too darn many. UGC (User Generated Content) are now the IN thing, with portals like blogadda, indiblogger etc. trying to form the new breed of bloggers’ destination here in India.

That is why this World Cup is so different from the others. This World Cup has been branded as the first Social Media powered World Cup.

Back in 1998, many of us still didn’t know what the internet was. In 2002, the most we had were websites for the qualifying teams, with info about them in basic HTML. Everything was as static as our browsers would permit it to be. 2006 too didn’t see such a great change either. Social networking sites offered a bit of interactivity through discussion topics, and there were of course blogs. In India, Facebook hadn’t really entered the market then, and it was just blueish boring fraaand Orkut group discussions for us (and a few of those on Myspace with epileptic background designs).

Now comes 2010 World Cup. Everything has changed drastically. From live podcasting and Facebook to twitter updates and other social media tools, one can get information about any match anywhere. There are hundreds of sites live streaming the matches. Discussions are highly interactive and access is not limited to your computer or laptop alone - Mobile technology has advanced multifold. Foursquare and other GPS location based SNS have also moved in… I can actually chat with my favorite player from Netherlands through twitter just before he runs into the ground to start the game while I am still sitting in the loo (provided he replies to my tweet of course).

Even television has improved (It still feels like yesterday watching the World Cup in our cranky old black and white television with a bunch of people adjusting the TV antennae on the roof to get better reception). Now we can watch the slow motion replay in High Definition, but the amount social media has advanced is incomparable to television, print, radio or any other media. Remember the popular 80’s song “Video killed the radio star”? Yeah, Internet killed that video star who killed the radio star.

2014 World Cup will be in 3D, according to many tech pundits. A few years ago I might have said bull $hit, but now I totally believe it is possible. And I can even vouch that Augmented Reality will play a huge role, with virtual 3D matches playing right in front of your computer using this technology.

See the pace we are moving at my friends?

Well, I don’t want to put such a heavy burden on your head, especially if you’re an old timer like me comfortable with how the world is/was, and finding it difficult to keep up with technology. So I will leave this subject and talk a little bit about the World Cup matches so far

Today, my team Netherlands won. Robben played for the first time and scored an AMAZING goal.

Kima Holland

We will meet the winner of Brazil and Chile match that’s going on right now. Yesterday there were two matches. And that’s what I want to talk about.

Both matches were controversial. Lampard’s goal against Germany was denied even though it was clearly in, and Tevez’s goal against Mexico was clearly an offside.

So many people were whining about the match and suggesting that video replay technology should be brought in, à la tennis or cricket.

I say HELL NO!!!

Yeah even I was pissed off because I was supporting Mexico in that match. But you know what? THIS IS FOOTBALL. Bring in technology and you kill the very essence of football. So many times I have seen my team Arsenal go down due to bad calls by the ref. But then, that’s the game.

You may call me a FOOTALIBAN if you wish. I don’t care. I do not want things to change. Let technological improvement be a benefit for the viewers, but for the love of God, please do not change the game. Referee errors have always been a part of the game, and it should always be that way.

Plus it gives us more things to talk about at football discussion forums. The best part of any football discussion especially with our friends (who are rival fans), is the wrong call referees make. There is always something to talk about. If everything is going to be checked using technology like a third umpire and all the freaking claims are 100% correct and fair, then WTF do we talk about with our friends then?

“Urrrmmm dude, you guys played well.”
“Yeah… errmmm… thanx. Your goalkeeper wasn’t bad either.”
“Yeah man.”

*awkward silence*

“So did you see the other match after that?”
“Yeah dude. Nice game. Very fair.”
“I know.”

*awkward silence*

“So… ermmm… will you be watching next week’s match?”
“Yup… it will be a good and fair match.”
“I agree.”

*awkward silence*

“Ok bye dude. I’m gonna go home and chop off my manhood”
“Cool. Me too.”

But throw in a couple of controversial referee decisions or fouls, handballs, offsides etc that the referee didn’t see, and you will have the greatest conversation possible with your friends “Arrrgghhhh”, “Noooooo”, “F@$& dude, that was soooo unfair”, “No b@stard, that was a clear offside!!!”, “Godddd I love this game so muchhh, I will never chop off my manhood.”

