Photobucket had recently changed their policy and now all the images from my 650+ blog posts are disabled. I am slowly editing them by moving my images to my own server at AWS, but it will take time. In case there is a particular old post you want to see the images of, kindly drop me a mail at and I'll keep that at a high priority. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chp 768. Dinner by Chris

Ever heard of Beer butt Chicken roast? Me neither, until Chris Caldwell invited us over to his hotel room one night and he made it for us. It was DELICIOUS!!!

From then onwards, it had been a regular routine to pop over at his hotel room in JW Marriott's over the weekend for some awesome Beer butt Chicken roast. That happened till last year, when Chris and his wife Becky Lawmpuii had to leave India and settle back in St. Louis, Missouri.

And so it was indeed a momentous occasion when Becky and Chris came back to India last month for a brief visit. The entire gang gathered at their favourite Marriott Suites as Chris prepared his traditional Beer butt chicken roast one more time.

Chicken in the Oven.

So here's the thing about my Food blog update series. I get invited to dinner where I take pictures of the food that my friends made. Later I post those pictures on my blog and ask my friends the recipes of the dishes and how they made them, which I reproduce here on my blog. As you can see from my past few updates -

   (Alu Chop, Chicken fry, Bekang and Baibing)
   (Chicken Alu fry, Zikhlum Bai, Anthur rep tlak)
   (Pork with Bamboo shoot & Alu, Methi Bai, Alu fry)
   (Boiled Pork with Pok Choi, Methi Bai)
   (Chicken Biryani)
   (Chicken fry, Beef & Alu fry, Methi Bai, Iromba)

Now the thing is, I need to spend a good amount of time speaking to them or messaging them afterwards as they explained how they made the dish. What Chris did instead was phenomenal!

Instead of messaging me about how he made his signature Beer butt chicken roast, he instead MADE A VIDEO especially for me, demonstrating how he made the dish! He even created a new YouTube account just for this, so kindly subscribe to his channel :)

Here is the video Chris made for me, describing how he made the dish, please do have a look at it. It is soooooo yummy!!!!

By the way, Beer butt Chicken is considered to be the juiciest Oven Roasted Chicken by food experts across the globe! Every detail you need to know on how to make this dish is in the video above, like how the chicken is first marinated, to all sort of stuff that is shoved up its butt :D right down to how beer is utilized to make this scrumptious dish.

And so, this was the output of the chicken preparation that night! Yummm.

Meanwhile, Becky and I along with Teresa, Evon and Sangi Beri were busy preparing the side dishes :)

Salad made from cabbages, tomatoes and onions.

Mash potatoes!

And so, this was my dinner plate that night.

Just kiddingggg, you think that is all I would eat of Chris's awesome Beer butt Chicken roast??? My actual plate is further down below. :D

Melody and Valtea too turned up and we took a group selfie.

By the way, Melody above, the one taking the selfie, is a brilliant cook (and a hot nurse), and my next foodie blog update will be about the fantastic lunch she cooked for me last month. Keep watching this space to catch that delicious post.

The lovely and cute couple Becky and Chris.

Becky was sad to be leaving us again so soon even though she was happy to be living in St. Louis, because apparently, there are no Valtea, Sangi, Evon, Kima, Melody, Teresa etc in St. Louis :P

Melo, Sangi Beri and Valtea.

Becky with Evon and Melo.

Ok finally, here's my actual plate that night :D :D :D

Melo enjoying the butt chicken :P

That was a delicious dinner indeed, and once again, thank you Chris, for taking the time to make that video just for my blog update! We miss you guys and looking forward to your next visit again.

Until my next blog update then, cheers everyone!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Chp 767. Dinner at Tuli and MPi's

So the other day, Tuli and her aunt MPi invited RDi and me to their house for dinner. While the ladies were cooking in the kitchen, I was sitting in their living room with my drink, entertaining myself with their cute Persian cat :)

Tried to make him drink but he refused :P

So here is the delicious dinner that MPi along with Tuli and RDi made that night. Feel free to copy the recipes and leave your comments.

Chicken Fry.

This is MPi's very own Chicken Fry recipe, passed down from generations :D

First, take around 1.5 KG of raw chicken, medium cut, and wash them thoroughly.

Marinate it with turmeric powder and salt. Leave it for around an hour.

Heat quite a large amount of oil in a frying pan and once heated, fry the chicken. Stir occasionally until the chicken turns deep red. Take the chicken out.

Slice onions and dry in it in the pan using the same oil. Once it is crispy red, add chopped garlic and ginger, and wait for it to turn red too. Finally add sliced tomatoes, green chillies and capsicum. Let them cook for some time until it turns watery.

Add the fried chicken back into the pan, and cook it for some more time. Once it is ready, add a little bit of soybean sauce along with ajinomoto and after around another 5 minutes of cooking, the dish is ready.

Alu chop.

This one was prepared by Tuli and RDi together.

Boil potatoes and wait for them to cook. Once boiled, take them out and wait for them to cool before peeling.

Mash the peeled potatoes real good.

Add salt and pepper along with sliced onions and chopped dhania (coriander) to the mashed potatoes.

