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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chp 446. Dear Mumbai Police, can I buy you a cup of tea?

Day before yesterday, I attended my first Mizo Church Service in Mumbai this year because it was Palm Sunday.

Every Sunday, 3:30pm, the BMCF (Bombay Mizo Christian Fellowship) conducts a Church service in our local language at All Saint’s Church, Malabar hills, next to Hanging Garden.

I am not much of a Church goer as I usually work on Sundays too, but last Sunday being a special day for us Christians, I took a haircut in the morning, shaved, wore my formals and took a cab to town.

I had a memorable time – sang gospel songs, heard a couple of good testimonials and met up with old friends after the Church service. Everything went as expected. Until the unexpected happened. Something that totally shocked me and put me in a sour mood the rest of the day.

So whenever our Church service gets over, we usually walk towards the taxi stand in front of Hanging Garden, where we chat for a short while over a glass of nimbu paani, and then say goodbye to each other. As most of us are busy with our own work (or academics) and Mumbai is such a large city, that is the only time we get to catch up with our Mizo friends in Mumbai.

Day before yesterday, at the nimbu paani stall, a Police van suddenly stopped in front of some of the younger Mizos standing on the pavement (there were many other people on the pavement eating sev puri and alu chaat from the roadside vendors), and the uniformed police van driver angrily shouted at us. I was talking with a friend when that happened, and all I could hear were the words “Nepali” and “Kathmandu”. Then the driver chuckled and drove off.

As the police van drove away, I asked those Mizos who were standing close to the police van about what the cop said. A young Mizo girl, probably in her first year in college, shivered and said, “I think he said hey Nepalis, go back to Kathmandu!” while another guy standing beside her said, “No I think the cop asked if we are going to Kathmandu?”


I took down the license plate number of the police van immediately – MH 01 BA 1089.

First of all, being called a “Nepali” is something  people from the North East are so tired of hearing. I have nothing against Nepalis, but when we are not recognized by our own fellow countrymen in spite of the number of times we protest, something is definitely not right here. Secondly, most of the times when people call us “Nepalis”, it is done so not out of ignorance but out of sheer distaste for people from the North East (read: those of us from the NE with Mongoloid features, because not all Northeasterners have this feature, and likewise, not all Nepalis have this feature either). That word is unfortunately uttered in a very mocking and insulting tone…

But the most important point here is that, that man was a cop. A person who was supposed to protect us minorities when we face such abuses and racial slurs, somebody we could run to in times of trouble. And yet, he was the main perpetrator.

I’ve heard so many stories about how people from the North East didn’t want to approach the police because the cops would usually turn them away, and sometimes they would even get mocked at inside the Police Stations by the cops themselves when they try to file a complaint about other people who had robbed them or harassed them.  You remember when there was a mass exodus of North Eastern people from Bangalore recently, in spite of the cops saying they’ll protect them, right? That’s how much most people from the North East trust cops.

I’ve never believed cops could be that bad because the few times that I was actually inside a Police Station was when I had to file an FIR for losing my phone, which was mandatory back then if I wanted a duplicate sim card from my service provider. The cop who took my statement didn’t abuse me. He didn’t even acknowledge me. He just signed my paper with his seal and sheepishly said, “Next”.

But the Hanging Garden incident definitely left a dent on my faith in the police. And that puts me in a quandary because I don’t know what to do now – Shall I file a complaint at a Police Station or shall I just ignore it knowing nothing will ever happen? And then wait for the cop to have an outburst on some other poor Northeasterner maybe tomorrow or day after tomorrow?

Thinking about it for some time, I now know exactly what I must do. Let’s do away with all the anger and hurt and pain. Let’s reconcile. Let’s do it the Norwegian way.

So here is me, Kima, cordially inviting the police officer who was driving MH 01 BA 1089 on 24th March 2013 around 6 in the evening near Hanging Garden for a cup of tea or coffee. The drinks are on me.  Location, preferably around Bandra, you name the date and time. If communication is going to be a problem, I can always bring one of my Maharastrian friends along as a translator.