See the difference? The moment you freaking make football like a tennis or cricket match, I will stop watching it completely.

Here’s to Netherlands winning in the many rounds to come. Hup Holland Hup!


Sekibuhchhuak said...

Tunah hian, Holland sob-ji tur, khawvela football thiam ber ramin 3-0 a hma an hruai mek avangin ka rawn comment ani :-)

Technology chu kan mamawh belh lo tawp !! Nimina Germany lama goal pawm loh kha, linesman khan a hmu tura ngaih ani; a chiang lutuk. Offside pawh kha chu ti tho! KHAWL kan mamawh lo. Techno-ball anih loh hi; Foot-Ball anih hi :-PP

Hriatpuia Pa said...

Holland ka tan lo hran lo, ka tan ber erawh an ni lo. 'Football-a tel ve' tih avanga error hmu renga siamthat dan zawn si loh chu ka ngaihdan a ni ve lo. Goal line technology hmang se football a hmuhnawm loh phahna tur ka hre hauh lo. Game erawh a ti fair sawt zawk ngei ngei ang.

Chuan, ka prediction hetiang hi a ni -
Uruguay leh Ghana inkhelah vanneihthlak takin Ghana an chak ka ring. Brazil-in Holland an hneh bawk ang. Semi-final ah inhliam an awm loh chuan Brazil an chak a rinawm.

Lehlamah Argentina leh Germany inkhel tur hian ka rilru an tibuai takzet. Germany khan England an khelh anga an khelh chuan chak zawk thei dinhmunah ka dah. Spain leh Portugal inkhel turah hian Portugal ka ring tlat, Spain erawh ka tan zawk. Japan leh Paraguay hi chu a tu ve ve pawh chak se beisei san tur an awm lo.

Final-ah Brazil vs Argnetina/Germany ka beisei.

Mizohican said...

Hotupa te pahnih, nizan kha a tlai tawh deuhva he post ka ziah zawh leh publish khan, tun mai ah thil thar ka belh leh teuh mai :)

Pu Zai: Technology hmang a tullohna tlem ka rawn ziah belh e. :)

Varte said...

Nia, tih sualte pawh han nei ve nawk nawk se, thin an tirim a, a tha ve alawm.

OpaHmar said...

Whats with the obsession to chop off (whats left of) your manhood?hahaha

I agree that the essence of football will be lost? I read the same views by a pundit on sportstar magazine...
after all, this is FOOTBALL (not soccer)

Hriatpuia Pa said...

Hehe, 'goal line technology' dah a nih avanga inhnialna tawp vek tur a ni chuang lova, a hmuhnawmna a nep phah dawn bawk lo. Offsides, fouls, etc. te a la tam mai - inhnial duh hrim hrim chuan. 'Fair play' thupuia nei Association tan chuan a fair loh theih lai, error a awm a, fix theih a ni tih hriat reng fix lova dah reng hi a 'fair' tawk lo.

'Goal line technology' in ball-in goal line a cross leh cross loh a rawn hrilh ringawt avang khan he infiamna hi a hmuhnawmna a tawp lovang. Ka ngaihdan hi mi zawng zawng ngaihdan a ni lo tih ka hria, mahse mi tam tak ngaihdan a ni ve tho tih pawh ka hre tho. :D

Mizohican said...

Pu Zai, ka hria a lawm i ngaihdan ang hi mi tam tak pawn an nei ve tih. Khawvel a KA PU ber, Pu Wenger-a tak ngial pawn dah a tha a tia lawm. Mahse e... game match zawh a kan thiante "fair lo deuhva" an chakloh te va chhaih a tih thinrim te hi a va han nuam tak e awwww :D Mahse kan team "receiving end" a kan awm chuan a nuam miah lo thung :D

@ Varte: Football chung chang a mi hnial vak vak hi i hrat hmel, hotunu :D

@ Opa: Exactly my brother. :)

jay-me said...

kan ram tran, kan club tran, football lamah chuan engmah sawi dun tur kan neih hmel loh, you go that way i go this way tih ang vel ani e but its this very fact that makes football interesting...diverse opinions keep it buzzing..On lampard's goal: being a noble english fan i can say "to err is human, to forgive divine"...Even The Sun is ashamed of its not-so-golden-anymore generation. Out of frustration Im blaming the media for churning up herculean images in the English footballers and now im having 2nd thoughts redg their supposedly superior potentials.