Mix them up properly, and then finally using your hands, form them into cutlet shapes.

Take 3-4 eggs and beat them. Add a little bit of salt to this as well.

Heat some oil in a frying pan.

Dip the potatoes in the egg, covering all sides, and then place it in the frying pan.

Let it fry nicely until they turn crispy red. Thada, your alu chop is ready.

Looks yummy indeed.


Take Bekang rep (dried fermented soybeans) and immerse them in hot water for around 5 minutes.

Chop tomatoes into tiny pieces, along with onions and green chillies. Fry them in a pan with a little bit of oil.

Once they look cooked enough, add the wet fermented soybeans and fry for a short while. (Make sure you have the Kitchen exhaust or ventilation fan on during this procedure :D )

Add salt to the mixture, and the lovely side dish / chutney is ready for consumption :)

Baibing  and others.

Similary for Baibing (Alocasia fornicate), take the dried Baibing and cook it in water for some time.

Once cooked, take it out and put it in a grinder and grind it with roasted Mizo chillies. Add salt to taste. Thaadaa.

Overall, it was a great dinner and all of us ate so much. Nghaka and Marka too reached just in time to eat :)

Hope this post was useful to you.

Until my next food recipe blog update, see you all. Cheers!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Chp 766. Steam Summer Sale 2019

Steam Summer Sale 2019 just got over.

I tried so hard not to buy any more games this time, nah ah, not even one single game. I have already bought 1000+ games on Steam, and being a single bachelor, also known as tlangval senior in our Mizo community, I kept telling myself -

"Kima, Kima, no, no more new games, you already have more than enough, you need to go out there like normal people and see other normal people, you need to stop playing games at your bachelor pad all day long, you need to find a girlfriend, a wife, your biological clock is ticking!"

And the moment I heard that phrase, "your biological clock is ticking", I suddenly realized, "Holy Shit, the Steam Summer Sale clock is ticking!" And so last night, at the very wee end of the Sale period with just 2 hours to the deadline, I ended up purchasing these games!

83 new games + DLCs. Aaaaarghhh.

Well, at least the comforting feeling is that I spent ₹ 6000 bucks on what was actually costing around  ₹ 18,000 in total, so there's that.

And of course because of my purchases, I am now a proud Level 100 rank on Steam! :D

So yeah, my collection grew again. I'm not sure when I'll have the time to play all these new games, especially since there are still so many unplayed games in my library. But for now, my profile does look pretty impressive, don't you think?

I'm not going to go into the details of all the new games I purchased, but here are a few handpicked ones I am really looking forward to sink a couple of good relaxing hours in during this coming weekend. Most of them have an "Overwhelmingly Positive" review on Steam. Oh yummmm.

Apart from the above big games, I also bought a couple of small minimalistic puzzle games like SINKR2, Paint It Back, Hexslide, Sudoku Jigsaw, TOK Hardcore, Sidewords etc., as I love this genre too, especially when I want to relax my brains after a hard brain-storming session at work.

And yes I bought the Borderlands Handsome Bundle Pack (₹ 3999) for just ₹ 295, and that consisted of Borderlands 2: The Prequel, Borderlands 2, and all DLCs. An awesome deal, but I don't think I'll be every playing this game lolz, its one of those must have games in your library.

I also bought two mobile ports – Kingdom Rush Origins and Iron Marines by Ironhide Game Studio. I have them on mobile but since I already have all the other Kingdom Rush series in my Steam library, I just bought them as well to complete the collection.

Overcooked is another game I bought which I won't be playing any time soon because it is a Co-Op cooking game. You need to play with your friends or significant other on the same screen chopping vegetables and preparing dishes in time. An extremely fun game, only if it is played with others. No point playing alone. Until I find the future Mrs. Kima, I will let this game rot in my steam library. So, if you wanna play Overcooked with me and have the time of your life, do send me a marriage proposal. :)

Until my next post, everyone, cheers!

Monday, July 01, 2019

Chp 765. Dinner by Mary

Hello, fellow food lovers! Here is my next blog update of my "Dinner by..." series. I've also clubbed all such posts together at the end of each post, so that you can easily navigate to the next post you want to know the recipe of.

In today's chapter, I'm covering my dear friends here in KP - Mary, Rosy and Rini whom I have known for a very long time.

They invited me over to their place for dinner last month, which is like around 5 minutes walking distance from my apartment, and we had a great time chatting while they cooked. Well, Mary did most of the cooking, but Rosy and Rini also helped in preparing the dinner like washing the veggies, chopping them etc.

Rini is the most talented chilli stalk remover I have ever seen, while Rosy is probably the world's top expert in vegetable washing. :D

Mary brought out some fermented fish Ngari to complete the dinner she was preparing. Yusss.

And so here are the ingredients and recipes of that dinner. Do have a look.

Chicken Alu Fry.

Take the raw Chicken meat (that had been chopped to medium pieces) and wash them.

Add salt, chilli powder and turmeric powder to the meat and marinate it for some time.

Fry oil in a pan and once hot, drop the Chicken pieces in it.

Keep stirring it occasionally and once they are quite deep fried, add chopped potatoes and fry for some more time.