We’ll discuss about this issue, about why you might hate Nepalis or people from the North East in general, or maybe about how all this was just a big misunderstanding and we misheard what you actually shouted (but yes, we definitely heard “Nepali” and “Kathmandu”, so no matter what the context was, it wasn’t right). I’d love to tell you about the beautiful North East and its beautiful people, and how there are so many of us INDIANS with Mongoloid features and that we are not Nepalis.

Of course we may all have different problems back home but here in Mumbai, most of us are law abiding citizens who pay our taxes regularly and try not to be a nuisance to the public. Yes we are all aware of how different we look, the contrast in our cultures and traditions, the things that we like and don’t. You think it is easy for most of us to live here, work here, study here, everyday among a group of people so different from us? And yet, most of us have no other choice but to struggle and stay in this city for want of better education or better job opportunities or even because we have to support our families back home.

So dear police officer driving MH 01 BA 1089, you weren’t making things any easier for us with that outburst. Let’s sit down and have delicious tea or coffee together and talk about all the misconceptions you may have about us. Let’s clear all the stereotypes and hypes about us. Because if we don’t, you will never know the truth about us and continue with your blind hate and bigotry against us, and a poor fellow from the North East will be your next victim again. That person may even be more traumatized than some of those young Mizo girls you scared on Sunday. Let’s sit to prevent that, shall we? Peace.

I know this invitation may not even reach the eyes of your fifty-third cousin because I am just a small speck in a universe of bigger things, but at least this speck is willing to give it a try. And knowing I tried will at least make me sleep better tonight as I wasn’t able to the past two nights.

*UPDATE* Cross posted at First Post. Thank you so much Anant Rangaswami.


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Anonymous said...

Nice.. Something I've always felt needed some focus. Hearing racial slurs from civilians can be ignored, but unnecessarily from cops while we are minding our own business is just sad. I recently saw that Metropolitan Police forces have their own FB pages, check if Mumbai has one. :P

Zakk said...

And here i thought Bombay was more culture friendly than Delhi, but its the same everywhere. I often wondered why we don't have NE Extremist wings to counter these racist bastards. We just sit back and take it one after the other.

mangbuhril said...

the chances of that cop or cop friend reading this post is slim, we condemn this type of attitude in the most severe way possible. These type of losers are plenty... so the saying goes "they live among us"

VaiVa said...

It was sad that I didn't even heard or notice the van. Benjamin asked me "What did he say" pointing towards the police van. My reaction was "who.. what..." and came to know only after some of us recollect some phrases that policeman uttered. Shame on him!

Mizohican said...

Thank you all. And this article has gone on a new level because it got posted at First Post.

@ blackestred: Now that its on FP, I think the said authorities will get the message. My twitter and FB notification has been pinging non-stop since!

@ zakk_kima: Mumbai still isn't that bad compared to Delhi, me thinks, based from my past experience.

@ mang: Now that its on First Post, lets see, who knows... :)

@ Vaiva: Hria la chu i cho ngam leh awm lo em mai, kan rawn chhan che a ngai leh ang. :D :P

Philo said...

The gravitas with which you offer a cup of tea is brilliant. Going by the afterlife of your post-Jt CP's response, et al.-we have much to learn with and from you.

mnowluck said...

R E S P E C T !!!

clap clap clap bro.. This is what i've longed to hear and watch! You did it bro..

It's everywhere but it's kind of funny that this incident was in Malabar Hills.. where the police posted there are kind of a lil bit civilized as far as I know

H.Vangchhia said...

Good post with good points :) way to go dude :)

Dush said...

Dear Kima,
Read about your unfortunate incident and like you I am also disgusted by the way we North Easterners are treated.

I myself have been called a foreigner and have had to go through all these torments.

Probably you may already be knowing , I just wanted to add that like Mizos we Nepalis are also a race and not a Nationality and this Identity Crisis has been a long time issue. Similar to the Bengalis living in Bangladesh and India we Nepalis are a race that live in India as well as Nepal.
A humble request you convey the same to this DCP.

Anonymous said...