Shuakshuali said...

hihih, havta quote OPA Hmar.."Why are you so obsessed with chopping off your manhood?" hihihi.
And an oranje one at that, hah!

Seriously though, while I sympathise with Lampard, the fact that its all about MEN, men making dodges and passes and fouls and bloops is what makes Football so manhood-worthy, and female-watchable. I dont know what I mean.

James Chhangte said...

The new breed of bloggers,cant't wait to read them :)when are u updating them?

luliana said...

Video replay a ngai ka ti lo, mahse europa league a an enchhin goal hnunga official dah belh kha chu a tihchi mai thei...ka hrelo le, kei aia thu hi an tam lutuk a..haha

Brazil ho kha an hlauhawm dawn riau mai a....

Mizohican said...

@ Jay-me: hihihi... you England fans... colonial hangover... :D :D :D

@ Shuakshuali: Not surprised that you are suddenly so excited because someone mentioned "manhood"... :D :D :D

@ @ James: ok I am a bit lost :) I didn't quite understand what you meant... I am not updating an new breed of bloggers :)

@ Luliana: Nia, thu loh hi chuan he ti hian mahni blog a lo rak ve mai mai te hi a nuam :D Brazil chu kan zawp hrep dawn :)

dr_feelgood said...

I can see age creeping on you, refusing to change with the time and blaming technology for spoiling good all fashioned foot ball.Though I'm no sports pundit, I think sports are being reinvented with changes in rules etc. I remmember a few years back at our office sports, I got out my vintage TT bat from College days. I found out that TT bats needed to be different colours on the two sides, and that 'service change' was not after every 5 services!!

Unknown said...

Hawl-Land hi ka tan thina ka tan peih ta meuh lo e....

James said...

was referring to the new bloggers yet to be added in the directory!

Mizohican said...

@ James: Ahhhhh the Blog Directory! lolz. Sorry, I didnt get what you meant before. Yup of course, the new blogger list will be updated before the end of this week :)

@ chhangte_II: Tun World Cup chuan an champ dawn sia rawn tan leh mai la hotupa? :)

@ dr_feelgood: :) hihihi... yeah I guess... its just that I have been a hardcore Arsenal fan for more than 10 years now and have watched so many many football matches for over 15 years... I find it very difficult to suddenly watch something that's different from what I have been watching all this time.

Michigan Party Rentals said...

I am very much sports freak .and I never miss world cup. I will view all of them.

Alejendro said...

Holland hi rawn sawi ve chhen teh suh. An khelh leh hun hun an tlak hun. This time for Argentina :-)

Blind Dayze said...

Ever advancing Holland now eh?.. well hopefully Argentina gets to beat em in the Finals..

what more can i say.. i've been "following" this year's World Cup mostly on the internet..

diary said...

My money's on Germany. Trust my female intuition Kima!

David Ralte said...

Holland chak (against Argentina) kha Post i siam ka ring a (I think it deserve!!), ka lo chang ve deuh ngawt a, Nge Uruguay an hneh hnuah Germany hneha an Champion law law i nghak? :D

Jean Ralte said...

I agree with diary... Germany ho kha an chak thiak thiak e. Netherland nen an final ngei ka ring a, hmuhnawm khop ang. Argentina ang m chuan an sawp lo ang che u maw?

Mizohican said...

@ Michigan Party Rentals: Cool :) Being a Sports freak totally rocks! :)

@ Alejandro: HAHAHAHA - No need to comment further :D

@ Blind Dayze: Argentiwhooo? :D :D :D

@ diary: Ah this is one time nature will prove female instinct wrong :D

@ David Ralte: lolz, hotupa i tih zahthlak e, Brazil a lawm Netherlands khan kan hneh, Argentina ni lovin :D Hei post thar chu ka rawn ziak nghal e, Uruguay nen an inkhelh hma hian :D

@ Lianchhiari: Sawp nangssss. Kan lo sawp zawk ang :D

David Ralte said...

haha... England tlak atang khan rilru pe takin en tawh lovi :D Brazil zawk maw in hneh khah :D :D

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