Chicken Alu dish is ready :)

Mizo Zikhlum Bai.

This is a special Mizo bai that consists of four main vegetable ingredients - Zikhlum (Cabbage), Bawkbawn (Brinjal), Berul (Snake gourd) and Hmarchapui (Chilli pepper).

Chop them all into medium pieces (the amount depends on their original sizes).

Boil them in water together.

Once the water starts to boil, add salt, soda and ajinomoto.

After some time, add Ngari (Fermented Fish) directly from the package above. Keep stirring for some time until the dish is ready. Yummm.

Fried Sausages.

This one needs no explanation. Just fry the sausages after defrosting them and thaadaaa, they're ready.

Anthur Rep tlak.

Anthur is a popular Mizo delicacy, and depending on the species, in English the plant is called Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) or Cranberry hibiscus / African rosemallow (Hibiscus acetosella).

Take a packet of sun-dried anthur (brought from Mizoram because you will not get it elsewhere) and boil it.

Add salt and ajinomoto to the pan, along with crushed garlic.

Add nghapih (fermented shrimp paste) to enhance the taste.

Done. As for the ground chillies below, just grind them and add salt, simple :)

Soon the dinner was ready and it was time to lay out the food.

Yumm yummm!

My plate :)

And so that was the lovely dinner Mary, Rosy and Rini cooked for me. When I called her up last night to ask for the recipes of the dishes she made, she was like, "Are you putting those up on your blog? Noooo! If I knew you were going to blog about it, I could have made better dishes!"

And a few minutes later, she sent me the video below, showcasing what she had just cooked, telling me that the next time she invites me, it will be something grand since its gonna go on my blog.

So yeah, people, do learn from Mary's mistake. Next time you invite me for dinner, please make sure you cook the best dishes possible since I'm going to blog about it :D :D :D *what an idea, sirji*

Until my next food blog update, see you all peeps. Cheers.

In case you have missed out on my recent dinner blog series, here are the links to all the other posts with the recipes of the dishes.

Chp 764. Dinner by Teresa
   (Pork with Bamboo shoot & Alu, Methi Bai, Alu fry)
Chp 763. Dinner by Marka
   (Boiled Pork with Pok Choi, Methi Bai)
Chp 762. Dinner by Christina
   (Chicken Biryani)
Chp 761. Dinner by Zodini
   (Chicken fry, Beef & Alu fry, Methi Bai, Iromba)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Chp 764. Dinner by Teresa

For my next edition of foodie blog update series, here are three very simple Mizo recipes you can try at home too. This time, the chef is my dear friend Teresa.

As I have mentioned in my previous blog post Pune Mizo Mothers Dinner, Teresa likes to cook under immense pressure, so she is a wonderful pressure cooker :P

Here is the delicious dinner she invited me to a couple of days ago, along with their recipes mentioned below…

Mouth-watering drool right? Ok without further ado, here are the cuisines along with their recipes.

Pork with Rawtuai rep (Sun-dried Bamboo shoot) and Potatoes.

First, buy some fresh farm Pork and wash them nicely.

Put the pork in a pressure cooker with some water and then cook it until the cooker whistles around 6-7 times.

Switch the stove off and wait for the pressure cooker to depressurize.

Meanwhile, chop potatoes into medium pieces. Once the pressure cooker can be opened, throw in the chopped potatoes and along with sun-dried Bamboo shoot, and cook it again.

Wait for the pressure cooker to whistle one more time and your awesome Mizo Pork dish is ready!

Yumm indeed.

Methi (Fenugreek) Bai.

Boil water in a pan and just before it boils, throw in green chillies and a few drops of oil.

Once the water boils, add chopped potatoes in the mixture. The potatoes pieces should be small, and the smaller they are, the faster they boil.

After some time, add methi and sun-dried bamboo shoot into the pan.

Once the potatoes are ready, add garlic and boil for 2-3 more minutes and your awesome Mizo bai is ready!

Potato fry.

Chop potatoes into large pieces (cut a medium sized potato into two pieces).

Heat some oil in a frying pan, and once heated, add garlic and onions, followed by turmeric powder and chilli powder. Once they are fried deep enough, add chopped tomatoes along with chillies.

Fry for some more time until it is gravy-ish. Finally add the chopped potatoes.

Heat the pan in simmer only (very important, or else it will be burnt). Occasionally stir until the potatoes are cooked.

Mizo chillies and Zawngá¹­ah.

Grind fresh Mizo Chillies (bird's eye chilli) into pulp.

Take the seeds of Zawngá¹­ah (Parkia speciosa / Petai / Stink beans) and peel off the cover.

Slice the seeds into smaller pieces and add ground chillies along with salt. Mix it up.

Plain Cucumber.

Take a cucumber and peel it.

Slice it across horizontally.

Be careful not to cut your fingers.

If you cut your fingers, then they will bleed.

If your fingers bleed, then there will be blood.

The cucumber will then become a bloody cucumber.

Remember, we are making plain cucumber, not bloody cucumber.


And so that was it. Three easy-to-make recipes courtesy Teresa.

Super yummm. Do let me know if you are going to copy her method of cooking or not.

Until my next post, cheers everyone!