Good job bro....i am fed up with this issue of discrimination being faced since the time i stepped outside of my home. Met many racist people who call foreigner to their own countrymen. Kudos to u for what u did, and carry on the great job.

Unknown said...

Dear Kima, you are saying that the Northeast people are so tired of being called a ‘Nepali’ and, well, you also want to discuss, by cordially inviting the police officer who was driving MH 01 BA 1089 for a cup of tea or coffee, about the beautiful Northeast and its beautiful people, and how there are so many of us INDIANS with Mongoloid features and we are not Nepalis. Firstly, I really doubt that you are from North-east. If I am not mistaken, you were brought up in Tamil Nadu and have been blogging since 2004 by the name ‘Mizohican’ in the online world and most of your posts are about the Northeast and your experiences across India. Your very bio data itself disqualifies you from commenting anything about North-east. Secondly, how do you conclude that ‘North-east people are tired of being called Nepalis’? Have you done any research or Are you referring someone’s research or is it just from your pocket? And thirdly, who comprises the North-east people for you? Before writing such hogwash, please trouble yourself a little by doing an elementary study on the demographics of North-east and see how many Nepalis live in North-east. If you don’t know such mere things about the place you belong then please dont you expect it from a Mumbai Policemen.

Abhishek said...

In Mumbai your were told "Nepali Go Back"
In Aizawl my friend was told "Vai Go Back"
Incredible India!!

Anonymous said...

It's a great idea, Mizohican. Should be taken up, made into a public campaign. I think we need it more than Norway does. said...

Wel Done, Mizohican. I am waiting for next blog with the detail of tea party and photo of the Police officer.

Gil C said...

@ Privat Giri: "Racial discrimination against the people from the north-east in mainland India is an established fact."

Does that sound familiar? I'm quoting your article from

Kima isn't a "research scholar", just a straight shooter who calls it as he sees it.

You seem to be offended by someone else taking offense at being called a Nepali. Are you a Nepali? Tell me what the difference is between a Gorkha and a Nepali.

The North East comprises of the seven sisters. Sure, maybe we might be able to accommodate an eight as well. But if you're from Sikkim, and Sikkim isn't one of the seven sisters, when did you become an authority on the north-east as well? (just using your own logic here ^_^)

Since we're so uneducated, please enlighten us with an elementary study of the demographics of the North-East as well as an updated count of Indian Gorkhas in each north-eastern state, as well as maybe, I don't know, maybe an 'elementary study' of their migration patterns on how they landed up where they are?

Sikkim, is a mere shell of itself. It's native population overrun by 'immigrants'. Which is why Nepali is the lingua franca there. As far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong. The same applies for a few north-eastern states such as Tripura and Assam. These are through and thorough overruns, as in urban centers till the most remote villages.

This isn't the case in the rest of India.

Seeing that you're still quite young, maybe you ought to give up 'researching' for a while and maybe just go back to studying some history instead.

If you're asking yourself why Indian never instituted Sikkim into the North Eastern Council, despite it joining the Indian Union shortly after the NEC was constituted, you'll find the answer in why India also never bothered developing Sikkim's infrastructure.

In the end, not everything that is truth will be found between the two covers of a text book.

Gil C said...

Correction : 'If you're asking yourself why Indian never instituted Sikkim into the North Eastern Council until recently (2002?)...'

Dush said...

@Gil C

Since you wanted to know about the ethnicity of Gorkhas, pls follow this link.

and as earlier explained that we do not summarize to a particular nationality , we are just a race of people who happen to speak Nepali, a language which by the constitution of India has been incorporated as one of the Official Language.

We just like mainstream Indian folks are core to the heart Indian and have been representating India in Domestic circuit as well as International events. Take for instance the recent Olympic games, we had 4 representatives from the Indian contingent.

As you hail from the NE , you must be familiar with Shiva Thapa, he is also ethnically a Gorkha.

You may get whole new world of Gorkhas here ,

Dush said...

Friends this is something that i had found on the Internet a long long time ago.
Thought it was worth a share.

Shri Ari Bahadur Gurung was a member of the Constituent Assembly, had represented the Gorkha community residing in West Bengal.

The Article is the debate during the draft constitution held on the 23rd of November 1949, between Mr. Gurung and Dr. Rajendra Prasad, our first President.

The article is quite long so i urge you to read the first 5 paragraphs only, if you don't have time.

One of the point he made was "According to census figures,
out of one crore, about 67.5 lakhs are in Nepal and the rest have settled
down in India and the Gurkhas remaining here are most of them descendants
of those soldiers who fought in many battles in India. We claim the same
right of citizenship under article 5, provided we fulfill all the obligations
laid down therein."

Unknown said...

@ Gil C
Yes, I am a Nepali and I really feel bruised when someone particularly from the North-east gets piqued when identified as Nepali. I am sure all these discourses would still have been surfacing if those guys in the Hanging Garden supposing had heard those policemen saying; “Nagaland” and “Kohima” or “Manipur” and “ Imphal”, but not with this chroma and vividness. But, they hearing “Nepali” and “Kathmandu” have prompted the situation to be what it is now. Therefore, let me for a moment alter the story a little. Let us assume that those at the Hanging Garden were not Mizos but Nepalis. And let us also assume that those policemen says; “Naga and “Naypyidaw (Burma’s Capital)” and not “Nepali” and “Kathmandu”. And for that suppose if I comment that North-east people are tired of being called a ‘Naga’ and, therefore, I want to discuss, by cordially inviting the police officer for a cup of tea or coffee, about the beautiful Northeast and its beautiful people, and how there are so many of us INDIANS with Mongoloid features and we are not “Nagas”, then, do you think I will be doing justice to Naga people? The problem lies here. Just like Nagas are both in India and Burma, Nepalis are also both in India and Nepal. The only difference is that the mainland populace without giving a thought at once associates Nepali with Nepal. This does not happen so much in the case of Nagas. This answers your question on the difference between Gorkha and Nepali. Infact, both are the same but the word Gorkha is only an expression used by the Nepalis in India to identify themselves as Indians and delineate the Nepal’s Nepalis from the Indian Nepalis. Secondly, I am not from Sikkim. I am from Darjeeling. And if you ask my authority on the north-east; please refer Regarding the history of Sikkim, I don’t want to wreck my mind by arguing with people who have not even a little sense of it. Still, I want to mention that the boundries between Sikkim, Darjeeling and Nepal was only drawn in the 19th century by the British. Since, you have already taken so much of trouble in researching me; kindly do me a favour once. Please read: With this, you will at least get little sense of Darjeeling, Sikkim and the North-east identity as a whole.

Gil C said...

@ Privat Giri:


'Infact, both are the same but the word Gorkha is only an expression used by the Nepalis in India to identify themselves as Indians and delineate the Nepal's Nepalis from the Indian Nepalis.'

'I am not from Sikkim. I am from Darjeeling.'

'Yes, I am a Nepali...'

I think you have an identity crisis that you need to sort out for yourself.

For the sake of hypothetical situations why don't we also assume that the sun rises in the west or the moon doesn't affect the tides.

If the people hanging out at the Hanging Garden were Nepalis and a Delhi cop yelled at them to go back to Nepal, I'm sure they'd be insulted.

If they were Nepalis AND they were called Nagas and yelled at to go back to Nagaland, yes, they would still be insulted too, on behalf of the Nagas.

You're over-educated brain is missing a simple point. It's not about whether the guys hanging out there were Nepali or not.

I think you need to REALLY do your research about where the Nagas are from, where the Zo (Mizo) are from, and how is it that while some of them are in India, some of them are in Burma.

It isn't the same case with Gorkhas.

So, your authority on the north-east is limited to a Wikipedia article? :D

One sec.

Sorry, I wet my pants laughing.

Yeah, even I wouldn't want to wreck your mind. You still haven't complied to any of my requests for data to back up your claims. So-called 'Research Scholar'...

If you don't know what my claims were, read my previous comment that you've reacted to. And it would be nice if M.Phil. Ph.D. Research Scholars would learn the value of whitespace and paragraphs for the sake of readability on the internet. Or is whitespace below your dignity?

Gil C said...

@ Dush : I think I have the same version of Google as you... O wait, I think someone forgot to install Google for me... :(

I don't recall having said that Gorkhas weren't Indians. Did I? We're proud of our Gorkhas. :)

I didn't get your point.

You pointed to an article for Nepali Indians on Wikipedia. Yet you go on to make no mention of yourself as a Nepali and do indeed, refer to yourself as a Gorkha and also point to sources that refer to Gorkhas.

'And as earlier explained that we do not summarize to a particular nationality , we are just a race of people who happen to speak Nepali, a language which by the constitution of India has been incorporated as one of the Official Language.'

So you're Gorkha and Nepali is the language you speak, right?

Maybe you could enlighten our Research Scholar. He seems a little misguided.

Unknown said...

@ Gil C
You only think I have identity crisis but I tell you yes I have identity crisis. That is why I am here wasting my time arguing with obtuse fellow like you. Yes I agree my over-educated brain is missing a simple point. It's not about whether the guys hanging out there were Nepali or not. But, similarly your uneducated brain is also missing the same simple point. What does mainlander see before they pass racial comments? I tell you they just see our face. Nepali, Mizos, Manipuri, Naga, Lepcha, Bhutia, Burmese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, all are same to them. This is the problem the entire South-east Asians are facing in mainland India. We should understand the larger issue and fight together instead of blaming one another. In the face of recent north-east exodus, don’t you think people of Sikkim, Darjeeling and Nepal were harassed? I agree I need to REALLY do my research about where the Nagas are from, where the Zo (Mizo) are from, and how is it that while some of them are in India, some of them are in Burma. Similarly, you also need to REALLY do you research about who are Nepalis, where they are from, and how that is while some of them are in India and some of them are in Nepal. On your requests for data on the migration patterns of Nepalis. We have come from Ethiopia in Africa. And now, you trace yours.

krishna the lord of love. said...

Its jock for them but it point on our dignity..i m not frm north est but still i hate this kind of shame full things frm the ppl of our nation...thinking must be change.

Nimesh Ved said...

Please accept my compliments for the manner in which you have responded . . Visited your blog last week after a while . . A Hyderabad currently . . . .

Nynol said...

Wow. North east losers get called chinkis and nepalis in delhi and mumbai. Bhaiyas and bengalis get killed in north-east. I wonder whhich deserves a significant attention. Just wow.

You biblenuts are really something.

Gil C said...

@ Privat Giri : I rest my case. No data. Yet you make broad sweeping assumptions similar to what you accuse Kima of doing.

Baseless statements. Hogwash, if I may call it that.

I might be uneducated but for a 'Research Scholar' with an M.Phil & a Ph.D you sure paraphrase a lot. I could almost swear you couldn't come up with your own sentences.

You sure beat around the bush. Read your first comment. Now read your last comment. You went against everything you said initially.

I believe the politically correct label for your demographic is Indian-Gorkha. Not Indian-Nepali. If you still contend that you're a Nepali and not an Indian Gorkha, we're back to square one - your identity crisis.

You made contentions that

a. Kima was not from the north-east.
b. He has no basis for proclaiming that north-eastern people are tired of being called Nepalis.
c. He has no idea of the demographics of the north-east, particularly the percentage(?) of 'Nepalis' (your words) in the north-east.

a. People do study out of state, you know? I believe you did too? Does that mean you're not from Darjeeling?

b. Why don't you ask someone who's from the north-east? You live in Darjeeling. Is that under mDONER's umbrella? ( Are you going to point me to a Wikipedia page again?

c. Apparently neither do you. Opening statement - No data.

About your last comment, who's blaming one another? Are you implying that someone is blaming Nepalis? Well, like you totally misunderstood, right from the start, this wasn't about what they were called (Nepali, Mizo, Manipuri, etc.) but that they were told quite rudely to ship back to where they came from, as if they weren't a part of India. And you missed that entirely and launched a bloody long tirade on why 'Nepali' should not be considered a dirty word? This IS for ALL of us. Nepalis, Bhutias & Lepchas included.


NitaPratap said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NitaPratap said...

Kudos Kima for having handled this situation so calmly and in such a lighthearted manner. I also appreciate the Mumbai police for taking cognizance of the matter so quickly and actually inviting you to the station. One cannot ignore the sorry fact that most people including the policemen have minimal knowledge of the NE leading them to stereotype. A situation which could have easily escalated to dharnas and morchas ended up peacefully with a promise from the police to sensitize their forces better, a huge round of applause for you.

Unknown said...

@ gil- nw it seems ur arguing rubbish bcoz nw u knw where u got wrong. i knw its nt about da policemen callin nepali mizo or naga.. u dont need 2 repeat again and again. m nt a dumb lik da matter of fact is i being a nepali sud neva b tired when sumone calls me mizo..we sud understand da problem all of us are engulfed in and accept dat we all r same facing similar slurs. plz dont argue for da sake of arguing..u r nt clear about wat Actually u want 2 say..u luv momo, i luv momo, naga luvs momo, may be we al cook a little differently. kima by wanting to tel da police who da real northeasteners are nd hw they are nt nepalis is a problem..y its a problem u r immature 2 understand it..nd did u trace ur migration..hope u hav nt cum frm africa and hope we r nt cousins.

Gil C said...

@ Privat Giri: I hope that your flights of fantasy keep you warm and fuzzy at night.

You're still stuck in your identity crisis, dude. Wake up and smell the shit in your thinking.

Anonymous said...

There is discrimination everywhere mostly on minorities by the majority, but they way this situation was handled is examplatory. Kudos!

arupendu said...

Hats off to you :)

Unknown said...

Dear Kima Plz also call this guy for coffee and tell them that nagas and Gorkhas does not eat dog and monkey

BGP condemns derogatory remarks against Gorkhas by HP BJP MLA

BGP condemns deregatory remarks against Gorkhas by Himachal Pradesh BJP MLA

MLA said in Legislative Assembly during debate that posting Gorkhas in state would help check monkey and dog menace since Gorkhas eat monkeys and dogs.

06 April, New Delhi : The Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh has demanded an immediate apology from Himachal Pradesh MLA, Shri Ravinder Ravi, of the BJP for his shocking remarks about the Gorkhas and Nagas during a debate in the Legislative Assembly on April 5, 2013, on how to control the menace of monkeys in the state.

According to media reports, Shri Ravi said during the debate: “If Gorkha or Naga regiments are posted in Himachal from time to time, it will definitely have an impact on the population of monkeys.” He claimed monkey was a delicacy for Gorkhas and Nagas. Shri Ravi also said, “Black dogs are a favourite food of Gorkhas and this will help maintain ecological balance.”
Pained and shocked at this racist jibe against the Gorkhas, the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh has demanded action from both the Hon’ble Speaker of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly Shri Brij Behair Lal Butail, BJP President Rajnath Singh and Himachal Pradesh BJP President Shri Satpal Singh Satti against the erring MLA.
Saying Shri Ravi had misused the floor of a Constitutional House, the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh has requested the Speaker to expunge these remarks from the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and to take appropriate action against Shri Ravi.
The Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh told Shri Rajnath Singh that it was especially shocking to have a BJP MLA uttering such demeaning, and utterly erroneous, references to the community because only in the month of March, the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh had met Shri Rajnath Singh in New Delhi, Shri Narendra Modi in Ahmedabad and Shri Manohar Parikkar in Panaji to apprise them of the status of Gorkhas in India and had been assured of the BJP’s attention both to their issues and their demand for Gorkhaland.
The Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh has asked both the Hon’ble Speaker and Shri Rajnath Singh to take action against Shri Ravi and have him immediately tender an apology to not only the Gorkhas, but also the Naga community.

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Lifeisbetter said...

It was an emotional moment reading your blog. We will need a few more decades for India to consider us Indians... But your blog will surely help the cause. Well done & well written. Keep it up.

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Alisha Sharma said...

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Priya Rana said...
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Priya Rana said...
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Priya Rana said...
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Priya Rana said...
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Priya Rana said...
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Priya Rana said...
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Priya Rana said...
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This comment has been removed by the author.
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